User Cabs Vanished


Fractal Fanatic
Powered up my FM9, and all of my presets sounded WAY off. All of my user IRs are gone. The whole User bank is empty? WTF???? What did I do??? Suggestions? Firmware 7.0.
Powered up my FM9, and all of my presets sounded WAY off. All of my user IRs are gone. The whole User bank is empty? WTF???? What did I do??? Suggestions? Firmware 7.0.
On the unit itself or FM9 edit? If it's on the unit, reload your user cab back up. On FM9 Edit, try RANF. maybe edit just needs to reexamine what's on the FM9.
On the unit itself or FM9 edit? If it's on the unit, reload your user cab back up. On FM9 Edit, try RANF. maybe edit just needs to reexamine what's on the FM9.
I thought the same, but I think he noticed things sounded bad and then discovered it's because the user cabs are missing.

Although, now I'm rethinking that because a missing IR should cause silence.
On the unit itself or FM9 edit? If it's on the unit, reload your user cab back up. On FM9 Edit, try RANF. maybe edit just needs to reexamine what's on the FM9.
In the unit itself. Restoring a backup does not address why this happened in the first place. If it was my doing, I need to know what it could have been so I don't do it again (I have done nothing to my knowledge). If it is somehow a defect, then this is catastrophic, as I am on tour.

I sent a message to support. This is a nightmare. Looks like I'll be up all night replacing all the IRs with factory. So much for album-accurate tones. I don't trust it.
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I answered your support ticket earlier but our 3rd party provider there is having a partial outage so I don't want you to think we're not addressing this promptly.

Your unit is under warranty. We'll make this right for you.

As others will attest, this is a unique report. There have been almost no cases in the entire history of Fractal Audio of a memory chip failing, but I suppose it can happen. Memory can also be affected by other external factors but I've never heard of a case as extreme as yours. I also asked about possible power anomalies such as lightning strikes or the like. Side note: I think it's impossible that the "ERASE ALL USER CABS" option was accidentally executed.

If you're unable to restore a backup, then re-build to the extent possible and then create a backup now.

When you can manage the time, we'll look at that unit for you. You can contact me through support or private messages here.
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Thanks for the quick reply, Matt. I'll check for the email. While I most definitely didn't manually delete the cabs, I agree that such a malfunction is extremely unlikely. I don't know of a power glitch, but you never know. Right now, the not knowing is more concerning than this one instance.

What I'll do is rebuild the user bank, and for the time being, have two versions of each needed preset using factory cabs as a backup. It is entirely possible that this won't happen again. If it does, I'll arrange to send in the unit when I have a sufficient break in the schedule to be without the FM9.

Again, I appreciate the fast response. This new gig is enjoyable, but stressful. I'm working hard to measure my responses to ALL of the unexpected challenges that arise from it (which are many), and just roll with them. It's the only way I can cope.
I restored the user cabs, power cycled a few times, and it seems to be ok so far. A lot of the user cabs were smoothed versions of the factory cabs. Just another reason to wish for Smoothing.

I also have had to leave the FM9 unattended for several hours after sound check on multiple occasions. I can't fathom that someone could have erased them (deliberately or inadvertently), but stranger things have happened. My empty hot tub was mysteriously full of water one day. There is no water supply to it. I assumed someone went into my backyard and used it during my absence. Turns out, my irrigation system sprung a leak and a jet of water shot perfectly into an opening at the side of the lid. I never jump to conclusions anymore.
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I have a non-turbo FM9 that you can possibly borrow for a little while if you like?
Thanks Moke, that's very generous. But I'm going to wait and see if it happens again. If it does, I'm at least ready for it. Considering that this has never happened to anyone before, I'm not going to assume that the unit has a unique problem because of one incident. It's just too unlikely.
Thanks Moke, that's very generous. But I'm going to wait and see if it happens again. If it does, I'm at least ready for it. Considering that this has never happened to anyone before, I'm not going to assume that the unit has a unique problem because of one incident. It's just too unlikely.
No worries, I know what a nightmare that could be for your situation. I've heard your tones live many times. You spend a ridiculous amount of effort getting them really, really close. It's part of what sets you apart from many other players. It's kind of your superpower. And having all of your IRs disappear right before a show is your kryptonite. 😂

The offer is still on the table, if necessary. I only need mine from time to time for custom work, or consultation sessions.
I also have had to leave the FM9 unattended for several hours after sound check on multiple occasions. I can't fathom that someone could have erased them (deliberately or inadvertently), but stranger things have happened.

I think a screen "lock" or password sequence on the FM9 has been asked in the wishlist. This might be a solution to this possible problem of accidental knob tweaking or intentional unwanted editing...
I think a screen "lock" or password sequence on the FM9 has been asked in the wishlist. This might be a solution to this possible problem of accidental knob tweaking or intentional unwanted editing...
I seriously doubt anyone screwed with it. I'm just grasping at straws. It feels like the hot tub scenario I mentioned above all over again. But that would be a good feature to have.
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