USB Audio?


Plugged in my II this weekend - man it sounds fantastic! Great bit of kit here.

I'm trying to figure out how to record over USB. Using os10.5 and logic.

Plugged in the Axe II via USB and my audio interface over firewire. Seems like the firewire interface is detected as usual, no trouble, but I don't get any kind of message when I plug in the II. I also can't see any kind of input for the II when I'm assigning an input to a track in logic.

Is there something I have to enable in the axe before I can talk USB? (it also didn't talk to axe-edit, but that may be because I have an old version - new won't install on my mac yet - there's another thread about it.)

Thanks sarge - got the driver and it shows up in logic now. However, the record button seems to be disabled for all audio tracks?

I tried opening a new project and setting the sample rate to 48k and still no luck. Any ideas?

thanks in advance!!
Open up "Preferences > Audio" and select Axe Fx 2 as your input source. You can leave the output to your usual audio interface for monitoring.
Ok will do. Not home now but will do this when I get back!

I guess I'm just used to logic automatically detecting my input source and setting everything up for me.

Thanks again!
Ok, the axe II was selected as my audio source and still no luck...

WHen I select another input source and apply changes, the record button shows up as normal. When I select the axeII as an input source, the record button dissapears on all of the audio tracks..

Any ideas? Thanks!
Google "creating aggregate audio device on Mac". I think I had to do this when I started using Logic with the II.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Created the aggregate device okay, but still no inputs available for the axe ii, only the other audio interface. Furthermore, when I select the II as the source, the recording buttons still disappear.

I did make the other device the master and checked resample for the II, don't know if that was right. I'm a little worried that I can't get the II working on its own though.
Bueller? Bueller?

Logic 8 is the platform rather than the newer logic 9, but that shouldn't matter, right?
Okay I downloaded Reaper and recorded some audio - works fine in reaper! So, I know it must be a mac issue and not an axe II issue.

Tried again this afternoon. New logic file, selected Axe II as the audio device. Sample rate 48k. No inputs show up in the input list, and no record button available.

Tried with the aggregate device I created with the axe and apogee ensemble - don't see the axe II as an input option. Input options are Input 1/2, Input 3/4 etc. look like they are from the apogee (but on a mono track - weird). nothing at either 48k or 44.1k

Can't get any sound in garageband either when I select Input as Axe-II Input.


I'd really like to get this working as the USB recording & reamping capability was a big reason I purchased the II.
I had the same issue but resolved it by
1. Making the Axe II the audio input in the Audio Preferences, Core Audio tab.
2. Restarting logic
No aggregate device is needed. In fact, I recommend that you start by disconnecting any other interface.
Just changing the preferences will not handle the issue immediately. Try that and let us know!
Good luck.
That doesn't do it. My available audio devices are built in mic, built in input or AXE-FX II Audio Output. I select the Axe II, apply changes, and restart logic, and still no dice. The recording "R" that normally appears on every channel is gone and there are no inputs to select from.

I don't have the option of input/output devices in Logic 8 I think. there's only one device to select.

Here's a screenshot of my audio devices panel just to make sure this looks kosher.


  • audiodevice.png
    73.5 KB · Views: 30
It does not look Kosher to me. Your Audio input should show up as input, not output.
I'm running Logic 9 now with Lion, but I ran 8 with 10.5.8 just a few weeks ago.
I ran into that issue with 9 also and handled it as above.
So there's something else out, here.
1. Run software update and make sure you've got the latest Logic and Pro app update.
2. Make sure you've got the latest update to Logic 8.
3. Reload the USB driver for the Axe. (In fact, do that first as I suspect that's what's out)
4. Try again.

Let us know again! Good luck.
Hmmm, still the same issue -

SW update - check, all macware up to date
logic update - check, already running 8.0.2, which appears to be the latest version of 8
Resinstalled axe II drivers - check

Same problem with logic, and the audio device screen looks the same too. I emailed fractal, perhaps they will chime in here...
Did a repair disk permissions using the disk utility - still no change in either logic or the audio devices panel.

Didn't look like the disk permissions repair touched anything related to audio anyway.

Any other ideas? I'd hate to have to upgrade my os or logic just to take care of this when what I have works fine everywhere else.
OK. A couple more thoughts.
Close all apps, connect USB to Axe, go to Pref, select Axe as Input and output devices, reboot.
Open iTunes. Play music. get any sound out of the Axe?
OK. Open reaper. Select default system audio. Get sound?
Open Garage Band. Go preferences. Go Audio. Do you see the Axe in the input section? Select. Do you see the Axe in output section? Select it.
Try importing any audio file in GB and play. Sound?
Try recording again.
Works or not?
Try Logic again. Do you see the Axe in the input section of the Audio Preferences?

Pray ...
That doesn't do it. My available audio devices are built in mic, built in input or AXE-FX II Audio Output. I select the Axe II, apply changes, and restart logic, and still no dice. The recording "R" that normally appears on every channel is gone and there are no inputs to select from.

I don't have the option of input/output devices in Logic 8 I think. there's only one device to select.

Here's a screenshot of my audio devices panel just to make sure this looks kosher.

I'm not at my Mac right now, but under Audio/Midi Setup, you should see Axe FX II Audio In. Select this as your default input. In your attached pic, you have the "Axe VX II Audio Out" selected as the input.
Don't know the answer to your issue. I've used Macbook Pro w/Snow Leopard and Logic 9 and it works fine, either alone or in an aggregate device with a Fireface UFX.

I thought I remembered people having an issue with Logic 8. Can you get the Axe to be your audio device for system sound? If not, I'd try reinstalling the drivers for the Axe II. If that's not working, none of the rest of it will work.
Two things I would check.

1. Make sure your Logic song is set to record at 48k
2. Make sure the Apogee is set to 48K.

Perhaps try creating a new template with the Apogee selected as your audio device and set it with 48k sample rate. Save, quit Logic, restart Logic and then select your aggregate device. I had some issues initially with my Lynx Aurora and something in the above ideas solved it for me.
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