USB Audio?

OK maybe this is the problem - I can't see Axe-FX II Audio input in my audio/midi preferences, only the axe fx II audio output. There is no axeII audio input option available.

But when I open reaper and select the input, reaper seems to see the axeII audio in as well. (see pic) I've reinstalled the drivers a couple of times but no luck.

Why would it appear in reaper but not in my audio/midi preferences?


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OK. A couple more thoughts.
Close all apps, connect USB to Axe, go to Pref, select Axe as Input and output devices, reboot.
Open iTunes. Play music. get any sound out of the Axe?
OK. Open reaper. Select default system audio. Get sound?
Open Garage Band. Go preferences. Go Audio. Do you see the Axe in the input section? Select. Do you see the Axe in output section? Select it.
Try importing any audio file in GB and play. Sound?
Try recording again.
Works or not?
Try Logic again. Do you see the Axe in the input section of the Audio Preferences?

Pray ...

Ok... still don't see the axe input in my audio preferences, but I can play audio through the axe both in iTunes and Garageband.. Further, I can see the axe input in garageband, see pic. However, I can't record in garageband (not sure where to set the sample rate anyway...I'd like to record at 44.1k eventually and simply resample the axe, but i'll settle for getting it working at 48k for the time being.)

Opened Logic - same issue. As far as I can tell in Logic, there is no option to select input/output devices separately. I have one pull down menu, and the only thing that appears there is the axe-ii output. I can, however, play audio files through the axe output. Just don't see the input and I can't record and don't see options for selecting the input.


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Just for completeness, heres a pic of the audio preferences window in logic:


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I hope this doesn't mean I need to upgrade to logic 9....

Anyone have any ideas on the discrepancies? As I see it something is either wrong w my core audio or w logic.

Axe in/out shows up in both reaper and GarageBand, but only output shows up in logic/audio devices utility. Can play back audio through all programs including logic but can only record in reaper...
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