
Sometimes I come across some really gorgeous pairings for amps and drive pedals that aren't the tried and true "Tube Screamer -> Twin Reverb", "Fulltone Full-Drive 2 -> Class-A" or "DS-1 -> Plexi".

Here's a favourite of mine:

Tube Drive 3-Knob -> Bludojai Clean
Delightfully versatile, this pair works great for mid - high gain stuff. Like a Plexi crossed with a 6160/Soldano.
Create a balanced clean tone with the Bludojai (reduce the gain and bass knobs a little) and then slap the pedal in front.
Set the pedal Drive quite high (~8), and reduce the Level to taste (~2).

What unique combinations have you stumbled upon?
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I don't care for either Klon or Rectos for all the reasons anyone has. However, I tried this today, and it is somehow greater than the sum of its parts. I got stuck on it for two hours. So good. So weird.
Right? Stumbled across that combo when tracking guitars for the last full length Ragdoll release and it definitely had an instant vibe.
Bumping! I like griddle cake into ac-30. I tried Full OD for the first time and it was super flabby and compressed (never tried a full drive) - anyone have an amp pairing with that? I was surprised I couldn’t get headroom out of it
John Browne of Monuments used to run a Compulsion Distortion (Fulltone OCD) into a Recto and got pretty decent sounds out of it. However the Full OD (Fulltone FullDrive 2) is a very different pedal, I haven’t found it useful for metal. Try using it with a Class A 😉
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