Ultra or II


New Member
Hello all,

I've done quite a bit of research on the Axe fx units. I was pretty much set on the Ultra when the II was anounced. I've been playing for about 40yrs. now, (jeeezzz, where does the time go?) and am looking to replace my rack system. Nowdays I mainly do recording but a few times a year get out to do the Fusion/Prog thing. I'd like some opinions on whether the II is that much better than the Ultra for what I do. I'm only looking for a few sounds but I need a lot of flexability for tone shaping. I haven't been real happy with the multiple gadget approach. The difference in cost really isn't a big factor but I have no experience with any Fractal product.


The difference in cost really isn't a big factor

Simple: II. Because it's easier to dial in, it'll save you time when editing, you don't need add. interfaces, you get more IRs, and TBH it sounds even better than the Ultra (in my ears).
From what I read, the Axe II amp models sound and feels better and more realistic than the Ultra did. To me, that reason enough to wait for the II.
Right now my mindset is this, I owned a Ultra and when version 11 came out it really sounded great, had no problems with the unit or axe edit. Sold it and got the II, the usb is great and some of the other features are a good upgrade. As far as sounds go I did not see a huge difference between them, for some the II is easier to get there but I was used to the Ultra so it was no big deal. Knowing what I now know I would have just kept the Ultra but i am like most and want the latest greatest toy. If you have never had one and money is not the issue go ahead for the II since the future updates will probably be what will make it superior to the Ultra.
Having owned both (sold the Ultra recently) my choice would be the II.
Both are KILLER units, especially in the studio. I've had the II for a couple of months now but have not had much time to play - still doing gigs with the Ultra.

I just recently started to REALLY get into the II (to convert presets over from my Ultra library) and wondered if it really was that much better, 'cus it just wasn't "there" for me. Didn't give me the "WOW" factor that most others had gotten from it. I thought.. the Ultra is just as good!
Well, turns out (and it's a little embarrassing to admit to, but) somewhere during a test here, or a firmware upgrade there, I discovered that the AMP sims had been turned OFF in the Global settings. For how long I do not know.
So.... I turned them back on, and the entire unit just came to life. It was night and day.. well, duh !!!

No doubt about it in my mind now.. get the II !!!
If budget is a factor, you can get a used Ultra for around USD1600 either here or eBay. You won't be sorry either way - unless you are a tube-head. In that case you may as well stay with what you have. :)
If you spend any time recording, the re-amping capabilities on the II are worth the price of admission.
Had the Ultra.
Have had the Axe II now for a couple weeks.

The Axe II sounds better, and feels and responds like a real tube amp IMO.
If you need the new features such as the USB for recording and re-amping then get the 2. The sound difference alone, for me, wouldn't justify then cost difference ($600 to $1000 dollars depending on where you are at as far as a coupon goes).
Go with the II it sounds & feels better than the Ultra as mentioned and has plenty of room to grow in the future with firmware updates.
for me it's a no brainer... especially if you don't own an Axe of any kind..
it's the latest.. and therefore the one with the software stream that is current and with continued development

it makes no sense to buy something where the development cycle has stopped..

Spinal Tap: "if you yours only goes up to 10, where dya go from here? no where"
I own both an Ultra and a II. Here's my two cents:

For live sound, the sound differences between the Ultra and the II aren't that big a deal. Yeah, the II sounds a little better, but in my experience that's generally been buried in differences between monitors and FOH systems and the way the sound guy handles things. For recording, the II would have a definite edge, though the Ultra is still quite serviceable.

In terms of tone-shaping, both have a ton of options--drive pedals, filter blocks, parametric and graphic eq you can put before and after the amp blocks, a whole mess of amps and cabinets. I've found that the Amp X/Y function in the II is really handy for lead switching, and the EQ built right into the amp block is also a super convenient upgrade over the Ultra. I haven't been inclined to screw around with third-party cabinet IRs, so the inclusion of a bunch more cab IRs in the II has been pretty handy for me--some of them sound just amazing.

Bottom line is that either will do a great job--I sold my Shiva after the Ultra firmware update that included that amp model, it was so good--but if I had to keep just one, it would be the Axe-FX II.
axe II

Only because you can't buy a ultra brand anymore with a warranty
You say you do mostly recording and only play out/gig rarely
The axe II is designed much better for both enviroments and will only get better with future firmare upgrades,But is that worth an extra grand out of pocket.For me with out a doubt ,but only you can decide
The ultra could certainly preform both duties on par but with more tweaking and some work arounds.....
I own both and can not lay down better headphone scratch tracks in the studio with a full band
than either ultra or axe II bar none!( I have all the fender, mesa,marshall amps on hand!!!) not to mention the reamping capabilities later (It just may put Michael Wagener out of a job!NOT!!!!!)

The axe II has a headphone jack and better gain staging for using it as a outboard processor
with a console for mix down effects making it much more up to date but still only 48k......hmmm
also the ultra recently had a firmware upgrade but will most likely not evovle any further
The axe II is an infant yet to reach its full potential with many enjoyable
updates to look foward to.................well that is if ROHS proves out But for the record I still solder with 60/40 and will continue to. But I just lost my train of thought....... hmm
The axe II serial #'s are coded for which one's are manufactured with lead or lead free
Europian regulations for sure But reliabilty issues to be determined
Either way you decide your ears will thank you........finally!
I've owned a Standard since 2007 and recently bought a II. I would not argue with any of the reasoning given by others in this thread, and since you said budget is not an issue, the II sounds like it may be a good fit. One thing *not* mentioned is product maturity and stability. I specifically bought a II to continue on a journey of change and evolution like I enjoyed on the Standard. The II will undergo progressive transformation over time to fix bugs, enhance features, add features and so forth. While you can buy a II and never upgrade it, my experience watching others on the forums over the last 4 years is that you'll most likely want to upgrade to enjoy new features, amp and effect models and so forth. This can, and often does, involve some re-tweaking of your established patches. If that doesn't phase you, then I will be another vote for a II. I just sent my II back to Fractal to fix an issue or two, so growing pains sort of go with the territory ;-)


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Sound is subjective and the differences vary from person to person so let’s for the sake of argument say there is no difference between the two units with the ultimate tone achieved.

For the difference in price (400-600 dollars depending on what you can obtain the Ultra for) you get:

• USB connectivity. Not necessarily a major upgrade if you already have a quality interface but huge if you do not. At the very least it is a very convenient upgrade and so simple to use.
• Expanded IR capability.
• Quick control buttons.
• X/Y
• Dedicated MFC Jack.
• Headphone jack.
• AES digital connection.
• Extended Looper.
• Built in backups.
• Etc…

The list goes on. Way too many to list off the top of my head. Is any one of these upgrades worth the price increase? Most likely not. But as a whole they make a compelling argument. The II is simply much easier to navigate and create with.

With all that said, for me there is no question the II warrants the difference in price. And that is as of today! Let’s not forget the Ultra has reached its capacity and it has been stated that a couple amp sims could be added at most. The II is in its infancy and has lots of room for improvements. For me, that in itself is worth the upgrade. Look how far the Standard and Ultra have come since 07. I like being a tiny part of that interaction. I think that is what separates the Fractal community from the others. Fractal listens to us users and delivers constant upgrades to a product that is blazing new trails. For me personally, it just feels like we are a part of SOMETHING!

And it continues with the II…

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If cost is truly not a factor I would buy a II if only for the warranty coverage. Obviously there is a bunch of other good reasons to buy new, but that one is quite important.
Thanks everyone

Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the great info. After reading all the posts, I'll certainly go with the Axe II. I imagine it will take time to ship all the back orders. Awhile ago I put my name on the list for a II for the heck of it. I'm glad I did. I hope they've got me in line! I haven't received anything back. Does anyone know if I could purchase a Axe II manual now?

Getting all anxious and giddy!

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