TUTORIAL: In depth MFC-101 programming guide for the Axe-Fx III

I bought the jordi board shortly after the 3 came out
I’ve been rocking the mfc-101 with the axe 3 flawlessly for years now🥳
Presets scenes tuner …everything i need

A great little invention indeed
Thanks again Oson00 midi monkeys
You rock
Happy Jordi user here too! Great piece of gear. And great support from oson00 đź‘Ť
I did the program and tried using this for axe 3
When i go to use it with the 2 i get name time out and i got it all set correctly. Was wondering if this program i ran into the mfc would cause this or its just a bad midi cable
No idea what "program" you are referring to, so hard to say.

The MFC doesn't support Axe Fx III natively.
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