trouble letting go...

What the FM3 has done however is make me play a lot more guitar, try out different tones, it's what i use with the band, and has stopped me spending money on pedals and even amps as 'i don't need/or will use them' , looking at other guitars on the other hand is tough :D
^^^ Right here, this is the biggest benefit of owning a FAS product and for me the number 1 reason I don't miss amps or pedals!
Some of these latest pedals are getting ridiculous with their prices. Makes one understand what a bargain the FM3 is.
I cant believe some of these $700 Reverb pedals.....

I build a lot of pedals, so that is just part of the fun. I have built around 100 pedals. They really aren't worth anything, so I keep them, and rotate them in from time to time.
yea, I have a handful of pedals that I particularly like for some reason. I don't need any of them, but sometimes it's nice to play around with them. A few of them are unique for some reason (the Shallow Water and Meet Maude) or do things that are complicated enough it's too much of a pita to try and set up in the Axe, even though it's probably possible (the Microcosm). I have a few other pedals I just like with my Swart amps, cause they just fit the vibe well (a few fuzzes, and my Volante).
I still have my original Boss Chorus and Boss Compressor, my Boss GX700 (copper front plate looks so cool)and an 8 band EQ pedal. I see no reason to sell them but I have not used them in many, many years!
DEFINITELY, and it is purely emotional. I need to read me some Marie Kondo or whatever.

PS: I have the same problem with analog synths, many of which I have not touched in 10+ years.
Marie Kondo liked to practice on others without their consent... Love her book, but don't let her near my gear! 😂
Another thought is that in the unlikely event that your FM3 needs to be serviced at least you would still have your pedalboard until the FM3 was repaired and returned.
This is a very practical and good reason to keep them.

Of course there are some things I have laying around that don’t have much meaning to me, but the hassle of selling them doesn’t seem worth the effort. I also have some self made pedals that are highly customized that I will never sell. Also built a “to spec” UniVibe with all the best components and tweaked the photo resistor section of the circuit to work great. That one will always stay.

Plus I often wonder if the dude from Rush’s 2112 that found the guitar with a bunch of fx pedals too wouldn’t have been so despondent when those nasty priests told him to get lost.😜
I had a tube amp (JCM800 2203) and just a few pedals (Boss SD-1, Ibanez Chorus, Ditto looper, Polytune). I had not played guitar for a number of years, but was getting back to it. In the meantime my musical tastes had changed and so I was looking at new gear.

I had always played a Strat, but added a Tele to the mix. The Marshall really wasn't the right amp for me anymore so I was looking at a Fender Princeton or Deluxe Reverb. I was also considering a ToneKing Imperial 2, MESA California Tweed and many others which are not available to try locally. Add to that a pedal board with at least reverb, tremolo, overdrive(s)/fuzz, and delay. After looking into and pricing out all of this gear I started to consider modelers instead. Part of the attraction to modelers was that I could try out models of different amps and effects to get to know what I really wanted and then would be in a better place to start selecting "real" gear. It would be a learning platform to help me figure out what I need/want.

Once I got my Fractal (AxeFX3) I stopped even considering buying amps and pedals etc. I sold my amp and have never been happier. As it turns out, many of the things I thought would be must haves in a new rig I don't bother to use in the modeler including dual amps, stereo signal chain, harmonic tremolo, compressors, stacked boost/overdrive(s), etc. The more time I spend with Fractal the simpler my signal path seems to get - mostly just amp, cab, reverb, tremolo and occasionally a drive or delay. Very glad I didn't waste the time and money to build out some monster pedalboard with every option under the sun only to find out I don't use most of it.

I still have my few pedals (except the looper which I sold) tucked away in a box for no good reason. I'll never use them again.
I let go of all my amps pretty much right after switching to Fractal gear but have kept the pedal collection.

A long time ago I moved on a lot of pedals after shifting to a multi-effects unit and really regretted it.

After a few years with Fractal gear I very rarely break out the pedals, usually only when I have the itch for something really niche.

I generally have a much better experience using all the drives and effects that are in the FM3 and AXE-FX III, but I still struggle to let the pedal collection go.

I am getting really, really tired of moving/storing it all though so their days are likely numbered.
how many reverb and delay pedals can one keep?

on my list of pedals to keep:
Seymour Duncan Silver Lake
Seymour Duncan Dark Sun
Strymon Big Sky
Boss DD-200

I've also got a flash back 2 and a hall of fame 2 that I wouldn't mind letting go, but don't because they are compact and staples on my board that goes with my tube amp.

tough tough decisions and I haven't even started looking at my drives and fuzzes. :(
how many reverb and delay pedals can one keep?

on my list of pedals to keep:
Seymour Duncan Silver Lake
Seymour Duncan Dark Sun
Strymon Big Sky
Boss DD-200

I've also got a flash back 2 and a hall of fame 2 that I wouldn't mind letting go, but don't because they are compact and staples on my board that goes with my tube amp.

tough tough decisions and I haven't even started looking at my drives and fuzzes. :(
Sell them all. Fractal can pretty much cover all those effects :)
I have two drawers with pedals in them. One drawer is the ones I would sell if selling wasn't such a PITA for low-dollar items, and the other is the ones I have built or bought and will keep. I open both occasionally and look at them, and wish I could empty the one drawer....
I sold the rest of my analog stuff in 2020 and never looked back.
My last amp was a Recto Reborn stack, a few pedals and gadgets like a voodoo lab switcher, a ton of patch cables and so on.

I do own more guitars now 😁
But i dont have an actual amp and no pedals etc.

For me, the FAS units are a blessing.
Every now and then some of those ”analog warriors“ try to convince me otherwise, but it usually just bores me and i dont engage in those discussions anymore.

Yay FAS!
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