trouble letting go...

I've kept most of my pedals from my touring days. I still use my Silicon Fuzz Face and my Deja Vibe quite a bit. They have a certain quality that I find hard to recreate in the unit and if I'm recording something it's easier to just break out the pedal than try to dial something in in the modeler. I can't see myself using them live though.
Actually watching that series is what started me on this path of downsizing.

I've sold like 20k in gear that I didn't touch since then and haven't felt better!

Then I got an FM3 and which stared me on my amp and pedal purge.

Feels nice.
My statement was mostly tongue-in-cheek, but the books suggestion did grind my gears a bit....
Love these comments…

I especially agree with the fact that selling is a big pain in the ass when it comes to trying to recoup the cash you spent… everyone is always trying to get a super good deal and end up lowballing to a point that I’m like… nah, for that price I’ll keep it.
I find that the fm3 makes for a perfect pedal platform, personally. A buddy of mine just helped me setup my board, with my fc6 attached, and I couldn't be happier with the sounds I'm getting. The fm3 takes pedals as well as any amp I've played, and I can keep things at a reasonable volume at home. It is literally the perfect setup for home use, as I no longer gig.
Love these comments…

I especially agree with the fact that selling is a big pain in the ass when it comes to trying to recoup the cash you spent… everyone is always trying to get a super good deal and end up lowballing to a point that I’m like… nah, for that price I’ll keep it.
Feel that. The used market is absolute trash here. I make most of my sales are on fee-verb shipping across the country.
I could (and do) use the FM3 alone and be happy, but my preference is always going to be pedals - amp - FM3 in loop - cab/cab sim. Fractal has essentially made other post amp FX (pitch, delay, verb, etc...) obsolete for me.
Anyone else have trouble letting go of their traditional pedal boards?

Today I decided to plug in two of my boards and for some odd reason I decided to compare it to the fm3... I quickly came to the conclusion that the FM3 is a superior platform.

So I started thinking - I should sell my other pedals. But as soon as I started thinking about which to sell I immediately realized that I didn't want to part with most of them. I barely use my pedals, but the thought of parting with them is so difficult.

I've got one board that I will always keep because it pairs so well with my tube amp, my others can go direct to board or into an amp. Quite frankly, they are redundant but different. Even then, I still have a hard time letting go!

anyone else have this issue?
As others have said - if you don't need the money, don't sell.
It's always fun to go back to old amps/pedals/speakers just to see what they sound like - or if you're in the mood to just use a certain pedal.

I don't sell anything unless I don't have space, don't like it, or want the money from the sale to fund something else.
OTOH, I have a bunch of stuff I never use whose value has dropped to zero, maybe less. If I'd sold it when I didn't need or want it any more, it might have been worth something, probably not today.
Love these comments…

I especially agree with the fact that selling is a big pain in the ass when it comes to trying to recoup the cash you spent… everyone is always trying to get a super good deal and end up lowballing to a point that I’m like… nah, for that price I’ll keep it.

I'm generally just trying to recoup a reasonable percentage of cost - enough to make the effort of selling worthwhile. With smaller gear, that is nearly impossible. You get people haggling like an Egyptian about pennies on something that is already priced to move and it just becomes more of a pain in the ass than it's worth....
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As others have said - if you don't need the money, don't sell.
It's always fun to go back to old amps/pedals/speakers just to see what they sound like - or if you're in the mood to just use a certain pedal.

I don't sell anything unless I don't have space, don't like it, or want the money from the sale to fund something else.
I have been hoarding gear for over a decade now and my new mindset disagrees with this. Sure I have space in my storage room for all this extra gear I don't use (even moved to a bigger house so I could finally have a "music room"), but I don't have space left in my brain you know? The "mental" weight of all this stuff has been affecting me for some reason. It's like I get anxiety thinking of all the stuff I own, and will eventually have to pack and move.

My friends dad recently passed away and his two kids basically cleared out his life long collection in a matter of days. All that effort to collect and curate things you love simply gone in an instant. Put a lot into perspective for me TBH. I'm almost 40, but thinking of the pressure that would put on the wife to offload all of my "cr@p" after I'm gone has me rethinking collecting as a whole. I struggled a lot with "letting go" before I got an FM3 but now I don't see any reason to have an amp/pedal collection. As stated above I'm only keeping three amps.

1. Pro Jr just because people come over with boards and need something to play through.
2. Orange Rocker 30 and a single 112 cab because it was a dream amp of mine.
3. Traynor bass combo also for when people come over.

I tried to setup a fully direct headphone rig a while back but it didn't really pan out. Most folks aren't into the whole headphone thing. That might change soon though. One of my jam buddies is switching to a helix floor (I tried to get him on Fractal but out of budget), and the other guy just needs a bit more convincing :) Not to mention we can use E-Drums if everyone is going direct which makes the entire block happy haha. I'm still going back and forth on whether or not to grab an FRFR to replace the above "shared amps" for the times we need some volume.


I say sell it all, SELL EVERYHING if you can. The second hand market is only getting worse around here. I remember the glory days of Kijiji when something would literally sell in an hour if it was priced right. Now I have stuff for over half off retail that's been sitting for a year.

***I just thought of something that really helped me. Put the thing you are struggling with in another room/in storage/somewhere you don't frequently go. Leave it there for a few weeks. If you forget it's there you probably don't need it and it's a good sign you can part ways.
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The "mental" weight of all this stuff has been affecting me for some reason. It's like I get anxiety thinking of all the stuff I own, and will eventually have to pack and move.

I get that, too, but have not yet achieved sufficient angst to get through the process of selling off littler, low-ish cost stuff....
Ok, I'll share a slightly different experience.
My guitar player passed away 5 years ago. I was designated (per his Will) to clean out and sell his music gear.
I got a Uhaul, emptied his studio into my garage and catalogued it all. I sold a lot of it (proceeds to his family), and I bought a lot of it (over market price) because the gear gives me awesome memories. His guitars/amps/etc.
When he got sick, if he had chosen to sell it all before he passed, I would have offered to buy it...but if he had sold it without anyone knowing, it would have bummed me out in the long run. Having his gear, being able to even go through it all and sell a lot of it, gave me a lot of satisfaction and brought back memories we/I had of his gear. I'm probably more sentimental than most, but I was really happy to be able to keep some of his equipment. Nobody in the world would care that HE owned that specific Mesa Head/Cab....but I do. And some equipment went to his other friends/bandmates from over the years. They are equally as happy to have something that was his. To quote one of the guys - "I just like having his guitar so I can pull it out, play it, and talk to him". Just another perspective on it - you may think it's a burden to leave your gear.... but others may not feel that way.
That's what bugs me about dirt nap time. The burden it will be for others, and thinking the Custom Shops will get traded for Pokemon!

Make it less so. Keep a spreadsheet with detailed descriptions and prices you've paid for the instruments/gear and pick a date that will be your day each year that you will go through and update current market values. Give those who will be in charge of the estate access and instructions.
Make it less so. Keep a spreadsheet with detailed descriptions and prices you've paid for the instruments/gear and pick a date that will be your day each year that you will go through and update current market values. Give those who will be in charge of the estate access and instructions.
This is Genius! So simple but nothing I thought of doing.
This would fix another issue, I can print Licence Transfer info for all the Midi VST's and programs I've bought.
I have mentioned values, but providing the info needed in writing is the key, like a Will attachment.

It's probably how the valuable gems you hear about now and then have ended up in thrift stores.

Thanks for your input 12fd.
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