TM Block

I think you are referring to the video Cliff did where he shows how to amp match and he assigns the reference/source to a footswitch. I made this a wish about two weeks ago and Matt responded saying he thought it was a good idea and that it wouldn't be too hard to do so I don't think assigning start/stop can be done.

That is the very video that I was referring to. Ah, okay, my bad. Thanks for the heads up :)
What is the matter with you people?? What inside of you causes you to get defensive when someone complains about something?? Why do you feel need to take personally, any negative comment about FAS or Cliff, and come running to their/his defense?

When I read his post, I felt NO need to be defensive or insulting...everyone is entitled to express their opinion. Calling someone an ass clown, crybaby, and insulting their english is just not cool. It's a wonder anyone dares post here. Jesus folks! Lighten the frick up!!

If this forum was limited to only "value-added comments" we'd have to purge about 3/4 of the content on here.

To be completely fair to Feedback, this is not his first or second "constructive criticism" that has pissed off people. He has an overwhelming disregard for his tone and content and how others may perceive him. To top it all off, he is unfairly critical of Axe Edit AND the Beta team, who don't have to spend hours on here helping people at their own cost.

Even Yek sighed and he's one of the most diplomatic people on here. I stand by my original statement. He needs to read the forum and lose his sense of entitlement and stop getting on people's tits.
What is the matter with you people?? What inside of you causes you to get defensive when someone complains about something?? Why do you feel need to take personally, any negative comment about FAS or Cliff, and come running to their/his defense?

When I read his post, I felt NO need to be defensive or insulting...everyone is entitled to express their opinion. Calling someone an ass clown, crybaby, and insulting their english is just not cool. It's a wonder anyone dares post here. Jesus folks! Lighten the frick up!!

If this forum was limited to only "value-added comments" we'd have to purge about 3/4 of the content on here.

I think the problem here is how it comes across... yes it's the internet and if english is his second language then maybe the words need to be chosen more carefully. As it stands his post reads to be very condescending and self righteous. Given the amount of work that has gone into V10.xx and Axe Edit regardless of the problems there are much better ways to say it/you suck(s) without actually saying it.
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The only thing more frustrating than this guy's ungrateful attitute towards the efforts of Fractal's R&D/beta team is attempting to decipher his broken english and incoherent babble. Please keep the forum posts to value-added comments, not winey crybaby bullsh*t. Thank you.

I'm sure the beta dudes do their best. But..........

I think the fact that the 'obvious' problems with the TM block made it past so many beta testers for 10.0 & then again for 10.02, proves that none of them really use this feature much if at all. Or they just have too much on their plate, so.............

I think the beta testing should be opened up to the whole forum because 'all' the bugs would certainly be found quicker!
What is the matter with you people?? What inside of you causes you to get defensive when someone complains about something?? Why do you feel need to take personally, any negative comment about FAS or Cliff, and come running to their/his defense?

When I read his post, I felt NO need to be defensive or insulting...everyone is entitled to express their opinion. Calling someone an ass clown, crybaby, and insulting their english is just not cool. It's a wonder anyone dares post here. Jesus folks! Lighten the frick up!!

If this forum was limited to only "value-added comments" we'd have to purge about 3/4 of the content on here.

Perhaps the same thing that's wrong with you? :) With all due respect surely you see the irony in your posts telling persons how they should or should not behave or react to other posters regarding their entries no?

Quite a few people here on the forum spend a lot of their free time to help others out and have a long history of doing so. Is it too much to ask for civility and common courtesy when one asks for help or reporting an issue? It is not always what you say but how you say it. Mr. feedback has a history here of being rude, demeaning, and demanding in the way he forms his comments. You apparently don't see that and I find that kind of astonishing to be honest.

I for one in the TM thread he was talking about simply asked if he could supply us with some details on how he produced his issues so I and others could try to reproduce them and HELP HIM. I was basically told to shove off and if I wanted details to search out his other posts on other threads because he shouldn't have to be bothered to do so. It was offending and uncalled for.

That's how issues get resolved both here and on beta teams. You compile as many detailed steps as you can that produced the issues in the first place and try to replicate them and find common points of contention. Let me also add that with such a variety of computers, operating systems, peripheral gear, and personal workflows it is not uncommon for forum members and beta testers to follow the same steps that created the problem for other yet and have no issues themselves. Reporting that is just as important as reporting if you replicated the problem as it reduces variables. But I guess it's offensive to say you didn't encounter the same problem when you tried reproducing an issue yet calling out beta testers who volunteer their time as being blind as a bat is perfectly acceptable. :hopelessness:

Again, if you don’t see the “attitude” displayed in his post above then I suppose my comments here are falling on deaf ears. Hopefully not.
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I think that you made our point, Cobbler. Lets move on mate, he's not worth getting upset over.

So the TM block is all sorted now and everyone was happy.

The end

Thread closed

I didn't have a problem with TM. Love it!
10.04 Everyone seems happy.... Move on.
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I think that you made our point, Cobbler. Lets move on mate, he's not worth getting upset over.

So the TM block is all sorted now and everyone was happy.

The end

Thread closed


I'm not at all upset. Just answering his question. All is good!
That is the very video that I was referring to. Ah, okay, my bad. Thanks for the heads up :)

Yea...the reference is a cool feature to compare the Axe TM with the source. All the TMing I do (because I don't have any amps to match anymore) is by playing along to a .ogg file (rockband, guitar hero rip) so I thought it would be cool to be able to start playing along to the track and then punch in and out of the TM without having to reach up for the buttons. When Amp matching its not a big deal because you can just hold out a chord but for Mp3's, .ogg's and stuff it would be a nice little feature.
Yes I want to confirm that it is now fixed. And I would like to say sorry to Cliff for getting pissy about it. When I seen him say "basically his beta team found nothing and it's not something that happens to most people" it annoyed me to no end, because it happened to me every time I used it. So I felt his beta team was blind as a bat or they were not doing TM correctly as I was:) But whatever it's water under the bridge. I will though be keeping those guys on ignore, can't stand people coming in a thread and telling me how they do TM and it's perfectly working so much better than before when we now know that I and the few others were correct!!!!

Glad to see that Cliff found the issue and I thank him for not giving up, maybe next time there is an issue and I call it out, he will take it serious and either ask me to do specific things to help him figure it as I would never go around saying "this is broke or that is broke" if it was not, and Cliff, for me to have a user error without me catching it would be rarer than your beta team having such errors to be honest with you. This last situation shows this. All I want in the end is things to work as advertised bottom line.

On a negative note, Axe Edit is pure garbage now after the update, but I have faith that will be resolved so I'll keep my two cents about it until then:) I'd appreciate no one coming in saying "how axe edit works for them perfect and How i'm not fair blah blah"

WTF :roll my Axe Edit works and does what fractal said it would do :lol
Perhaps the same thing that's wrong with you? :) With all due respect surely you see the irony in your posts telling persons how they should or should not behave or react to other posters regarding their entries no?

Quite a few people here on the forum spend a lot of their free time to help others out and have a long history of doing so. Is it too much to ask for civility and common courtesy when one asks for help or reporting an issue? It is not always what you say but how you say it. Mr. feedback has a history here of being rude, demeaning, and demanding in the way he forms his comments. You apparently don't see that and I find that kind of astonishing to be honest.

I for one in the TM thread he was talking about simply asked if he could supply us with some details on how he produced his issues so I and others could try to reproduce them and HELP HIM. I was basically told to shove off and if I wanted details to search out his other posts on other threads because he shouldn't have to be bothered to do so. It was offending and uncalled for.

That's how issues get resolved both here and on beta teams. You compile as many detailed steps as you can that produced the issues in the first place and try to replicate them and find common points of contention. Let me also add that with such a variety of computers, operating systems, peripheral gear, and personal workflows it is not uncommon for forum members and beta testers to follow the same steps that created the problem for other yet and have no issues themselves. Reporting that is just as important as reporting if you replicated the problem as it reduces variables. But I guess it's offensive to say you didn't encounter the same problem when you tried reproducing an issue yet calling out beta testers who volunteer their time as being blind as a bat is perfectly acceptable. :hopelessness:

Again, if you don’t see the “attitude” displayed in his post above then I suppose my comments here are falling on deaf ears. Hopefully not.

Cobbler, I understand where you're coming from. And I agree that his approach was less than diplomatic. :)

My humble opinion is that we can call folks out on those kinds of things, without personal attacks and name calling. I know it's easy to fall into that (I've done it myself) but I've also been on the receiving end, and it would just be nice if we could all turn down the "attitude" nob a little, step back, take a deep breath, and go get a cup of coffee (decaf), before we respond. No hand holding or kumbaya...just a little civility and common courtesy, even when we think the other person doesn't deserve it. :)
Cobbler, I understand where you're coming from. And I agree that his approach was less than diplomatic. :)

My humble opinion is that we can call folks out on those kinds of things, without personal attacks and name calling. I know it's easy to fall into that (I've done it myself) but I've also been on the receiving end, and it would just be nice if we could all turn down the "attitude" nob a little, step back, take a deep breath, and go get a cup of coffee (decaf), before we respond. No hand holding or kumbaya...just a little civility and common courtesy, even when we think the other person doesn't deserve it. :)

+1 for the Golden Rule and Taking the High Road.
This forum is turning into a soap opera! Getting upset about a box with knobs seems kind of silly to me. It wouldn't surprise me if someone on this forum is actually having sexual relations with their Axe Fx 2!
This forum is turning into a soap opera! Getting upset about a box with knobs seems kind of silly to me. It wouldn't surprise me if someone on this forum is actually having sexual relations with their Axe Fx 2!

Who's been talking to you?? It was only the one time.

What is the matter with you people?? What inside of you causes you to get defensive when someone complains about something?? Why do you feel need to take personally, any negative comment about FAS or Cliff, and come running to their/his defense?

When I read his post, I felt NO need to be defensive or insulting...everyone is entitled to express their opinion. Calling someone an ass clown, crybaby, and insulting their english is just not cool. It's a wonder anyone dares post here. Jesus folks! Lighten the frick up!!

If this forum was limited to only "value-added comments" we'd have to purge about 3/4 of the content on here.

His complaining was lacking, "tact". The absents of it is complaining. One can still point out the bugs/errors and exhibit tact.

(and this is nothing new under the sun): With all the FW updates, tutorials, and aid given from FAS (and forum) there's a real lack of gratitude from some (which always will exhibit whining/complaining) and it has the tendency to become rather tiring... and rather fast at times due to its frequency. Some people "just don't get it...and some never will".

Cliff could of left or leave things all "peachy keen" at whatever bug free FW/AE version and say, "piss on it... I'm done". And maybe someday Cliff just may have enough... and can't say I'd blame him one bit. I hope not.
Figure this : one day Cliff will say : " that`s it i had enough.." and stop everything: firmware updates,TM,Axe Editor..everything..
What we gonna do...??? start fighting on Kemper forum..?..or moving to some other forums where Steve Perry`s endless "is he coming back or not..."?
~cmmon you guitars..squeez this black box ...enjoy and stay positive..
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