The mother of all effects matching thread

Starting simple with the Boss CE-1. I'm just learning/experimenting how analyze all this stuff (other than by ear). The tri-chorus is going to be a work in progress as I learn how to figure it out.
The boss is a simple 2 voice chorus so figuring out delay times, waveforms, freq response, and excursion time is pretty trivial. I'll have to learn how to analyze the non-linear aspects.
Mxr Script Distortion + Drive
Strymon Ola Chorus Chorus
Boss Dimension C Chorus
Xotic Robotalk 2
Strymon El Capistan Delay
Strymon Blue Sky Reverb
For me things like the strymon Timelines Oscilating Paricles and other dTape prests.

Space Echo would be interested to hear your take on this.

Deluxe Memory Man

Boss RV5 modulated delay is also a unique sound that would be great.

The Flint - some of the more vintage style term settings would be cool too

Looking forward to this thread.
I am almost through the Boss CE-1. I will have one using the Chorus block and another using the delay block (more lfo and eq options there).
Right now I am working on the vibrato mode which uses a different waveform than the chorus mode.

I'll give a whole write up on the history and setting of the effect when I am done. This one is learning what the most efficient way of figuring things out and translating them to the Axe-fx.
I am almost through the Boss CE-1. I will have one using the Chorus block and another using the delay block (more lfo and eq options there).
Right now I am working on the vibrato mode which uses a different waveform than the chorus mode.

I'll give a whole write up on the history and setting of the effect when I am done. This one is learning what the most efficient way of figuring things out and translating them to the Axe-fx.
what's your experience so far with different settings, or did you dial in different settings as well ? I tried to dial in an old MuTron Phaser that belongs to a friend of mine and only adjusting speed changed so much on the Mutron, not matching the Axe any longer, that I just kind of gave up (well actually continue to use the real one until he wants it back)
what's your experience so far with different settings, or did you dial in different settings as well ? I tried to dial in an old MuTron Phaser that belongs to a friend of mine and only adjusting speed changed so much on the Mutron, not matching the Axe any longer, that I just kind of gave up (well actually continue to use the real one until he wants it back)

I am just deriving delay time, excursion (depth min/mid/max), waveform, rate, and frequency response. Then I try to match the with axe-fx. I then will suggest the constraints on parameters (rate, depth, etc).

First, you must throw out auto depth if you want match something else or you will always be fighting with the depth scaling.
this is a seriously interesting thread...

my personal interest is in yukky chewy 70's style phasers and univibes...

at some point when my schedule calms down, I'm going to have a crack at replicating my Dunlop Crybaby..
it's a standard one.. honky, nasty and noisy.. which is why I adore it....
I plan to go through my pedals/rack system (at least the most sought after ones) and figure out how to get them close as possible.

I would like input as to which users would like to see first. Keep in mind more complicated ones will take longer to figure out. I am going to probably start with the chorus/flangers and go from there.
I am working on the tri-stereo now but that is probably going to take some time as it is fairly tricky. I'll keep a tab on what people want to see matched. I would like to stick to pedals I own. I am finding too much misinformation on the web regarding many pedals/racks properties.

Damn Java Junkie you got a lot of Boutique pedals! Sell 'em on Ebay after you clone them in AXE II (I did with my pedal board) and buy another AXE II!

My votes:

All the vintage fuzzes. Ok, The FoxRox Fuzz if can only have one!

Electric Harmonix Electric Mistress. I know the AXE II can do it but have not found good patches to get all that old Robin Trower goodness yet.

The Pigtronix CLEAN sustain setting (this may involved side chain)

Roland Space Echo

Good 2290 setting

That's a short list...
Awesome collection! I am looking forward to hearing your results! My votes:

Redwitch Empress
Redwitch Moon Phaser
Strymon Lex
Strymon El Capistan
Fulltone Full Drive 2
I am just deriving delay time, excursion (depth min/mid/max), waveform, rate, and frequency response. Then I try to match the with axe-fx. I then will suggest the constraints on parameters (rate, depth, etc).

First, you must throw out auto depth if you want match something else or you will always be fighting with the depth scaling.
ah, ok ! I had a bit of a hard time with parameters interacting on the analog units. change speed to a lower rate and the waveform slightly changes as well etc. these kinda things, but it came as to be expected.
ah, ok ! I had a bit of a hard time with parameters interacting on the analog units. change speed to a lower rate and the waveform slightly changes as well etc. these kinda things, but it came as to be expected.

I am not finding the waveform, other than perhaps excursion (if it has an autodepth like function), is significantly changing (other than the obvious frequency change) with rate on the vast majority of pedals. I can certainly sound like at times as rate can change the way the delayed signal interacts with the delayed.
But generally a triangle is a triangle and a sine is a sine. Things get stranger when you are working with multiple delay lines but the principle remains the same. Extremes high setting can manage to warp the wave significantly on some units -my electric mistress is an example of that.
Extremes high setting can manage to warp the wave significantly on some units -my electric mistress is an example of that.
same with mine. I've got a '79 Deluxe Electric Mistress in my rack and it's another very good example of parameter interaction. never tried to dial it in though.
JJ - lil' question

some stomps are a bit kinda noisy, lo-fi and crap..
which to my ears contributes to some of their character

have you considered possible ways to recreate this in the Axe???

personally I'd like to find a way to make the phaser a little nastier and chewier
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