The Fender Bank - Sneak Peak - Princeton Reverb + Rotary

I have downloaded a lot of your patches and use many of them a lot but have not posted to say thanks so I say it now thank you very much for all the time and trouble you go through your patches are outstanding

thank you, I appreciate it!
good one! :) thanks.

I'd like to point out that I didn't clone the 'Spirit in the Sky' sound like I did with other patches. It was one of those lucky accidents that sometimes happen. I was going for something else, having fun with the Axe when I stumbled across this one.

Hope you like it.

Again, many thanks for sharing!
I'm another relative lurker here who very much appreciates the generous effort you put into creating and sharing your patches (and effects settings) with us, Don! And as an Ultra user, I'm thankful there are still creative guys like you who haven't upgraded to the II yet!!
Thanks Don!

Great patch Don. Sounds ridiculous with my Jazzmaster! Can't wait to hear the whole Fender bank. BTW, are you switching to the Axe FX II anytime soon?
It's a nice touch with the envelope on the rotary by the way. Cool Idea!



but it is a random LFO (0.5Hz, 264ms damping) that alters the speed of the rotary. Envelpe controlled it's more predictable and slightly 'boring' ;)
This thread actually piqued my interest enough to bring me out of semi-Axe-forum-retirement...

Don, I've always loved your patches and sound clips including this one. I tried dialing in your tremolo with the random LFO a long time ago, but mine didn't sound as good as your clip so I must have screwed it up somehow. I switched it to an evelope control and loved it, but I'm really liking the random LFO in your clip so I will revisit that and see what I did wrong.

I'll gladly wipe a full bank of my Axe-FX to play with your Fender sounds should you choose to post them. I love some of the better vintage Fenders I've had the oppurtunity to play through and gig with, but unfortunately I've never been able to spend enough time with any one of them to really learn their sounds well enough to accurately dial them in with the Axe-FX. I did manage to come up with a decent twin patch some time ago that I've gigged some, but it's far from perfect.

Hi Don,

Just wondering if you are still planning on releasing these patches. It would sure make a nice Christmas present. ;)
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