tempo click is audible ?!



yesterday during playing with my band i noticed the click of the axe is audible (like cubase click or so) .. seems it goes through the whole signal chain (e.g. delay ;)). if i turn down the volume on the guitar its gone (also a noise gate does the job)

how is that possible :D happend only with one of my cables, switching to another cable and it was gone so no "real" problem to me, just wanted to know how thats possible :D

i remember this problem beeing adressed earlier but didnt find the thread in the bug section, so if there is already a solution or explanation out there just give me the link to it and delete/close this thread :)
MIDI clock leaking into the cable. Reroute MIDI cable to put distance between it and your guitar cable. Or use the better-shielded cable that doesn't give you the problem. :)
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yep only happend with with a crappy cable but i didnt thought of the midi cable :) thanks for the explanation :)
yep only happend with with a crappy cable but i didnt thought of the midi cable :) thanks for the explanation :)

Getting the same error I believe.

Here's my setup:
Axe II -> USB to Computer
Blue XLR's Direct to Monitors
Best Tronics Ethernet cable to MFC 101
Mogami Guitar Cable to Guitar

Plenty of space (2-3 FT) between ethernet cable and guitar cable.

Still getting tempo click playing out of my monitors??

Thanks for any suggestions.
The higher the gain, the more sensitive the rig is to stray signals leaking in.
to me it just happend with this one cable. all my other cables including the cheap ones dont have this problem
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