Stupid FC-6/FC-12 question...

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thought about RJM with my III.....................not thinking about it anymore :p
Likewise. When the FC-6 showed up at my door I was all "it's so cute...but I'm gonna need more switches" but after working with it I honestly don't think that's the case any more. A 12 might be a little more "Cadillac"? Maybe. But the FC-6 is going to be stellar and just aces.
Likewise. When the FC-6 showed up at my door I was all "it's so cute...but I'm gonna need more switches" but after working with it I honestly don't think that's the case any more. A 12 might be a little more "Cadillac"? Maybe. But the FC-6 is going to be stellar and just aces.

How did you come to that conclusion for you personally? I wanna buy once, and have it be the right choice!
Opinion and constructive user feedback is always welcome.

But with the feature-set not released, and the product not released, many comments so far are just conjecture-based complaining.

Please, everyone, let’s let the product develop. FAS takes user requests in to consideration along the product’s entire life span. It has in the past, I don’t know why people think this one suddenly won’t.

Amen Chris ........ I mean, can't we all just get along? Heck, I am gonna have to bite the bullet and learn how to program my MFC to get me thru 2 shows next week on my 3, yet I am happy as pie to do so:D. You know why? Cuz I own an Axe-FxIII, and it don't get better than that!!!!!!!:p

PS. It's disheartening that we live in a world now where you can own the best of everything made, yet still not be happy..... I'll take the grass on my side of the fence, thank you very much:cool:
In addition to existing Scene MIDI, FC footswitches will be able to cause the Axe-Fx III to transmit external MIDI. The plan is to integrate this with CONTROL SWITCHES, (which you may know from the AX8 and FX8). In addition to serving as modifier sources, control switches will also have the ability to transmit a MIDI payload. Please don't ask loads of questions about the full set of features as I am not at liberty to discuss. Suffice it to say that if you want to control an external MIDI device or devices downstream from the Axe-Fx III, you'll have what I would call some great options.
Amen Chris ........ I mean, can't we all just get along? Heck, I am gonna have to bite the bullet and learn how to program my MFC to get me thru 2 shows next week on my 3, yet I am happy as pie to do so:D. You know why? Cuz I own an Axe-FxIII, and it don't get better than that!!!!!!!:p

PS. It's disheartening that we live in a world now where you can own the best of everything made, yet still not be happy..... I'll take the grass on my side of the fence, thank you very much:cool:

You are correct my friend the Axe 3 is the very best.
I find it incomprehensible that Fractal have brought out a pedal that costs more than the MFC-101 and has less (sic) features?

I have worked hard to develop a reflex which pairs well with my sizable ignorance. It reminds me that in the absence of a comprehensible explanation, more information is required before I can jump to a conclusion.
Likewise. When the FC-6 showed up at my door I was all "it's so cute...but I'm gonna need more switches" but after working with it I honestly don't think that's the case any more. A 12 might be a little more "Cadillac"? Maybe. But the FC-6 is going to be stellar and just aces.

So @iaresee came to my house (FC content)

"Why you guys so sweaty"

"And here's the thing....It will give us so much extra space in our room to do activities"

you can suggest all you want. the product isn't released yet.

Chis, I do understand this. It is not about functions as much as having the 21 button layout. I just ask if there is anything on the horizon like this. If not, just say no. You have never been disrespectful, and I thank you for that. I am on the waiting list for the FC 12 and will have to toe dance some. Like I said, I have 4 presets and that works all night long. I have as many effects as I can load to keep it all 4 presets. Most I think does per song or over a bunch of presets. We all each have our way of doing things.
Its kind of like this...if you can afford 350 for a foot probably can afford 500...yeah its a stretch but its really not all that much in the end to get what you want..if you had a custom pedal board built with out effects you would be looking at least 700-1000.
If you have gone ahead and spent 2500 for an axe that will most likely be the "it" for years to come...then the foot controller will be the same...
With real amps and pedals you don't have this option...and you will pay more. I surely understand the economics here...but there is cost in developing a product a company can stand behind...if you break your might not get quite the same customer care..
Totally understand, and I was totally asking out of complete respect. I hope it came across that way. I was just trying to glean knowledge to make the best possible decision for my situation

I just had a problem with that one guy. He took the post down. I respect him for that.
Its kind of like this...if you can afford 350 for a foot probably can afford 500...yeah its a stretch but its really not all that much in the end to get what you want..if you had a custom pedal board built with out effects you would be looking at least 700-1000.
If you have gone ahead and spent 2500 for an axe that will most likely be the "it" for years to come...then the foot controller will be the same...
With real amps and pedals you don't have this option...and you will pay more. I surely understand the economics here...but there is cost in developing a product a company can stand behind...if you break your might not get quite the same customer care..

Believe it or not both Fractal and Line 6 customer service is great. I am married and I had to go through a lot to get the Axe 3. So when I get the FC12 and then the FC 21 comes out, that is not going to go over well here. You married guys know what I mean.
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Chis, I do understand this. It is not about functions as much as having the 21 button layout. I just ask if there is anything on the horizon like this. If not, just say no. You have never been disrespectful, and I thank you for that. I am on the waiting list for the FC 12 and will have to toe dance some. Like I said, I have 4 presets and that works all night long. I have as many effects as I can load to keep it all 4 presets. Most I think does per song or over a bunch of presets. We all each have our way of doing things.
understood. thank you for communicating in an understandable, straight-forward way. until this post, i did not understand your want of more buttons.

i don't know if there's a larger FC in the works. from the public information shared over the past few months, it's my understanding that many professional, touring guitarists said that a 3rd row or more on a foot controller was typically unused/unusable because of the risk of stepping on the first 2 rows accidentally. this, coming from big names in the industry, was probably a reason for designing the new FCs with only 2 rows.

yes, it would seem that some functions will require 2 button presses to "reveal" them. maybe there will be a larger controller in the future? i don't know. there are other options like the RJM MMGT that have more switches and the LCD screens. it's been mentioned when the Axe3 came out that the MMGT controllers would be made to work well with the Axe3, because many touring pros use that controller.

so we're back at needing to wait for development to happen. FAS will definitely take user suggestions into consideration - as many of them are the same things these touring pros need. lots of what was said makes sense, especially regarding controlling other units.

as matt mentioned, there are plans already for this functionality. the Axe3 came out around 3 months ago. that's a very short time. the controllers aren't out yet. let's see what happens when they are released, what it includes, and based on past products that were updated during their entire lifespan, let's consider that the FCs will be updated as well.
understood. thank you for communicating in an understandable, straight-forward way. until this post, i did not understand your want of more buttons.

i don't know if there's a larger FC in the works. from the public information shared over the past few months, it's my understanding that many professional, touring guitarists said that a 3rd row or more on a foot controller was typically unused/unusable because of the risk of stepping on the first 2 rows accidentally. this, coming from big names in the industry, was probably a reason for designing the new FCs with only 2 rows.

yes, it would seem that some functions will require 2 button presses to "reveal" them. maybe there will be a larger controller in the future? i don't know. there are other options like the RJM MMGT that have more switches and the LCD screens. it's been mentioned when the Axe3 came out that the MMGT controllers would be made to work well with the Axe3, because many touring pros use that controller.

so we're back at needing to wait for development to happen. FAS will definitely take user suggestions into consideration - as many of them are the same things these touring pros need. lots of what was said makes sense, especially regarding controlling other units.

as matt mentioned, there are plans already for this functionality. the Axe3 came out around 3 months ago. that's a very short time. the controllers aren't out yet. let's see what happens when they are released, what it includes, and based on past products that were updated during their entire lifespan, let's consider that the FCs will be updated as well.

Thank you Chris. People, this is how a professional responds. The reason I asked the question is, I did not want to buy the FC12 and then FC21 comes out three months later. My wife is wonderful, but I buy a lot of gear. Married people get it.
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