Stupid FC-6/FC-12 question...

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Rich G.

Ok, stupid FC-6/FC-12 question... Is it a general Midi foot controller or is it specifically meant to be used with the AxeFX III only?

I can't find anything on the Fractal website about it, and a search for FC-6 or FC-12 and MIDI brings up too many unrelated hits for my lazy self to sift through. lol.

It looks like it's NOT a general Midi controller, which is a shame since I use my current controller to control more things than just my AxeFx II.
From the Axe III manual:

The Scene MIDI block is unlike other blocks in that instead of processing audio, it transmits MIDI messages through the MIDI OUT port of the Axe-Fx III. It is set up through a single page with no types or channels. It must be manually placed on the grid for per-Scene MIDI messages to be transmitted at all. It cannot be bypassed, but any scene can be set up to transmit no messages.
Once the Scene MIDI block has been placed on the grid, press EDIT to show its menu page.
The current Scene number is shown at the top of the display.
The eight table rows represent eight different messages that can be sent for the current scene.

  1. The four table columns are used to program MIDI messages. For each message, you can select:Type: Determines whether the message will be a “PC” (Program Change) or a “CC” (Control Change).
  2. Channel: Sets the MIDI Channel for the selected message.
  3. Number: Sets the CC number, if the message is a Control Change.
  4. Value: Sets the actual PC or CC message data.
Beneath the table, buttons for Scene Down (-) and Scene Up (+) change the scene.
The Clear Row button clears all parameter values for the current row in the current scene.
The Test Row block allows you to transmit a single row for testing purposes.

Several examples of Scene MIDI block programming appear below. Unused commands are not shown.

In this example, Scenes 1 and 2 each transmit two different PCs to devices on channels 3 and 4.

In this example, Scenes 1 and 2 each transmit two different CCs to devices on channels 3 and 4.Imagining two toggle switches, the values swap from one scene to the next.

In this example, Scenes 1 transmits a CC and a PC to a device on Channel 9.Scene 2 transmits nothing to the device on Channel 9, but sends different messages to three other devices. Command 1 Command 2 TYPE PC PC CHANNEL 34 NUMBER 11 64 VALUE -- -- Scene: 1 Command 1 Command 2 TYPE PC PC CHANNEL 34 NUMBER 14 59 VALUE -- -- Scene: 2

Command 1 Command 2 TYPE CC CC CHANNEL 34 NUMBER 80 81 VALUE 0 127 Scene: 1 Command 1 Command 2 TYPE CC CC CHANNEL 34 NUMBER 80 81 VALUE 127 0 Scene: 2 Command 1 Command 2 Command 3 TYPE CC PC -- CHANNEL 99 -- NUMBER 0 21 -- VALUE 1 -- -- Scene: 1 Command 1 Command 2 Command 3 TYPE PC PC CC CHANNEL 567 NUMBER 100 19 16 VALUE -- -- 63 Scene: 2
It has a MIDI block you can drop into the grid to do stuff with MIDI signals to external units on scene change, preset change, etc.

So would I not be able to dedicate a switch on a FC6/12 to control an external unit (such as vocal effects on/off)?
So would I not be able to dedicate a switch on a FC6/12 to control an external unit (such as vocal effects on/off)?
At this time I do not believe you can do that. Based on everything I've read, the MIDI block will be able to send MIDI out, but, only with scene or preset changes.

Unfortunately this limits my use of the FC6/12, as I need the capabilties to send MIDI via I/A switch.
At this time I do not believe you can do that. Based on everything I've read, the MIDI block will be able to send MIDI out, but, only with scene or preset changes.

Unfortunately this limits my use of the FC6/12, as I need the capabilties to send MIDI via I/A switch.

I find it incomprehensible that Fractal have brought out a pedal that costs more than the MFC-101 and has less features? I guess it’s looking like it’s about profit - more £ for less.
This also rules it out for me..... I just can’t be leave that they would remove features instead of adding to them....
I find it incomprehensible that Fractal have brought out a pedal that costs more than the MFC-101 and has less features?
feature-set doesn't directly relate to cost. the FC is a dedicated controller with LCD screens and tight integration with the Axe-Fx III. it is not a general MIDI controller. it will work much better with the Axe-Fx III than the the MFC-101 ever did with the Axe-Fx II.

it's a completely different approach, not related at all to how previous gear worked. the MFC-101 is still available if people prefer its feature-set.

if you want something that has similar features to the FC series and is a general MIDI controller, you can buy the RJM Mastermind GT series starting at $1299 for the smallest one, up to $1899 for the biggest one. those are more expensive than the MFC and have more features. so perhaps they fit the bill.
feature-set doesn't directly relate to cost. the FC is a dedicated controller with LCD screens and tight integration with the Axe-Fx III. it is not a general MIDI controller. it will work much better with the Axe-Fx III than the the MFC-101 ever did with the Axe-Fx II.

it's a completely different approach, not related at all to how previous gear worked. the MFC-101 is still available if people prefer its feature-set.

The MCF-101 worked fine with the II but also allowed the user to control external equipment such as vocal effects on/off etc etc....
The MFC does not really work with the III.
You may have stepped forward with the LCD screens (though they are not colour) but have taken a few steps back by removing all the extra features the MFC-101 had.
If you guys thought the 101 was not a good tight integration with the II why didn’t you sort it? - though I have never had any problem with mine - I’m just gutted that I am unable to upgrade to the III because of the cuts you have made :(
If you guys thought the 101 was not a good tight integration with the II why didn’t you sort it?
no one said that.

the product hasn't been released yet. the feature-set hasn't even been shared yet. Fractal Audio has a history of adding customer requests. being gutted seems premature, with those things considered.
The MCF-101 worked fine with the II but also allowed the user to control external equipment such as vocal effects on/off etc etc....
The MFC does not really work with the III.

- I’m just gutted that I am unable to upgrade to the III because of the cuts you have made :(

Depending on what you want, the MFC can work fine as a midi controller, and many here are using it with the III right now. In that sense, you can upgrade to the III anytime you'd like. If you need more, I'll second Chris' suggestion of the RJM products. I have found them to be well worth the price, and are as fully featured as they come!

No pedal does it all. Once it's out, let your needs drive your purchase. For some, staying with the II and MFC will be the best option, and that ain't exactly slumming!
no one said that.

the product hasn't been released yet. the feature-set hasn't even been shared yet. Fractal Audio has a history of adding customer requests. being gutted seems premature, with those things considered.

Ok - I’ll keep my fingers crossed than as an FC6 would be an ideal size - though I did check out your suggestion on the RGM stuff and the Mastermind GT/10 looks really good. But if the III can’t output CC or PC then still no better off. So I would need to use a long midi cable. Would the remote connection work with the FAS2?
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