Squishy vs. Clicky front panel buttons?


I used to have an Ultra that had front panel buttons that had a "click" to them when you pushed them. I recently picked up a used Standard and it doesn't make any sound when you hit the buttons...they are sort of squishy. I miss the click. Is this specific to standards? Or does it depend on when the unit was made? Is there any way to make them click?
krablar said:
I used to have an Ultra that had front panel buttons that had a "click" to them when you pushed them. I recently picked up a used Standard and it doesn't make any sound when you hit the buttons...they are sort of squishy. I miss the click. Is this specific to standards? Or does it depend on when the unit was made? Is there any way to make them click?
Mostly depends on when the unit was made.
Most units have the "squish" buttons. The buttons with the "click" were, I think, just because Fractal had run out of the regular type for a while. As far as I know, there's no way to know which you're going to get unless you specifically ask the seller.
fwiw, I'd prefer the clicking ones also, but both of my Ultras have the squish type.

[edit] new info: see Fractal's post below! :) [/edit]
I had a squishy standard, then a squishy early-build Ultra, and now a later Ultra with clicky buttons. I really like the clicky buttons.
In an informal poll the clicky ones were preferred to the squishy ones by a small margin. So all new units have the clicky ones. The button itself is the same manufactuer and base part no. They are made in two versions: regular and "quiet". Other than the tactile feel there is no advantage of one over the other.
FractalAudio said:
In an informal poll the clicky ones were preferred to the squishy ones by a small margin. So all new units have the clicky ones. The button itself is the same manufactuer and base part no. They are made in two versions: regular and "quiet". Other than the tactile feel there is no advantage of one over the other.

Ahh cool, that answers that. I could definitely see some people preferring the "quiet" but good to know the new ones have the click. Thanks!
So, if you've got an AXE FX with those 2 screws/nuts/bolts/whatever on the face of your unit AND you've got "squishy" buttons, does this mean that you've got an AXE FX "Classic"?

Those suckers will be collector's items one day. People will be over at the TGP forums posting photos of one they found in someone's attic or at a landfill - talking about how it's now worth like $15,000.
browlett said:
People will be over at the TGP forums posting photos of one they found in someone's attic or at a landfill - talking about how it's now worth like $15,000.

And how the new ones just don't have the same "mojo" as the vintage, squishy version!!
The tone is squishier, more organic on the vintage ones with the squishy buttons. The new clicky ones are too hard and digital sounding.

(I have squishy, would prefer clicky so I'm glad when I eventually buy an Ultra that it'll come with clicky, but really, it's a very minor difference.)
meh.. squishin, clickin, s'all good.
mine doesn't make any noise, so i guess they're the squishin variety. complete with two nuts on the fascia.
can't say i yearn for the clicks. :|
Clicky here.

But, on a related point ... I'm a new owner (3 weeks) and have some concern about button wear given bad experiences I've had with buttons wearing out quickly on other hardwear I've owned.

Has anyone here had a clicky or squishy Axe button wear out?

I'd planned to use the editor a lot, but, much to my amazement and surprise, the front panel is pretty quick and easy to navigate.
The switches are rated for 10 million operations. It is unlikely that you would wear one out in your lifetime.
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