
Main Entry: soon
Pronunciation: \?sün, especially New England ?su?n\
Function: adverb
Etymology: Middle English soone, from Old English s?na; akin to Old High German s?n immediately
Date: before 12th century

1 a obsolete : at once : immediately b : without undue time lapse : before long <soon after sunrise>
2 : in a prompt manner : speedily <as soon as possible> <the sooner the better> <no sooner said than done>
3 archaic : before the usual time
4 : in agreement with one's choice or preference : willingly <I'd just as soon walk as drive>

wall_stencil_coming-soon.jpg my Ultra 1 month ago, got on the waiting list for the MFC a week later.....I'm pretty sure 'Soon' doesn't apply to me
Sure wished i could get one of them pedals, but im broke bloke and im not from austrailia. Tis cause i just got me a verve 15ma. Although im considering unloading me switchblade 100 combo. That might get me close.
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