
i wondered the same thing somebody told me last week...

Search youtube for double rainbow.... find the original, then autotune versions... funny...
Since my wife say's it's "Always about YOU dear", we can all assume this post from Cliff is in regards to Virgil. So let me go deeper into this answer for everyone. Ahem... *CHECK, CHECK* is this mic on?

SOON Virgil will be getting the refund from the IRS.
SOON (like 20 seconds after it shows in the bank account) Virgil will order the AxeFX Ultra.
SOON the shipping department will load VIRGIL's AxeFX on the truck..... so on and so on.

SOON Virgil with have the AxeFX and SOON, you will no longer have to read these damn "Wannabee Posts" of mine. Thanks Cliff for letting everyone know that i will be an AxeFX owner SOONer or later. :lol: :twisted: :oops: :cool: :ugeek:
:lol: Nice, Cliff. Let's see if this "soon" thing will continue for at least ten pages.


Does this picture (from FAS) have something to do with "soon"? Your delivery rate will suddenly double this month? Hmm.... maybe Cliff built an Axe-Fx Axe-Fx:er that builds Axe-Fx:s and automatically simulates all amps on the planet and Cliff can retire... :lol:
flyingfadr said:
i wondered the same thing somebody told me last week...

Search youtube for double rainbow.... find the original, then autotune versions... funny...

actually "...what does this mean?" was an attempt to quote the very same video :) I guess I failed.
The autotune one is pretty funny too.
tgunn said:
flyingfadr said:
i wondered the same thing somebody told me last week...

Search youtube for double rainbow.... find the original, then autotune versions... funny...

actually "...what does this mean?" was an attempt to quote the very same video :) I guess I failed.
The autotune one is pretty funny too.

I got it (and LOLed). :D

NP: MBV-Loveless. Thanks Chad.
Sorry... on vacation here.... just checking posts quickly to see if the word "NOW" has been posted... read too quick...LOL
FractalAudio said:

Well, I finally found the answer~ Looks like Cliff has been 2-timing" us over at FaceBook - SOOOOooo here's the post from August 18th there:

Fractal Audio The Reactors are here and purchase invitations have begun to go out. There are still a few slots left so reserve yours today at

This is not my beautiful house!
This is not my beatiful wife!
This is NOT the guitar processor I want!
4 DTG till ordering the Ultra
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