Something strange is going on with my sound

nope if I disconnect the guitar it does not do any noise.

This sounds like a potential issue with your guitar then. Really....sounds a lot like a feedback loop. You do any tinkering with your guitar lately? Have another guitar and cable you can try?

EDIT: NM, I see you tried other guitars.
Sounds like something on your circuit is running intermittently, and adding noise to your electrical system. Resetting the breaker shuts it off for a while, but when it starts back up, the problem returns.??

Can you investigate this to see if something is running, only when the noise is present?

Computers, monitors, fluorescent lighting, lighting dimmers, refrigerators, air conditioners, fans, outlets not wired correctly, etc...
Many thanks Moke for taking the time to reply. Love your presets by the way man!

It only comes back if I turn off the fm3. As long as my fm3 stays on the problem does not return.

I tried keeping everything unplugged (fridge, oven, lights, washing machine, etc) and turning the fm3 off and on but without resetting the circuit breaker the problem persists no matter how many times I turn the fm3 off and on.

The only thing that solves is resetting the circuit breaker from the main box but as soon as I turn off the fm3 the problem comes back.

Definitely a Furman won’t solve this?

I was reading the Furman solves EMI, radio frequency problems and also ground loops but I am a totally beginner related to understanding electricity.

Again many thanks for replying so fast
Hmmm, Interesting issue.o_O
What about with the USB cable disconnected?
Just the FM3, headphones, and guitar.
the funny thing is that everything else works fine its only the fm3 and the focusrite when i try to use it with an amp sim. I am pretty sure if i call an electrician we would look me with a funny face if i start talking about EMI and radio freqs.

still thinking if i should buy a Furman or if that is actually throwing money and is not going to solve the problem...

Regardless of whether it solves this issue or not, you should be using a quality power conditioner.
nope if I disconnect the guitar it does not do any noise.
If disconnecting your guitar causes the noise to go away, that means the noise is electromagnetic interference (EMI) that’s radiating through the air and entering your guitar. No amount of power treatment or filtering will help this.

When you hear the noise, move your guitar all around the room, and turn it in different directions. The interference should get louder and quieter when you do this. This can help you identify the source of the interference.
Hmmm, Interesting issue.o_O
What about with the USB cable disconnected?
Just the FM3, headphones, and guitar.
yes tried it with the usb cable disconnected. I only connected the usb cable to record on my DAW both clips. I know interesting issue! that is making me think a lot! I tried plugging the fm3 on every room of the flat, just the fm3 with the headphones.
Regardless of whether it solves this issue or not, you should be using a quality power conditioner.
sure. is there any difference between all furman models? there is a cheaper version of furman for 240v its the m-10xE and it says it has standard noise filtering where as the other furman that are more expensive say they have advanced filtering. they are quite expensive here in UK. I dont know if there is another alternative?
If disconnecting your guitar causes the noise to go away, that means the noise is electromagnetic interference (EMI) that’s radiating through the air and entering your guitar. No amount of power treatment or filtering will help this.

When you hear the noise, move your guitar all around the room, and turn it in different directions. The interference should get louder and quieter when you do this. This can help you identify the source of the interference.
I tried that and moved my guitar 2 meters away in every direction the high pitch noise does not disappear, the only thing that gets quieter is the 60hz hum noise if I am on the single coil but the high pitch squeal never disappear.

honestly this is a mystery for me...
I tried that and moved my guitar 2 meters away in every direction the high pitch noise does not disappear, the only thing that gets quieter is the 60hz hum noise if I am on the single coil but the high pitch squeal never disappear.

honestly this is a mystery for me...
It is indeed a mystery. There are strange things here that normally don't go together.

The fact that the interference goes away suggests that it's EMI being picked up by your guitar. The fact that the high-pitched whine doesn't change as you move around the room suggests that it's not that.

The fact that it starts when you power on your FM3, and it doesn't go away unless you toggle whole-house power and then power up your FM3 suggests that it's something else in your flat. And we can't rule out a possible problem within the your FM3 itself.

Try this: While the whine is happening, bypass each block in your preset, one at a time, and see whether the whine changes.

If that doesn't yield any results, I think it's time to contact Support.
Have you taken the guitar and FM3 to someone else’s place or a music store and tried it? So far it sounds like the problem is local to the apartment, so confirm that. If the problem follows the FM3 and guitar, then try a different guitar there. If it continues then try a different cable.

If the problem goes away somewhere else then you know the guitar, cable and FM3 are all good and the problem is in the apartment. Get a good power conditioner, since you know you should use one, and see if that helps. If not call for help from whoever is responsible for the building and see what they say. An appliance could be causing it, but appliances that are turned off shouldn’t be the issue. Turning off breakers on by one should show what room or set of outlets have the problem. Turning off everything at once doesn’t tell you enough so you have to be more methodical.
It is indeed a mystery. There are strange things here that normally don't go together.

The fact that the interference goes away suggests that it's EMI being picked up by your guitar. The fact that the high-pitched whine doesn't change as you move around the room suggests that it's not that.

The fact that it starts when you power on your FM3, and it doesn't go away unless you toggle whole-house power and then power up your FM3 suggests that it's something else in your flat. And we can't rule out a possible problem within the your FM3 itself.

Try this: While the whine is happening, bypass each block in your preset, one at a time, and see whether the whine changes.

If that doesn't yield any results, I think it's time to contact Support.
Hi Rex,

I tried with a longer cable what you suggested and I got close to one of the sockets and the noise and squeal became louder however it turned off those sockets to try out after and even with these socket turned off the fm3 still doesn’t work properly.

There is only one part of the room where the squeal almost becomes barely bearable but even so the fm3 still sounds strange like the stereo is messed up.

I tried bypassing each block and no change of course when I bypassed the amp the squealing became quieter but the rest no change.

When I bypassed the cab block however the squeal started to sound like when you are measuring electrical noise with an electric noise meter so instead of a squeal it was more like a frying sound mixed with that squeal. Very similar to this :


Any other possible idea?
Another thing to check is potential between your Flat's electrical ground, and any ISP/TV Cable if so equipped?

If there is potential there, ground the ISP/TV Cable to the Flat's ground, typically at the big breaker box.

Just a thought as I've seen some home installations where touching the Router to a grounded 19" rack of gear caused sparks as well as noise LOL!
As the above mentioned I would look into your internet devices and things connected. Router, TV, cable TV box/Satellite, etc. These devices take time to boot up and could be thermally malfunctioning. Basically disconnect all internet devices. It’s a long shot and doesn’t make sense with it appearing when you power cycle the FM3.

Also as mentioned take your guitar, cable, power cable and FM3 to another location as see how it responds. It reminds me of failing filter caps in a PSU of major electrical device, but that’s an opinion that is far from precise as I’m 1000’s of miles away.
Hi Everyone sorry couldnt reply before.

I am going to test my unit at a friends house today because unfortunately now the high pitch noise is all the time, no matter if I restart the circuit breaker from the main box.

I am suspecting is the fm3

I tried with 5 different guitar cables, 3 different guitars, 2 different set of headphones, without usb connected, anyway the high pitch is there same volume as the notes I play.

I will keep you updated.
Hi Everyone sorry couldnt reply before.

I am going to test my unit at a friends house today because unfortunately now the high pitch noise is all the time, no matter if I restart the circuit breaker from the main box.

I am suspecting is the fm3

I tried with 5 different guitar cables, 3 different guitars, 2 different set of headphones, without usb connected, anyway the high pitch is there same volume as the notes I play.

I will keep you updated.
Unfortunately you’re likely correct that it’s the FM3. It would make the most sense. Intermittent problems can be very frustrating until they finally become permanent. Still give it a try at another location for peace of mind.
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