SoCal Axe Users Meeting?

Hi guys,

I had been trying to PM kerrlehr and cobbler since they are organizing this but I had not been getting responses (maybe problems with PM) so I'll just present it here. I had been in contact with Fryette if they would like to come by and demonstrate their prototype of the upcoming power amp: the LXII as show here: Fryette Modeling Workshop Volume I: Fryette LXII and Fractal Audio Axe-FX II - YouTube

They have shown interest in coming over but I don't know if you guys have the "time slot" or space to have them come in. If not, I can just tell them... maybe next time.
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What the? I thought this was gonna be in North Hollywood?

I imagine with this small get together getting quite large they have had to make changes to accomodate all the people interested in coming. you figure we have another month to go, so in thirty days this could double in size. I just hope that Cliff and Matt bring a lot of AXE FX II's to sale because once people who come who are interested get there, I can guarantee that they are not leaving with out one. I hope that a new firmware is released around the time of the event with all the New amps that Cliff is working on, now that people are shipping in there amps.
To everyone,

We have had a lot of interest and response in the event. What started out as a little local get together has drawn a lot of interest from sponsors, individuals willing to help present, and users wishing to attend from all over the country. We originally were going to rent a small studio and hold it there while encouraging registrants to take in the LA Amp show (the same weekend) and lodging at its location. We have expanded on the original concept in order to be able to accommodate more people.

We are working hand in hand with Fractal, Tone Merchants, the Amp show organizers, and possibly a couple other prospective sponsors to make this a really great event for all who attend. It’s looking very promising that we can house everything at the Airtel Hotel in Van Nuys where the Amp show is being held. While not 100% confirmed, we have a tentative agreement in place. We are looking at the venue today in person to verify it will be adequate for our needs and will post an update here and on the registrant website either tonight or at the latest tomorrow morning.

Please bear with us. There is a lot of work and coordination that is involved in pulling this off. We promise you that it will be a great time for all and you will not be disappointed.

Here is the website:

Axe-Fest - West Coast Event

We have inspected the new venue. It is perfect for our event. We are confirmed with Fractal Audio Systems and LA Amp & Custom Guitar Show. The AXE FEST 2012 will take place at the Airtel Plaza Hotel Gulfstream Ballroom, Van Nuys, CA. (Full Info on our site)

With overwhelming response, our event has grown from a meeting of a dozen user group members, into a formidable event. Due to this growth, and in order to provide an event venue worthy of such an event, we are going to need to charge a nominal prepaid entry fee of $25.00 for single day, and $35.00 for two days. Registration at the door will likely be sold out. However, if you do register at the door, these cost will increase to $35.00 / $45.00.

For those of you who have already registered, we will notify you of how your can pay your fee, and/or remove yourself from the registration if you choose not to attend. (We expect this event to fully sell out and would greatly appreciate that you notify us if you choose not to attend). In and case, any registrant whom has not made payment by September 15th, will be removed from the registration role.

For more information please see the site at Axe-Fest - West Coast Event

I just want to take a minute to lift up the other organizational partners for this event Cobbler, Ratsgym and now, Matt Picone of Fractal Audio Systems. You guys are the BEST! Thank you each. :D

Rest assured your AXE FEST 2012 WEST COAST Event will have a few special features that will make this event extraordinarily special for you..
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This event will be one time I can say, "it sucks to be way up here in Canada". Would've been great to be there.
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We have inspected the new venue. It is perfect for our event. We are confirmed with Fractal Audio Systems and LA Amp & Custom Guitar Show. The AXE FEST 2012 will take place at the Airtel Plaza Hotel Gulfstream Ballroom, Van Nuys, CA. (Full Info on our site)

With overwhelming response, our event has grown from a meeting of a dozen user group members, into a major industry event in the digital guitar processing world. Due to this growth, and in order to provide an event venue worthy of such an event, we are going to need to charge a nominal prepaid entry fee of $25.00 for single day, and $35.00 for two days. Registration at the door will likely be sold out. However, if you do register at the door, these cost will increase to $35.00 / $45.00.

For those of you who have already registered, we will notify you of how your can pay your fee, and/or remove yourself from the registration if you choose not to attend. (We expect this event to fully sell out and would greatly appreciate that you notify us if you choose not to attend). In and case, any registrant whom has not made payment by September 15th, will be removed from the registration role.

For more information please see the site at Axe-Fest - West Coast Event

I just want to take a minute to lift up the other organizational partners for this event Cobbler, Ratsgym and now, our own Matt Picone of Fractal Audio Systems. You guys are the BEST! Thank you each :D

Rest assured your AXE FEST 2012 WEST COAST Event will have a few special features that will make this event extraordinarily special for you..

Cool, just let us know, how you want us to pay. PayPal, credit card. I'm digging how this is turning out. You guys rock. I have the rental car, the hotel, and the excitement, so bring it on.
Question: I registered early on when the form was much shorter (no t-shirt size/forum name/etc.) Is there a way to update and/or re-register so that I can enter all of the information?

Question: I registered early on when the form was much shorter (no t-shirt size/forum name/etc.) Is there a way to update and/or re-register so that I can enter all of the information?


Nope - you'll have to go topless ... and the fact you didn't leave your forum name is actually lucky or else they'd be pinning your name tag to a nipple.
We are setting up an online payment solution. We will have the T-Shirt size as a mandatory field so you will be covered.

To clear up any confusion and as noted on the web page the second day of the event is optional. The work shop presentations will be taking place on Saturday followed by a concert later in the evening by some pretty amazing artists.

We will be completing a detailed schedule over the next few days and present it accordingly. The fees were negotiated in conjunction with the Amp and Guitar Show organizers and provide you access to both events. With rooms at group rates also available we felt this was the best way to proceed with the overwhelming interest from persons across the globe as everything will be at one location.

You will not be disappointed.
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Gratitude abounds for all who have coordinated this amazing event! I'm beside myself (Axe II modeled phased delay stereo chorused to be exact) in excitement to meet the FAS team and forum members, to check out the exhibits and workshops and to be present for all the awesome-ness. I'm not surprised that this planned "little" gathering has swelled in size and I appreciate all the hard work and efforts of the coordinators and sponsors.

Nice work team!

Got our room booked and we're ready to pay our fee.
One thing we haven't been mentioning is that there is a guitar show included with the amp show. Some vintage guitars and pedals and more. I'm gonna be solo broke.
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