SoCal Axe Users Meeting?

Hey moke,

What's the device with the axe 2?

It's a "T/C Helicon Voice-Live Rack" Vocal processor. This is going to be my "everything" amp. Guitars, Vocals, Samples and Backing Tracks, On-board Mixer, and stereo co-axial 12" monitor.

Heavy, but sets up crazy fast.
Registered! Thanks so much to cobbler, ratsgym, kerrlehr and all others who are coordinating this amazing gathering!
XL shirt here.
Looking forward to networking with fellow Axe users/players, rigs and routing, FRFR and all other types of Axe goodness.
Be sure to register!

I am going to take the time to transfer the gear, suggestions, and “what would you like to see” comments from this thread to the registration site for those of you who didn’t do so when registering.

However, in several cases registrants did not provide their FAS User Forum Screen Name. So in order to avoid any potential misrepresentation I am asking for those who have already registered to please take a few seconds and PM me your registered name so I can transfer the data appropriately.

For those who are going to register I encourage you to also post your gear, suggestions, and needs here so forum members can be apprised. Please see this thread : for any updates, announcements, and link to the web site and registration form link.

Thank you all and we are looking forward to meeting and providing the best event possible.

See you there!!!!
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Would love to come but am too far away and booked that weekend. Are there any plans to video some of the key presentations? It sounds like there will be a lot of great information being presented - would love to see Scott/Mark/Matt/Cliff's presentations or Q&A sessions. Maybe someone can hook that up? If I can assist in the efforts let me know.
I am bringing my video gear. I am sure others will as well. The big chore will no doubt be in the post event editing process.

I will at the very least capture the presenter and what is is being shown on overhead (front panel screen, axe-edit screen)
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I am bringing my video gear. I am sure others will as well. The big chore will no doubt be in the post event editing process.
I will at the very least capture the presenter and what is is being shown on overhead (front panel screen, axe-edit screen)

That's great - maybe someone can stick a mic or portable recorder up front to capture the audio as well. Good luck!
That's great - maybe someone can stick a mic or portable recorder up front to capture the audio as well. Good luck!
We will work something out. I have a high end Panasonic camcorder, a zoom Q3HD high quality audio cam, and a GoPro HD.

No doubt others coming or on here can help out or volunteer their expertise in the video area. I am just a hack and just got the Panny camcorder this weekend. Catching it on video will be a priority. We will get it done!
What if someone takes a digi 002 or something so they can Mic up the presenter and the gear being used and sync the audio with the video? That'd be cool as we'd have something to show for on the YouTubes :)
Hey everyone,
Thanks for the great response to AXE-FEST 2012. We are looking forward to meeting every one that are coming. Unfortunately we have to limit the number of people because of the venue size to 60. So get your conformations in before we fill up. We already have 40+ so don't wait. Again thanks for all the support for this great event.

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