So what do you think of this?

Just my 2 cents but this is totally counter-intuitive to what the Axe-Fx is all about, no matter how impressive you may think it looks. If you want two massive heads on two 4x12" cabs why not just go there and be done with it? If it's all about image when your on stage then IMO your on stage for the wrong reason. Huge rigs have NEVER impressed me as much as great musicianship. Nothing is more impressive to me than to see a truly gifted musician playing a very minimalist rig and just flat out blowing the crowd away with TALENT. I can understand how this could/would appeal to the younger testosterone dripping kids/lads but a cleaner more refined rig is what the Axe-Fx is all about IMO.

Once again this is just my opinion.

Yeah, no band in the world uses dummy cabs and amps on stage to project an image. while using what they want behind the scenes in a more contorlled environment.

Very cool OP. I dig it. Always enjoy seeing cool DIY stuff.
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