So about that Guitar World video review...


I'm sure most are familiar with the Guitar World video review of the Axe Fx. If not, give "Axe Fx" the ol' Youtube treatment and you won't miss it.

Kind of a good news/bad news situation here: Good news - Guitar World loves the Axe Fx and cannot give it higher praise. Bad news - the demo sounds like feces, and that's being generous. Seriously, I can't imagine how an editor listened to that demo and proudly clicked "upload." I'm 90% sure someone forgot the cab sims - which is kind of like forgetting to add milk to cereal.

I wouldn't be all that surprised if Cliff's face encountered his palm over this one...
Yeah, it's absolutely horrid. Fortunately there's a zillion other great videos out there to counter it.
They reaaaally should redo that review! I find the following user comments somewhat amusing as the negative one's are based on that review alone with no other knowledge.

Just imagine what he would have said about it with it plugged in properly!!!
Wow. The fact that they posted that as a positive review really makes me question whatever credibility they may have had as a reviewer. I'm tempted to sign up for a YouTube account just to post links to thibderob's videos in the comments there...
That's not the only positive review I saw that sounded like a$$. I think it was the Boogie V-twin pedal or Koch Pedaltone that sounded grating, and I think that was on a DVD that was included with a magazine somewhere that was an examplen for something...

Well. That was enlightening. Please excuse my contribution to this thread.

Yes. The tone on the Axe-FX video is horrible.
Yea! I watched that video through a fairly good home theater system and it sounded horrible. So much so that I thought "I'd rather have a (gasp) rack POD". Then several months later I youtubed some low wattage amp and ran into it randomly. I played one at a meeting of "axers" and fell in love. I now have to save all of my fun money for over a year now... FML
OmegaZero said:
I'm tempted to sign up for a YouTube account just to post links to thibderob's videos in the comments there...
Please do :lol: I'm going to upload new videos soon
After actually using some of the equipment that's been reviewed in the past I've concluded that almost all reviews are worthless. How can you expect an objective review from any organization that accepts ads from manufacturers of the products that they're reviewing?

Stephen Cole
Sounds as bad as the amp demos in Marshall's online Digital Theatre....
This Guitar World guy has the same piercing tone in just about every video. I've only seen a handful that he's done where the tone is decent. Good thing I'd heard lots of other great clips before seeing that one.
I'm saving up and will be Axing by summer.
Promise to write a long review when you get it, compare it with the X3 and other gear you have used. Will you go frfr or poweramp + cab with the Axe?
I will be using a Carvin TS100 and 412 cab with Celestion G12K-100's for live & loud use. But will split off before cab sim to the power amp, and after cab and mike for a direct feed. I'll also be going completely direct for some other live applications, notably worship playing, monitoring through an Aviom system. That one's going to be the real test.

I'm going to hold off for as long as I can and get in plenty of full band rehearsal and live play time in both bands before issuing a comprehensive review. That's only fair.
That review made me not considering buying the Axe-fx some time ago! Probably the worst thing that could have happened when I was building my rig, I spent lots of money just to finally accidentaly bumping into some axe-fx clips, and thinking it could not be the same unit.

I saw that video and there was another one that made me go :? I think it was some demo from a namm show.

How Ironic that the one thing that I once thought would never spend 2000€ on would be my "salvation" and thinking it was quite cheap actually :)
i have always thought every video review i have heard from Paul R sounds is amazing they keep throwing out these reviews of this quality...if were a manufacturer i would be mortified!! Could possibly be an engineer's fault i suppose... but yes...thank goodness for other people's video posts.......
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