Setting up Mesa Simul Class Two/Ninety/Two with the AxeFx?


Power User
Hey guys, I just did a gig with my Matrix 1U poweramp and it kept overheating and going into protect. I'm really frustrated and I've decided to go with a Mesa 2/90/2 power amp. I haven't used this combination before, and I was wondering if anyone could give me guidance on how to set up the AxeFx to work best with it and what settings to use on the poweramp? Thanks in advance.
I use a Mesa 2:90 to power 4 cabs with my axe fx . it is very straight forward.
I put the Mesa volume up about 1/4 with the axe level knob at max. I then use the master volume located on the virtual amps to get the volume I like. If you crank the power amp volume too high you get unnecessary buzz.

I put the presence in the middle and rarely use "modern", "half" and "deep" though they are excellent options to have.

Good luck sir and welcome to the club!
Interesting that the Furman may cause an issue, but it seems to be only that one person who experienced it. Has anyone else?
I leave the deep/modern off but keep the power amp setting active in the axe. It adds such a massive amount of body to the tone. Do an A/B with the savage, hbe, etc.... huge difference.

I run it to 1960 Marshall lead cabs, just for reference.
Interesting. I was wondering about the power amp modelling being active or not. Technically the mesa should add the poweramp color needed and I should defeat it in the Axefx? I know you don't have to, but that is the typical method right?
Interesting. I was wondering about the power amp modelling being active or not. Technically the mesa should add the poweramp color needed and I should defeat it in the Axefx? I know you don't have to, but that is the typical method right?

Yes. If I'm at home playing, I'll turn it on for sh!ts and giggles. Recording or with a band, I turn it off because it starts to creep into the bassist's (is that spelled right?) real estate.
Interesting. I was wondering about the power amp modelling being active or not. Technically the mesa should add the poweramp color needed and I should defeat it in the Axefx? I know you don't have to, but that is the typical method right?

I forgot to say I leave the Axe power modeling on too. It sounds way better with it on.

I did manage to get my Mesa 4*12 cabs sounding great on their own but I also actually prefer using Cab sims.
So, I just had my first rehearsal with the mesa power amp. It sounds cool to have poweramp emulation running, but in a band mix it's way to bassy. How do you defeat the power amp simulation? And what else do you need to adjust to make it neutral. I read somewhere you need to set Sag to zero then presence to 5. I'm rather confused?
I just read that the global power amp sim doesn't turn off everything? The sag is still in effect? So i need to disable it globally and turn the sag off? Then I the presence needs to be set at 5 to be neutral because it's no longer a presence control? Haha my mind is spinning. Just want to be sure I know how to set this up properly.
That should turn the power amp sim completely. If you turn the sag to zero, it basically has the same effect as turning the power amp sim in the global menu. Of course with the global, the power sim will be disabled/enabled on all patches.
I used to run my II with a 2:90 (it's not called 2/90/2, that’s one of VHT's model name) and a 4x12 and sometimes 2 2x12 , overall sound was great.
I switched to MATRIX 1000 because of weight and overall sound is more or less the same and there is defiantly plenty of power, it's not getting overheated ever and I do play loud! I have never had an overheating issue with it. I crank it 85-90% all the time with the Axe around 50%
Please note that the 2:90 cuts the bass a lot! When DEPP is not active, the lows are cut really hard.
If DEEP is ON than you get the "standard" e.q. - low frequencies related.
I wasn't aware of it until I tried my Axe with 3 other type of amps + studio monitors after playing with the 2:90 and then I understood that activating DEEP simply "release" the low end back to its place.
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Yes, when DEEP is active, you actually hear the full spectrum of the amp.
when DEEP is disconnected, its actually cuts the low-end.
Yes, when DEEP is active, you actually hear the full spectrum of the amp.
when DEEP is disconnected, its actually cuts the low-end.

Wow. I just got back from practice and engaged the deep function. I was shocked by how much fuller everything was. I can't believe anyone would want to have their amp any other way. Thanks!
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