Sad news, Randall Smith booted from MESA

They will either mothball or ruin Mesa, guaranteed. It is just a matter of time. They’re king Midas in reverse. Everything they touch turns to shit.

Just to be clear, with all the damage control they’ve done in the past decade to make themselves look a little less shitty, they’d just let the firing of Randall Smith rumor float on the way it is if there was no truth to it? The damage control they attempted to do over it doesnt say they didnt fire him.

He made it pretty clear at the time of the acquisition that he didn't have long-term plans at Gibson. He left Gibson, and that's probably all there is to say about it. Any attempt by Gibson to directly address an unfounded rumor started by a random person the internet would be a colossally bad idea. Just ask Barbra Streisand.
He made it pretty clear at the time of the acquisition that he didn't have long-term plans at Gibson. He left Gibson, and that's probably all there is to say about it. Any attempt by Gibson to directly address an unfounded rumor started by a random person the internet would be a colossally bad idea. Just ask Barbra Streisand.
They addressed his "leaving", why address it at all in that case. NOT saying he wasnt fired in their statement is as good as saying leaving waws not his choice.

And I LOVE Barbra. She is on in my house constantly. .
This is me every time I see a nice amp head and start GAS-ing. Eventually after a little while I start thinking to myself "when the hell would I ever use it?". I got little kids and live in the burbs. Ain't no way I'm cranking a 90-120W tube head into a 4x12 or even a 2x12. I'd just end up playing my AxeFX anywho.
I’m in a similar boat.

I have a Roadster 2x12 and it’s stupid loud and stupid heavy. It’s been serving as a stand for my FRFR speaker and Gator case that holds the AF3.

Every so often I cruise reverb but there’s a bunch of them just sitting. Don’t see the point in listing it.
Bless your heart. I retired at 49 and would rather yell at people about soap. If you love what you do, keep doing it. I really didn’t like my career choice and left the very day I was eligible to.
Yeah I'm extremely lucky. I work for a great non-profit that does a lot of good work.

I'm a web programmer. I like building stuff and watching it go, bonus points for it helping people do what they need to do. I'm still effective at my job I think, and we need the money, so onward!
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