Rocktron All Access set up help


I have an All Access and an Axe Fx II and I've connected both using a Rocktron 7-pin midi cable.
I went through the All Access manual and set up the all access so that buttons 1-5 are for changing presets and the rest of the buttons are for switching effects on and off within the presets, but that's as far as I can get.
Buttons 1-5 do change between presets 000-004 on the Axe, but when the All Access is connected the only sound coming out of the Axe is a very dull and low volume clean signal, so if I press button 1 preset 000 is called up like I want, but there is no sound from it.

Does anyone know what the problem might be? I have already performed a factory reset on the All Access but can do so again if need be to start over again.
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Form what you said so far I have an idea what might be going on.

Perform a quick test first go to the All Access and change it back to program mode (no IA switches at all) Grab your guitar and buzz around some presets, do your presets sound normal??
If everything behaves normally change All Access back to 1-5 program and 6-15 I/A’s.

What is most likely happening you have not programed your IA switches and the default CC# on one of those IA switches or even a few combined is causing your problem.

Thanks, I'll give it a go shortly. I bought it from Paulmapp on this forum and he used it with his standard so I know it's fully working and I must just be doing something stupid, I just can't get my head around it.
I changed it so that all 15 switches just change presets but it's not changed anything unfortunately.
However I did notice that when the All Access is connected then the bypass button on the Axe front panel is active by default, but then when I deactivate it there is no sound whatsoever.
After messing about with it some more I can use it properly with all 15 switches as preset switches, but when I change to 5 preset switches and 6-15 as IA switches as soon as I change presets the bypass light is activated. When I deactivate the bypass light then I get no signal whatsoever.

I will try and make some presets for band practice this Sunday where 000 is a dry amp and then 001 is the same tone but with delay and 002 has drive etc, but that is a huge pain and really I'd like to have it so that 000 is a dry amp selectable with switch 1 on the All Access and switches 6-15 bring in delay and drive etc.
I've got it all figured out now, thanks very much :D
It turns out I'd programmed everything right, I just simply needed to switch the Axe on and off again. I feel pretty stupid now but at least I've learned something.
After messing about with it some more I can use it properly with all 15 switches as preset switches, but when I change to 5 preset switches and 6-15 as IA switches as soon as I change presets the bypass light is activated.

If you got this far don’t worry this is good!!

What you need to do next is assign CC#’s to those IA switches.
You did not say what AF you are using BTW but example:

I want to take switch 6 and give it the ability to bypass delay1 one on my AF, so in my case I would assign a CC# 47 (with the Axe FX II). For a list of the CC#’s on the Axe Fx go to I/O and page over to CTRL and go down the list and find the one you want. DO NOT change CC#’s in the Axe Fx use it only for a reference to program the All Access.

I don’t know how familiar you are with midi but a suggestion, go to all of your IA switches one at a time and change the CC# to none. Then with (all IA switches at none) fire up your guitar I believe you will find your presets will react normally. If so start programming your IA's as I stated above, just do them one at a time till you get the feel. A delay chorus and so on. BTW which Axe FX do you have?

If we get this far one more little hurdle and your home free! Keep in mind the Axe FX usually has two of everything delay1 delay2 and so on so an IA switch will only control either delay1 or delay2.
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I've got it all figured out now, thanks very much :D
It turns out I'd programmed everything right, I just simply needed to switch the Axe on and off again. I feel pretty stupid now but at least I've learned something.
Very Cool!!!
I've not looked in depth yet because I need to go to work now; but is there a way to have it so that say switch 6 is activated as soon as you select a preset?
I've not looked in depth yet because I need to go to work now; but is there a way to have it so that say switch 6 is activated as soon as you select a preset?

Select the preset you want on the All Access turn on all the IA switches you want and then store them. the next time you hit that (preset) switch it will turn on those IA's.
I cant remember what state I shipped you the AA in :(

i THINK I did a factory reset for you - in which case the CCs on buttons 6-15 will be 6-15. If I didnt reset then there set up as I had them for my Standard. The Standard may have different FX to CCs than the 2 - dont actuall know.

it SOUNDS like you either had a CC set to bypass (so that was being sent when you switch patches and bypassing the sound). Its also possible one is set to OFF - which will send c CC value of 0. If thats going to the master output volume you going to turn all your sound off :(

Best thing is to check what CCs are set up on each button of the AA - and what those CCs represent in the AFX2. Change them if nessary.

Then change patches on the AA - then manually go up, then back xdown on the AFX. That puts both controller and AFX on the same patch. the AA will display what it sends when you select a patch on it - the AFX will be in default mode. Toggle the switches on the AA to mirror what you want on/off when you select the patch - then save it on the AA.

You should be good to go.
I cant remember what state I shipped you the AA i THINK I did a factory reset for you

Soooo Paul. This was your entire fault.
Kidding of coarse!

On a different note, your videos played a big part in me getting a GT800FX as you can see in my signature. Had it a few months now and very happy with it!!
So thank you for that.

Nah I asked you to keep it in the state you used it in because when I bought it from you I thought I was getting an Ultra and the settings would just transfer across. That didn't seem to be the case now I have a 2.

One thing I would like to be able to do but haven't figured out yet is to have the IA switches set to different effects for different presets.
For example; there are some presets where I want to have the top 5 switches control the looper, but on other presets I want the top 5 switches to control things like chorus and flange because I don't need a looper on those presets.

There appear to be 16 channels and I thought it would be as simple as scrolling to channel 2 on all IA switches and then setting them to different effects than I have on channel 1. Then I would go to the preset switch I was using and set that to channel 2 and then it would know I wanted the top row to now control the looper. This doesn't work though. I set the preset switch to channel 2 and then it immediately just goes straight back to channel 1.
Reading the midi section of the manual is like a foreign language to me.
One thing I would like to be able to do but haven't figured out yet is to have the IA switches set to different effects for different presets.
For example; there are some presets where I want to have the top 5 switches control the looper, but on other presets I want the top 5 switches to control things like chorus and flange because I don't need a looper on those presets.

The most straight-forward way to do this would be to assign both the looper and the chorus to the same IA CC value. It means you can't use both a looper and a chorus in the same patch, but it does mean one IA switch on the All Access now toggles state in both effects.

Alternatively you can assign the IA on the All Access to control one of the External 1-X controllers. And then assign that external controller to the effect block. Now, what the IA does, depends on the patch. It'll do nothing if you haven't assigned that external controller to anything, or it'll do whatever you've assigned that external controller to.

I don't do the first approach. But I do have 2 IAs on my All Access set up the second way. So that what those 2 IAs do is completely patch-dependent. This can be a bit hard on your head in the heat of battle, so I recommend using this approach sparingly. Nothing worse that thinking the IA toggles the boost for the patch when it really controls whammy on, +2 octaves -- it can be a painful surprise when that happens!
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Getting started with Axe-fx and All access


I just got my axe-fx and the rocktron All access pedalboard and I don't know where to start. I've read the manual, made the basic setups on the All Access; but still: there's no communication between the 2 units!!! I'm stuck!!! The ''midi in'' on the Axe don't light at all!! Someone's got a procedure, basic steps?? Thanks a lot for your help!!

The first thing you need to do is make sure they are both talking on the same midi channel. If the Axe-fx is the only thing you're controlling you might want to set it to omni.
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