Reverb issue (crackling... regardless of reverb type) AXE FX III MKII - FW 20.03

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Perfectly audible even on a iPhone especially near the end of the video as the notes decay. Sounds wrong to me.
Yep...I hear it as well. High frequency artifacts of some kind. Have you tried different guitars? Different cables? For sure check all input/output levels. Maybe do a complete reset?

One more for the road to demonstrate the problem.
Yep...I hear it as well. High frequency artifacts of some kind. Have you tried different guitars? Different cables? For sure check input levels. Maybe do a complete reset?
I have done all those things. Even my wireless. Did a rollback to FW 20.02. This issue came straight out of the box this morning.
I Tryed your preset and can`t hear nothing like in your videos...

but i checkt the outputblock and the meters are every time in the red...mabee it`s the fault?

Edit: in your Video i can also hear that unwanted issue.
But can‘t reproduce in my Unit.🙃😔
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One more for the road to demonstrate the problem.

I have done all those things. Even my wireless. Did a rollback to FW 20.02. This issue came straight out of the box this morning.

I'd call support then. I've never had any issues with artifacts. Fractal reverbs are really good.... especially in a stereo rig.
I'd call support then. I've never had any issues with artifacts. Fractal reverbs are really good.... especially in a stereo rig.
I have contacted support.
I have used my ol' Axe FX 2 XL+ for years and in many gigs without ever having any type of artifacts, even on demanding presets. The reverbs on the Fractals are killer, so this issue is a bit of a bummer.
If you listen with headphones I hear it at from 20sec onwards. Interesting, I'll see if I can make some time today to see if I can replicate. There are definite crackles/clips/glitches/artefacts that I can hear in your first clip.
If you listen with headphones I hear it at from 20sec onwards. Interesting, I'll see if I can make some time today to see if I can replicate. There are definite crackles/clips/glitches/artefacts that I can hear in your first clip.
It's even more clear in the video I just posted in response to Justincase.
I wonder if it's a problem with my specific unit...
It's even more clear in the video I just posted in response to Justincase.
I wonder if it's a problem with my specific unit...
It very well could be. Nothing manufactured is %100 %100 of the time....I'm sure fractal will get you taken care of tho.. especially if its a new unit under warranty.
Bummer none the less....
Will let you all know. I'm sure it will be fine in the end. If support and I find a solution/fix others may be helped too :).

I Tryed your preset and can`t hear nothing like in your videos...

but i checkt the outputblock and the meters are every time in the red...mabee it`s the fault?

Edit: in your Video i can also hear that unwanted issue.
But can‘t reproduce in my Unit.🙃😔
Thanks for testing/taking your time to help. I am starting to assume it's a problem with my specific unit. I am sure it will be resolved in the end.
Just heard and watched the videos. To me this sounds (with out a doubt) like digital distortion. Like when slightly clipping. I can see from all the dialogue back and forth that you have tried several solutions, and even stripped down to the simplest form of patch. The last example shows the issue crystal clear to me.

You sir are not crazy. There are some strange things going on. Glad you contacted support on this issue.

The best way I know to describe the sound is: clicks and digital hiss.

Listening back with, Beyerdynamic dt770. And I hear the issue clear as day.
Could you possibly post a short video snippet while highlighting the outputblock in the layout grid?

Just a shot in the dark 🤞
Hope you get the issue resolved and please update this thread if you should find the solution. Good luck!🤞
Could you possibly post a short video snippet while highlighting the outputblock in the layout grid?

Just a shot in the dark 🤞
Hope you get the issue resolved and please update this thread if you should find the solution. Good luck!🤞
I am tucked in bed now sadly, as it's 1:43 in the morning here. But I did monitor the outputblock levels and in the last video (Axe glitch 4) the levels were peaking at -19dB so way more headroom than ever needed.
This issue only happens with the Reverb block. Any heavy preset loaded with delays, amps, cabs with fullres IRs loaded and the bastard sounds absolutely glorious. It's just that pesky reverb block.
Maybe I will think of something smarter tomorrow!
Appreciate it, good sir! I wonder what Support thinks could cause it. Right now I've pretty much concluded it's an issue with my specific unit. It's so strange it only happens with a reverb block. Never had anything like this happen with my old trusty Axe FX 2.

One more for the road to demonstrate the problem.

I have done all those things. Even my wireless. Did a rollback to FW 20.02. This issue came straight out of the box this morning.

That's a much better demonstration, thanks. It's interesting that your input clipping has gone away in this clip. I wonder if that's a clue.

You must have the output cranked to get an audible signal (or the gain turned way up in your DAW)? Don't turn your Input Gain down like that, that's in the digital domain, so it won't have any effect on input clipping. Similarly, you can introduce input noise when you turn the sensitivity all the way down like that. Leave your sensitivity at no lower than 10% and leave the Input Gain at the default neutral value. Otherwise, you're processing a signal with extreme signal-to-noise and that might be causing problems with the reverb, but without seeing your entire processing chain, that's just a guess.

Instead of mucking with the input settings, I would take the guitar and the input A/D out of the equation entirely. Use a synth block in front of the reverb to generate a tone.
I only have and have had the III. (First gen) have never heard this noise in my unit. Maybe you are right. I am also curious if this is as simple as a production failure. It could happen. I recently bought a coffee machine that make cold coffee... Hehehe
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