Revelation about speaker cabs...


OK, so I figured out I was doing something completely wrong in my amp building with axefx. I had picked out a cabinet that sounded good for my clean: 021 — 2x12 DOUBLE VERB R121

I had been using this cabinet for almost every amp with the exeption of the 011 — 1x12 BLUDO MIX which I was using for dumble/holdsworth tones.

However, i am now realizing that these speakers are terrible for roots rock, country and vox/matchless type .

And on a related note, does anyone of IRs of the EV SRO 12" speakers, the JBL K-120 and EV 12L cabs in open back configuration?
Finding just the right speaker IR for each model is the trick to getting the most out of the Axe FX, in my opinion. I'll sometimes use different IR's for a single model depending on whether I'm running it driven vs. clean too.
Not sure on EV or JBL IR's.. I know there's various ones in the stock cabs and also from a few different vendors, but I don't have much experience. I do like the JBL IR that Tyler Grund did a while back.. E130 though. It's not just for SRV type tones.. worth checking out at least.
I look at things more like a traditional rig in this regard. I use a global stereo cab block that is the same for all my presets. Finding a few good IRs is the key. I think the good ones work well with pretty much any amp, clean or distorted.

There are a few free IRs from @indeloon85 that are Vox cabs and work well, especially blended with another IR.

I've been mixing it with one of the IRs from The vintage Orange 4x12 with G12H speakers. Sounds really good.

One thing I discovered last night is that this sounds much better to me with IEMs when the speakers in the cab block are panned hard left and right. The clarity improves a lot. Of course, that only helps if you run in stereo.
If you want IR's for an open-back cab with tons of great clean sounding speakers including the EV-SRO, EV-12S, JBL D-120, and Altec 417, Kevin at Ownhammer used to sell the OH 112-GTR DLX MIX set separately.

He seems to have bundled that set into the Studio Mix Library now. See -

You could email him and ask him if he is still willing to sell the 112-GTR DLX set separately, or just plop down $99 and buy the whole Studio Mix collection. All the cabs in that bundle are stellar.
thanks for the tip about that. I bought the whole set and they are amazing!

If you want IR's for an open-back cab with tons of great clean sounding speakers including the EV-SRO, EV-12S, JBL D-120, and Altec 417, Kevin at Ownhammer used to sell the OH 112-GTR DLX MIX set separately.

He seems to have bundled that set into the Studio Mix Library now. See -

You could email him and ask him if he is still willing to sell the 112-GTR DLX set separately, or just plop down $99 and buy the whole Studio Mix collection. All the cabs in that bundle are stellar.
the redwirez stuff is great too.

Anyone doing "jazz guitar" cabs? (no, not roland jazz chorus :D) I'm talking about raezer's edge or the like...
Glad you're seeng the light about the worth of dropping a few shekels on our awesome IR shooting partners...some of the greatest thrills of living FAS is discovering a new cab that blows you away. yeah That OH studio mix collection is fantastic and I will also second the earlier suggestion you try the vintage Orange 4x12 from it sounds good with everything..
i play mostly clean jazz and fusion so 4x12 cabs are not my favorite sounds.

Glad you're seeng the light about the worth of dropping a few shekels on our awesome IR shooting partners...some of the greatest thrills of living FAS is discovering a new cab that blows you away. yeah That OH studio mix collection is fantastic and I will also second the earlier suggestion you try the vintage Orange 4x12 from it sounds good with everything..
You may also dig the Buddy's Boutique collection that FAS sells, all sorts of goodies in there, and @austinbuddy is a very cool guy...

thanks for the tip. I'll buy those as well. I know a lot of dumble players are using celestian golds in an oval cab. Anyone have capture of that?
thanks for the tip. I'll buy those as well. I know a lot of dumble players are using celestian golds in an oval cab. Anyone have capture of that?
Ownhammer has quite a few gold captures, none in that type of cab though. Still great ir's.
Thanks, looks like I have the bogner open-back 2/12 gold in my recently purchased studio mix. Will give that a try. Any suggestions for a speaker cab for getting allen holdsworth tones?

thanks for the tip. I'll buy those as well. I know a lot of dumble players are using celestian golds in an oval cab. Anyone have capture of that?
Glad you're seeng the light about the worth of dropping a few shekels on our awesome IR shooting partners...some of the greatest thrills of living FAS is discovering a new cab that blows you away. yeah That OH studio mix collection is fantastic and I will also second the earlier suggestion you try the vintage Orange 4x12 from it sounds good with everything..

I forget, but are cab pack 3 and the OH studio mix the same identical captures?

I'm not sure but after I posted I realized that the OH Studio mix does not have the celestion gold speakers. I've never heard the bogner cab so I don't know what it sounds like. If I knew that it got a great dumble/fusion sound I'd buy it in a second.

I forget, but are cab pack 3 and the OH studio mix the same identical captures?

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