Wish Rename "Layout" to "Grid"


Fractal Fanatic
This is a wish for all platforms.
With the advent of FCs, there are now 2 types of Layouts - the grid and the FC Layouts.
I would like the grid layout to be renamed "Grid" to avoid confusions when discussing these topics.
Yesterday I was working with a friend helping him with his FM3 footswitch Layouts and more than once he "lost the plot" because he thought I was referring to the grid.
This is a wish for all platforms.
With the advent of FCs, there are now 2 types of Layouts - the grid and the FC Layouts.
I would like the grid layout to be renamed "Grid" to avoid confusions when discussing these topics.
Yesterday I was working with a friend helping him with his FM3 footswitch Layouts and more than once he "lost the plot" because he thought I was referring to the grid.
I get it. This has been an issue ever since the grid layout was joined by the footswitch layouts.

It might be disruptive, though, to make that change. A lot of documentation would have to be revised by hand. To say nothing of the printing on the front panel. :eek:
I get it. This has been an issue ever since the grid layout was joined by the footswitch layouts.

It might be disruptive, though, to make that change. A lot of documentation would have to be revised by hand. To say nothing of the printing on the front panel. :eek:

Correct me if I’m wrong but “layout” isn’t printed on the hardware, is it?
That’s what I get for responding while I’m eating lunch....
So I’ll retract my printing concern, and replace it with “thousands of Fractal owners’ minds to recalibrate.”
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I try to use the term 'Grid' already. I may say the block layout in the 'Grid', or 'Grid Layout' when talking with a client, or posting on the forum/Facebook groups. I also typically use the term 'FC Layout'. Exact terms are super important to avoid miscommunication.
How about Blocks Grid?
Or Block Connections?

The problem isn't the word layout vs grid, it's that there's nothing to distinguish it from footswitch layouts.
So I’ll retract my printing concern, and replace it with “thousands of Fractal owners’ minds to recalibrate.”
I don't think that this will need much recalibration. As others above mentioned, we already think "grid". I do believe it would be beneficial and that within a few weeks, the word Layout referring to the grid will have more or less disappeared from collective memory.

And now that Manuals are offered online only, a clever search/replace function should not take too long. I'll do it if @Admin M@ wants me to.
So, when my S.O. says "thingie" or "something-something" it's OK for me to say "huh?!" :)
When your S.O. says, “Thingie,” it is vitally important to understand the subtext. Otherwise, you run the risk of frustration, confusion, or missed opportunities.
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