refret a mid level guitar with SS?

That one has the non-fine tuner Floyd in it. The brown pickup bobbins are a interesting look too. Looks like a pretty sweet guitar, but I've not had the chance to try one yet.
That one has the non-fine tuner Floyd in it. The brown pickup bobbins are a interesting look too. Looks like a pretty sweet guitar, but I've not had the chance to try one yet.
I believe thats a 2017 model and think that price has been jacked up quite a bit. Def not the price of what it was brought in for and given the amount of time I'm sure its been in stock, not moving. Still interesting. It's a strange time for buying guitars. Was chatting with sales guy at the shop other day and was a bit surprised by some of the things he told me. For one, the used market, at least locally, is dead slow...selling prices generally suck. higher end guitars that you'd think would be very popular at the stores aren't moving much.
Bit of follow up with my current thought process. I have a number of guitars in my little collection and to be honest I'm the type of guy who just keeps picking up the same 1 or 2 which has me thinking less is more , especially if you thin out for a higher tier player. I'm considering selling this Charvel that I"ve modded and bonded with. (i'm actually considering this gorgeous EBMM JP15 that would likely be my go to and covers the super strat ground well)

Here's the question: when you're selling guitars that you've modded. I know you never recover the costs but what say you? should I reverse the mods made on the guitar back to stock and just sell at market value? sell off the upgrade components separate or reuse for future projects?

the mods to my Charvel Pro mod dk24: wilkinson wvs130 bridge (cost roughly $300) ; suhr pickups (ssh/ssv) - roughly $300. ; ratio staggered locking tuners (forget what i paid and honestly i'd just leave them on)

I easily spent $600 on mods which I know i won't recover ...wondering best bang for my buck for sale of this instrument...
You know the USA DK-24 has SS frets, right? And a very nice top to boot!

Of course, the purple guitar is very nice looking, too.

@unix-guy those are stunning. I have never seen Charvel's locally with nice finishes like that. Usually just solid or like the ash grain type finishes. If I saw one like yours there I'd probs be all over it....
edit: spoke to soon I just checked my local guitar chain store website and they have the one you have there on the left. hot damn. It'd be about $800 more than the JP15. oof. Would you say the neck shape etc is just like the mexican pro mod dk24's? obviously with SS frets and better fret work etc?
@unix-guy those are stunning. I have never seen Charvel's locally with nice finishes like that. Usually just solid or like the ash grain type finishes. If I saw one like yours there I'd probs be all over it....
edit: spoke to soon I just checked my local guitar chain store website and they have the one you have there on the left. hot damn. It'd be about $800 more than the JP15. oof. Would you say the neck shape etc is just like the mexican pro mod dk24's? obviously with SS frets and better fret work etc?
The necks feel virtually identical to my hands.

They usually have more flame I think, although my MIM is an early model and has some flame... And I have no issues with the MIM neck - no sharp fret ends, etc.

The one thing I noticed is that the headstock on the MIM seems a little thinner...

The HH models I don't think they made after the first year or two.
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