refret a mid level guitar with SS?

If you really like the guitar and it's a keeper, nothing wrong with doing what it takes to make it what you want. $300-500 wouldn't be unreasonable to spend, whether that's a new neck or refret. It's a small investment compared to the ordeal of trying to find a guitar that can replace what you already have.

I have several Warmoth necks with different profiles and all of them have been great.
No guaranties that a new neck will resonate and sustain the same with your particular body. It's a bit of a roll of the dice when you combine necks and bodies. Some don't get along and you can sometimes end up with dead spots or weird resonances. It's also possible you might like it more. You won't know for sure until it's installed and played. No two pieces of wood are exactly the same.
But he can sell the second neck if its a bust. Either way hes looking at $400usd+ in a refret or neck.
now that i'm thinking about frets , I took a close look at my other guitars and my Strat really needs polishing. Speaking of fret maintenance, what are your go to polishing materials/approach?
I'm considering investing in a dremel since I have a number of guitars I could make use of the tool for quicker work. Anyone using a dremel? can you recommend what compound and polishing discs to use. I'm looking at this one on amazon. comes with some polishing accessories though not sure if its suitable for fret wire.

@Andy Eagle I seem to remember you mentioned using a dremel once. any tips/recommendations?
If I could afford it, I'd have all my guitars fitted with SS frets provided that the job would be stellar.
If I had it my way, all guitars would be equipped with SS frets. My Tom Anderson's medium-jumbo frets feel amazing.
now that i'm thinking about frets , I took a close look at my other guitars and my Strat really needs polishing. Speaking of fret maintenance, what are your go to polishing materials/approach?
If you keep up with it the Frine polish from Music Nomad works great. It’s a little elbow grease but a little goes a long way.

Otherwise any fine rouge with a dremel and felt wheel will work.

Don’t overheat the frets, if they are glued in you can loosen the glue as well as cause the wood to soften up and release the fret wire. If it’s too hot to comfortably touch with a bare finger it’s too hot.

Bnow that i'm thinking about frets , I took a close look at my other guitars and my Strat really needs polishing. Speaking of fret maintenance, what are your go to polishing materials/approach?
I use the Micro Mesh brand sand papers. They sell a kit that goes from 1,500 grit to 12,000 grit and it gives nice results. I follow that up by polishing with a Dremel and a set of polishing compounds (black, green, white). The result of that sequence is a mirrored finish.
totally agree. I'm not even thinking resale. This is one of those guitars that feels more expensive than it was and is a real player even as is. I have a feeling I'll always keep it as it's maybe my most used guitar other than my PRS S2 594. I have my beloved EBMM Axis (my oldest guitar that I have c.2002) and it sits on the stand mostly. great guitar but the neck/guitar just feels so small for me. This Charvel really fits me well and plays like butter for the most part.View attachment 142440
I have almost100 Charvels, my fav is a model 2 one of the cheapest in my collection. It's been refreted 6 times I think since new in 88'
Arnold Schwarzenegger Film GIF by Tech Noir
Something I've been thinking about. Given the insane prices of guitars these days I don't plan on any purchases but considered making my mid level guitar that is already great even better. It's a MIM Charvel Pro mod DK24. I bought it used at a great price and I've already done a number of upgrades to it. Pickups, wilkinson locking trem. So its a solid guitar as is; however, the only thing that does bother me is the jumbo frets which just feel like rail road tracks to me. I'm guessing a few hundy I could get a luthier to refret to a more comfortable fret wire (medium jumbos perhaps) and might as well upgrade to Stainless if I did. Would make the guitar pretty fantastic...have a quasi new guitar without dropping thousands on a new guitar. thoughts? anyone do something like this. Not super serious at the moment about it looking for some feedback on this potential project....
keep in mind there are different grades of stainless steel frets. 304, 316, .... some of the ss frets out there still sand down like nickel.
It's not uncommon for people to think that SS is a big upgrade. However, not always the case.

The difference between steel (iron and carbon) and stainless is the addition of chromium and other alloys (even nickel) to add rust protection.

Different vendors use different compositions of alloys.

There is also EVO.
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I'm considering investing in a dremel since I have a number of guitars I could make use of the tool for quicker work. Anyone using a dremel? can you recommend what compound and polishing discs to use. I'm looking at this one on amazon. comes with some polishing accessories though not sure if its suitable for fret wire.

@Andy Eagle I seem to remember you mentioned using a dremel once. any tips/recommendations?
That's worth having anyway. It is good for the final polish with a felt or cotton wheel and a bit of polishing compound.
Something I've been thinking about. Given the insane prices of guitars these days I don't plan on any purchases but considered making my mid level guitar that is already great even better. It's a MIM Charvel Pro mod DK24. I bought it used at a great price and I've already done a number of upgrades to it. Pickups, wilkinson locking trem. So its a solid guitar as is; however, the only thing that does bother me is the jumbo frets which just feel like rail road tracks to me. I'm guessing a few hundy I could get a luthier to refret to a more comfortable fret wire (medium jumbos perhaps) and might as well upgrade to Stainless if I did. Would make the guitar pretty fantastic...have a quasi new guitar without dropping thousands on a new guitar. thoughts? anyone do something like this. Not super serious at the moment about it looking for some feedback on this potential project....

Out of all my guitars I’m in love with a PRS SE 245 Soapbar. It’s just a great guitar. Got it for $400. I can relate to big frets. I picked up a SE DGT and the frets on that are tall. I find myself playing out of tune on chords from pressing too hard. I have a Ibanez AZ with SS frets. I don’t hate them. They feel nice but no idea of what it would sound like with normal frets. My 06 PRS Singlecut is my best quality guitar but I’m not using it much because it needs a fret dress. SS will last longer but costs more to install. Would I put new frets on my 245 if they were too tall? Nope. Cause I’m a cheapskate not because it’s a cheap guitar. I might consider having them dressed down to a lower height though. It’s your money and if new frets are what you want you should do it. You have a guitar you love so don’t worry about its cost or where it was made.
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