Recommended Settings Thread

Clark Kent said:
The 5150 f.ex. had so much gain that it made me think: "is this the way people set their 5150" I don't think it is. So if it's up to me to decide it won't be in the collection. Sorry man, I know your intentions were good but it's not something I would recommend and this is RCM thread. :)
Perhaps you should edit the title to read "Clark Kent's Recommended Settings," then.

This gets back to the point I made in the other thread: the more you see of other players' preferences, the more apparent it will become that there is no consensus on the best "starting point" for the settings in any given amp block.
@Clark Kent
Why is it up to you to decide? No offense meant-But you never said this was a Clark Kent recommended setting thread? That's why I asked right at the beginning if this thread was for metal patches only. What I mean is, if you don't think the patch is OK, it's out? Once again, no offense but there are many folks on here who have been playing as long as you have been on this earth-
I guess I won't see any settings I like here-so bye
thats how real men set up their 5150's...jk but i guess my post was not a rcm patch. And i dont see how that's to much gain thats pretty standard for a high gain patch, gain at 5, master at 4, and 808 hitting the front end. As far as the cab ir i have no idea how they would really sound since i play them through headphones.
Like I said: "IF it was for me to decide the patch would not be a RCM patch". It's not for me to decide. Still the point of this thread was to have standard tones which are common. I don't know how a 5150 is normally setup but I tried the amp without a drive pedal and gain at 6.5 was just about the right amount. Check out the patch and if you think it's a-okay then it's an RCM patch. It's not for me to decide. Sure people use drive pedals with Mesa amps too especially the Recto but I didn't have it there since that's not the signature Mesa tone.

The point was scroll an amp like f.ex. Recto and have a classic Recto tone. Not a patch with filter tricks, EQ scoops, drive pedals etc. Just how a Recto was "meant" to sound. Am I making any sense? :)

Here's a patch of how modern bands run a JCM800. I know it's not the way a JCM800 typically sound like so I guess we should change the name to JCM800 Modern. Bands like Underoath/Paramore etc. run it like this.


  • RCM JCM800.syx
    2 KB · Views: 216
Your words and I quote:
"Thanks for making these patches. I know I should just accept whatever settings were posted here but I have to check them in order to keep a certain quality on this thread. The 5150 f.ex. had so much gain that it made me think: "is this the way people set their 5150" I don't think it is. So if it's up to me to decide it won't be in the collection. Sorry man, I know your intentions were good but it's not something I would recommend and this is RCM thread.

The topboost patch was good! However it did have those envelope tricks which lead to sounding weird so I removed those and kept the settings. The presence control had to be rolled down to 0. It's the maximum in the real amp. Other than that nice job

Yes you did say you decide. The guy using a Shivs in a blues band would have different settings than a guy playing the same amp in a metal band .
Your heart is in the right place but ................................ You will never get settings all agree on.
It was and is a nice idea-And thanks for that. Let it grow man. It's all good.
You guys know there's a whole bank of raw amp tones out? Search for raw amps bank by author TimmyM. Those are default settings for the first 64 amps (until the corncob) with the standard stock cabs that belong with them. Mostly.
Someone resaved them for firmware 10.02.
Last post on the thread, page 4.

There are also a whole slew of patches on axechange with mostly raw amps. Whole banks full. Right now I can't check who made those but i believe it was raca. And there were more by someone else.
Check' em out.
Dutch said:
You guys know there's a whole bank of raw amp tones out? Search for raw amps bank by author TimmyM. Those are default settings for the first 64 amps (until the corncob) with the standard stock cabs that belong with them. Mostly.
Someone resaved them for firmware 10.02.
Last post on the thread, page 4.

There are also a whole slew of patches on axechange with mostly raw amps. Whole banks full. Right now I can't check who made those but i believe it was raca. And there were more by someone else.
Check' em out.

Thanks Dutch! This was helpful for this thread!

Jay Mitchell said:
Perhaps you should edit the title to read "Clark Kent's Recommended Settings," then.
This gets back to the point I made in the other thread: the more you see of other players' preferences, the more apparent it will become that there is no consensus on the best "starting point" for the settings in any given amp block.

The whole problem was that these patches weren't starting point patches. All the patches I've posted are. The Mesa patches were all based on Mesa's manual recommendations which is exactly what this thread is about. The Orange patch is how the Orange RV was designed. All knobs at 12 o'clock will give you a british rock tone. Cab choices are my own opinion but cab options are more personal preferences. Even the Mark IV EQ setting is something I matched with a real life Mark IV GEQ and that sounds the closest. So I am busting my butt off trying to keep this RCM thing good.

Sure but ATM I am the one doing the most effort. I don't want the responsibility but if we let every patch that's marked RCM through as a recommended setting without checking then the whole point of this thread is going to fail. F.ex. I googled popular 5150 settings and YouTubed some classic 5150 tones and that's what got me thinking it's not an RCM patch. The tone was okay when I lowered the gain and I know you're offended and I appreciate you attending this thread. In no way am I saying my patches are way better than your's. You have a right to bash me.

Jay however is a moderator on this forum and I think you should be one of those guys trying make this thing succeed. I think I speak for many forum members when I say that you cause a lot of unnecessary drama here. Other moderators PM'd me the first time you attacked me on the first week of me joining this forum. Anyways you clearly didn't try the 5150 patch since I'm 100% sure you'd agree with me. You just saw a nice opportunity to bash me and took it. Do you know the basic psychology on bashing people is that you don't feel good about yourself so you bash people to make yourself feel better than they are.

And since you don't know my background how can you assume that I only play metal. I write everything from 70's rock to rap, britrock,progressive, metal, rnb... pretty much everything besides techno. Now I also run a studio here in Finland. I'm not saying I'm comparable to professional studio engineers but I know my tone101.

The point was not to create customized patches. The point was to create dull safe patches f.ex. straight from a manual like this: The way it was designed to be run. I'm not saying that these will be the best sounding patches and that was not the point.
I guess before this gets out of hand we are need to remember that there are massive personality differences and cultural differences on this forum..ok everyone maybe speaking English but our background and culture comes into play and when we start writing on the net, things we say may come across alot harsher than we intend and maybe offend..Id suggest if we need to sort a problem out do it by PM otherwise we get defensive when we feel attacked..especially when others are just undermines this whole forum!

Thanks for the posts clark i have new settings now to play around with and jay you efforts and knowledge on here are second to non!! :)
Clark Kent said:
The point was not to create customized patches. The point was to create dull safe patches f.ex. straight from a manual like this: The way it was designed to be run.
I'm not saying that these will be the best sounding patches and that was not the point.

I missed this point earlier, but it's a great idea.

I can see where the conflict of opinions arose...

As Dutch mentioned, something close to this is floating around already
Well I checked that one out and it's not 100% the same. But I guess it's close enough so that we don't have to continue this thread anymore.
Clark Kent said:
The whole problem was that these patches weren't starting point patches.
In someone's mind, they are. You disagree. That's the point I've been trying to make. Nothing more, nothing less.

So I am busting my butt off trying to keep this RCM thing good.
"Good" is a subjective term. Not everyone will agree what "good" means.

The tone was okay when I lowered the gain and I know you're offended
If this is addressed to me, I'm not offended. I've never used the 5150 sim, nor do I forsee ever using it. I have no emotional investement in how someone else chooses to set the parameters in that or any other sim.

I think I speak for many forum members when I say that you cause a lot of unnecessary drama here.
Go back and read the passage you quoted from my post. It is a simple, common-sense statement. There is no drama whatever.

Anyways you clearly didn't try the 5150 patch
I never try anybody else's presets.

since I'm 100% sure you'd agree with me.
You are in no position to speculate about my preferences, and they would be moot. The only thing that matters for your presets is your preferences. The mistake you make is expecting others to share your preferences. As I pointed out, many will not.

And since you don't know my background how can you assume that I only play metal.
I don't assume anything about you, nor have I ever stated or implied any belief about the style of music you play or do not play. Nor have I ever attacked you.
The offend-thingy wasn't directed at you Jay. Still... You don't care about this thread enough to even open a patch and see what we're talking about. Still you are the one trying to break this thread apart which I think you already managed to do. So thanks man.

I also agree that there are no settings on an amp that everyone will like and I've clearly stated that this thread is not about such things. The point was to create patches with amp settings that are very common or amp developers suggestions. This way we can talk about an amp setting that's the way it's "supposed to sound". This will help people that have no experience with these amps. I don't think this should be too hard for people to understand.
Clark Kent said:
Dutch said:
You guys know there's a whole bank of raw amp tones out? Search for raw amps bank by author TimmyM. Those are default settings for the first 64 amps (until the corncob) with the standard stock cabs that belong with them. Mostly.
Someone resaved them for firmware 10.02.
Last post on the thread, page 4.

There are also a whole slew of patches on axechange with mostly raw amps. Whole banks full. Right now I can't check who made those but i believe it was raca. And there were more by someone else.
Check' em out.

Thanks Dutch! This was helpful for this thread![/url] The way it was designed to be run. I'm not saying that these will be the best sounding patches and that was not the point.[/quote:1a2p8e0b]

You are right...and thank you for your work
I knpw it took a lot of work.

I guess before this gets out of hand we are need to remember that there are massive personality differences and cultural differences on this forum..ok everyone maybe speaking English but our background and culture comes into play and when we start writing on the net, things we say may come across alot harsher than we intend and maybe offend..Id suggest if we need to sort a problem out do it by PM otherwise we get defensive when we feel attacked..especially when others are just undermines this whole forum!

Thanks for the posts clark i have new settings now to play around with and jay you efforts and knowledge on here are second to non!! :)

+ 1

You are one of the guys with most appreciated input on this forum. Good advice, initiatives, patches, IR-s, etc. and for most always helping other forum members WITHOUT pointing to that f$$%%ing AXE-FX WIKI encyclopedia.

So respect!

Lots of forum members support you. Always remember that!
Ok moving on to the original point of this thread..yes there actually was one!! :lol:

Whose "Brave" enough to post the next amp!! :D
I've got a collection of just about all high gain amps in the Axe-Fx. I searched for their manuals/websites for sample settings and used them to create these recommended settings. I'll probably continue my work in the future but my knowledge is restricted to high gain amps. I hope I get other people to make these patches too so it's not just me.

Right now I'm using the Clark Kent Redwirez Mesa IR recipe with all the patches. I'll probably record a comparison today if I have enough time.
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