PSA ----> AXE-FEST 2012 WEST COAST - Oct 6th-7th!

We are planning on getting together with everyone Friday night. It will be great finally meeting everyone.
Hey all of you So-Cal guys, come out and see my band tonight in Placentia. Would be nice to start meeting you guys before the Axe-Fest event. Some of you are pretty close,(Kerrie) so drop by. We have a few gigs before the event, all in So-Cal.

Click on the website link below for info.

BTW no cover charge tonight
Bummed Moke - wish that I had a days notice. I was out whale watching today, then had a b day dinner for a friend afterward down at Dana Point. Would have loved to see you right around. Where in Placentia? (Dont know any Placentia Venues. That is where my office is though. How did it go?
I would like to see you perform at H.O.B. on Sept. 19. Can you get a few seats on the upstairs?? Always see people up there. My wife hates standing all night in the pit. (But we do it) PM me.
Don't live anywhere near the left coast but if I wasn't down in Brasil for 3 months I would so be there. Heck, I may have even thought about flying in from Brasil but have tix to see BB King on the 7th and those would be some long ass flights. . .
I can't wait for this. I may not be a "big poster" here but really do appreciate the whole Fractal community and the ENTIRE Fractal company for giving us a product that keeps on improving.
It just keeps getting better!!!!

Our very own Sean “javajunkie” Strickland is on board and will be attending. Nobody has shared more knowledge or helped more persons (newbie to advanced) on this forum than Sean. It’s not even close.

What a great asset to have at the Fest. Welcome aboard Java!

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What a cool thing to offer! I asked Yek if he could make it but on such short notice he sadly replied he could not.

That's a bummer, it would have been great to have ALL these guys there. I truly believe that this is going to be a unique and probably not duplicated event, for a long time. For me personally, this is about learning stuff from pros of the device that I love. To have all these guys there and To be able to publicly acknowledge these guys as educators to the masses is extremely important. I have learned a lot by these guys and I have tons of respect for their knowledge.
How, big has it gotten, I'm trying to calculate the cost.:shock

Hows this, I'll buy them and you a beer for sure.
Just re-registered and paid. Im super excited for this event, especially as someone who will have just gotten their first Axe-Fx.

I noticed when registering where it asks if you already have an Axe-Fx, that one of the options is that you might buy one at the amp show and it says "amp show rate" next to it. Does this mean the Axe-Fx will be selling at a different price at the amp show?
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just realised that weekend clashes with my youngest's 18th...
I really want to come to this event.. and was real close to booking a flight...
but there was something in the back of my lil' brain saying 'look at the calendar first'

I really hope there will be other Axe-fest events..
I will absolutely get to one [or more hopefully]..
but the lil' 'un will only have one 18th... I really can't miss that...

I think I've made some real cool friends here..
and I'm really looking forward to meeting y'all some day...
unfortunately not this time around...

pretty disappointed..
We are definitely going to attempt to have one next year. If we have a year to plan instead of 6 weeks just think how awesome that would come out. Love to see the East Coast do one.

Oh yeah Moke went to your website.Watched video of Comfortably Numb You guys ROCK IT!!!!!! great playing man. Love to see you guys live.
Easy Clarky - What better for an 18 year old than Los Angeles - Universal Studios - Hollywood, Disneyland, (AND US!) the whole shabang.

Make it a family event!!
Easy Clarky - What better for an 18 year old than Los Angeles - Universal Studios - Hollywood, Disneyland, (AND US!) the whole shabang.

Make it a family event!!

haaaa.... now that's one big ol' pile of trouble right there....
all my side of the family are in Spain... apart from my dad and youngest bro [they're in Queensland, Oz]
if they got wind of me taking my lot overseas for lil' 'uns birthday there will be an inevitable interrogation 'so why didn't you come to Spain??'

dummies spat out... toys everywhere all thrown out of the pram... lmao...

jeez.. that gives a lot away don't it... an English born Ozzy-Spaniard.. guess that makes me some sort of mutant... lmao

seriously... I'm pretty disappointed that I can't make it..
but I will certainly be at the next one that's in Cali..
and I'm already looking forward to it...
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