Closed Programming the order of Scenes

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Most of the songs I play only really needs 4-6 different-sounding Scenes, at the most. But the problem is - I need to alternate between them frequently, since there are at least a dozen instances of sound changes throughout the whole song.

I only want to have to step on one switch at a time, and I don't have a FC6, so I use the Inc/Dec to get by. One switch for going down to the next Scene shown on the preset screen (Inc), and one switch for going back one Scene (Dec). It works okay, but while playing it is difficult to remember whether I need to go up or down (I mess up a lot).

It will be nice if there is a way to program the order of the Scenes. Then I only need to step on the same switch once each time I need to change my sound. Idiot proof! I won't have to worry whether I'm stepping on the correct switch.

Perhaps a midi pedal can do this - I don't know much about them. If they do, I will certainly get a midi pedal, and this wish is not necessary.
I saw your post, Moke. Yes, the same idea. It seems this steps/order of the Scenes will really unleash the possibilities and should provide much more freedom.

Whether one has a FC6 or not, this will be a very useful function!!
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