Wish Custom Scene order for Scene Inc/Dec

Chad Beattie

This wish is an enhancement to the existing Scene inc/dec functionality. The idea would be to create a per preset scene map/order that the scene inc/dec function could follow. This would allow for you to create a map based on song flow. Then using a button on the FC or midi command, you could increment the map to the next scene.

Example: Say I have a preset with the following scenes.
Scene 1: Intro/Chorus
Scene 2: Verse
Scene 3: Verse 1 Fill
Scene 5: Verse 2
Scene 6: Bridge
Scene 7: Solo
Scene 8: Chorus 2

My scene map might like like this:
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 2
Scene 1
Scene 5
Scene 1
Scene 6
Scene 8
Scene 7

Where would you use this?
- If you do a preset for each song and play in gigs that follow a specific song flow

How would this help?
- Less tap dancing if you need to quickly jump scenes out of order. You just press the same button or send the same midi command over and over each time you need to change.

- Less time looking at pedalboard and remembering what comes next...

Why not have Live or an iPad do this for you?
- Personally, two of the three places I play don't use a click or tracks. But follow the same song flow each time.
- One place does use click, but we don't always use tracks. So click can be running, and we start whenever... The click helps as I can set each presets tempo ahead of time and it will be right on. But, still tap dancing around for some tunes that have several out of order scene changes in a short amount of time.

Other Options?
- Use OnSong or something to create a set of midi changes to send to the Axe-Fx to jump to a specific scene using a bluetooth pedal... Kind of a pain as you need to do more work outside of the Axe-Fx.

@AlGrenadine can just add a midi timeline to FracPad ;) that follows a tempo and you can just start it with a bluetooth pedal and hope it stays in sync... or just have a scene inc/dec follow a map by means of bluetooth pedal...

Future enhancements to a wish that may not be implemented... Autopilot Mode
- If something like this was implemented, then add a feature to start/stop auto scene increment. For each map item, you could specify how many beats to stay on that scene. If playing to a click, you could press one button to start (ie, how LFO's have a 'run/stop'), and then it changes everything for you based on the presets tempo...
With this wish you could have only one button to press to step through scenes in a performance. This idea came up with the MFC if I recall. I like it. Could easily use this.
Yeah, I had a wish for something like this for the MFC when Scenes first came out. The 'Set-List' function only included Presets. I wanted to add scenes to the 'Set-List' function. Then you could setup all of your scene changes in the order needed for the Song/Preset that you were on. I proposed calling them 'Steps'?

I wanted to include a PC command too. The last step could select the next preset in the set, then a new set of 'Steps' would load with/for the next preset. And so on.......

Maybe even Control Switch on/off commands could be included in the 'Steps'?
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This is the kind of thing that makes a 3rd party midi controller nice to have.

that said, It's early days on the FC6/12, so I wouldn't be surprised if fractal will have a solution for this within the year
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