Use one function switch to navigate through a custom ordered list of scenes



Quick question: Is it possible to use a function switch to navigate through a custom list of scenes?
For example: Scene 1, Scene 5, Scene 3, Scene 5, Scene 4, Scene 8 .... instead of simply "Scene plus 1".

My use case is: I normally have a list of sounds (rhythm, lead, clean/delay/reverb, super clean reverb, tapping lead, ...) = in the fractal word scenes.
And, those sounds are built per song (fractal world = preset, because individual bpm's and stuff).

Currently i'm checking if 3 switches are working for me.
Easiest way for me: Just hit one switch to go through a custom ordered list of scenes (ordered by which sound i need chronologically per song).
I don't like to have a hold function for switching sounds.
If this is not gonna work out, i think i need an external switcher to have the control to directly access all 8 scenes individally.

Thanks in advance!
Can you reorder the scenes to the order you want them in each preset? Then just assign a scene up button in the FM3.
This will probably be what a Setlist idea would look like. It’s on the to do list.
Maybe an external switch to do a view +1 (or use hold on an FM3 switch). Then use the per-preset overrides to organize a layout of scenes for yourself. Each preset will have its own order.

You could use a dual switch like the Boss F7 to rock forward and backwards in the layout via view +1/-1.
Can you reorder the scenes to the order you want them in each preset? Then just assign a scene up button in the FM3.

I'm performing more switches then i do have sounds :D
Your approach would mean: Having one sound multiple times which means editing more scenes after updating single sounds and having the imitation of a max. of 8 sound switches per preset (song).

Having some kind of setlist would be a problem solver.

Maybe an external switch to do a view +1 (or use hold on an FM3 switch). Then use the per-preset overrides to organize a layout of scenes for yourself. Each preset will have its own order.

You could use a dual switch like the Boss F7 to rock forward and backwards in the layout.

What do you mean by "per-preset overrides"? ..
EDIT: Researched what it does ... i think my "one button scene increase through custom list" is not working with the per preset override.

So long!
Every preset has something called per-preset overrides. It lets you override whatever buttons you want. IIRC, there are 24 per preset. I'd probably create a new layout called Scene Override and set the buttons to be PP#1-8. In your preset, you just define PP#1-8 to be whatever Scene order you want.

FYI, there are 2-methods for doing the Per-Preset FC stuff. Using pre-defined PP#'s, or the overrides. The regular per-preset stuff sounds like the best fit.
EDIT: Researched what it does ... i think my "one button scene increase through custom list" is not working with the per preset override.

You either need to do a full override, or make sure you have PP#'s defined in a layout. Just depends on the method you are using.
Mhhh ... okaaaay. But, i can't assign one button to do different things, right? I mean a simple click, not hold/tap/double taps ..
If you use view+1, it’ll let you cycle through the layout to get to whatever button you want.

If you want a single button to toggle through a list, then no. Above was an alternate approach to that.
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