Pro Audio 1U ss Power amp review

The Class D I would not advice because their is no track record, no official tests or reviews, no manual with al the specs, nothing about garantee, no bridge mode and very bad custumer service. More over the price has been increased with more then 100% the last few months and it is still unclear when they reach the market.[/quote]
How meny stereo tube amps are bridgable? I do agree that it would be nice if some of these amps and specs were out there in axe fx users hands for evaluation and review.
I sent them three mails and really wanted to order an amp.
Absolutely no reaction.

I really believe that these amps are fantastic but I disclaimed. Don't want to support a manufacturer who isn't interested in potential customers.
The ART SLA-2 really does it for me at the moment. I'm pretty sure that haste makes waste and I decided to wait what's going to happen on the 1U market in the near future...
TBH Im loosing patience with Class-d Too. That said they arnt having the best of luck. first off the unit wasnt out of development when people first showed interest. They were taken a back by the interest but took pre-orders - they underestimated how much interest there would be and took FAR too many before the product was actually available. They stopped taking orders a while back though (another reason why no replys - but I think an explanation rather than no rely at all would be better). Once the back orders are cleared then they will start taking orders again.

Anyway, first off they had suppliers go bust so had to re-source (and quickly) which is why the prices had to go up. The first ones were built and ready - but on final testing they were found to have too much background noise. On investigation it was down to the Transformers (supplies by another company) that were out of spec (or faulty - or whatever), so are now waiting for replacment componants (they wernt happy to let thoses first units go out with the noise figures - even though they were still below some of the competition - thats gotta count for something).

They havent had the best luck !!

As for DADAs other comments, Fractal had no record when they appeared but you wouldnt knock that product now would you? Also getting new products to market can get pushed back - look at the Atomic FR, and the MFC101. Maybe Class-d are guilty of advertising, taking orders etc too early? but nothing more.

Anyway - If you need an amp now - then get one that available, but dont knock Class-d any more until they DO get the product out - and readily available. Then judge on the product and service at that point. They do offer a hotline, and welcome calls to them. There a bit backward when it comes to EMail - and I cant defend that as they do need to get with the times. They really do have to get their act together there - but talk to them by phone and its another matter.
Better that they find the problems I think. We'll just have to wait for a few to get delivered & see how they perform. Thanks for the update.
Some facts about Class-D:

They started 4 years ago with their Alfet Lateral Mosfets and amp modules NX 200 and NX 400. Thus not a new product.
They started 2 years ago with selling their amp units on the internet. Thus not a new product.
It is only resent they changed from the DIY HIFI market to the guitar market because they were not successful on the DIY market.

So their is nothing NEW about the technical aspects of their amps. What IS new is they now actually are trying to build the amps by themselves instead of just selling the bits and parts for DIY amps market.

And yes these are nice guys!

But even nice guys need to master the organisational aspects of a business and their customers. If they can not manage this then please lett them stay with selling bits and parts.

And yes I am still exited and waiting on any news of their products!
DADA said:
Some facts about Class-D:

They started 4 years ago with their Alfet Lateral Mosfets and amp modules NX 200 and NX 400. Thus not a new product.
They started 2 years ago with selling their amp units on the internet. Thus not a new product.
It is only resent they changed from the DIY HIFI market to the guitar market because they were not successful on the DIY market.

Not quite. The modules are not new - neither are their amps. the 1U units however ARE new. If you want one of there less professional 2U units then you can have one now. Its the 1Us were all waiting on :)

Also, they still sell to the HiFi home market - as well as selling parts to some high end audio manufacturers. They started in the guitar market because Me and lighteningboy said they shoud :) after trying the amps with the Axe at their factory we both thought the unit was better than anything else we'd tried - and there was a market. So ultimately blame us !!!

But even nice guys need to master the organisational aspects of a business and their customers. If they can not manage this then please lett them stay with selling bits and parts.

Completely agree here. I cant defend (and wont defend) that part of their company. They need to get a grip here if they are going to fill a niche this market. They have been told - several times !!
DADA said:
Just to share some experiences from customers from the DIY Hifi world and
And some new insights on their amp modules. ... =10&t=2428

Maybe we should involve Aussie Amps.
And more special this amp module

So maybe some australien Axe-Fx owners should get in contact with these guys and their amp modules. At least these guys now how to build an amp.

Thanks for that link. However not the best info one would like to find about Class D. Seems that there are some issues around.
That will probably get all us end users wait for each other to take the first step...

After you sir! :D

Um - we know their customer services arnt great, and why they keep getting told !!. As for the "audiophile grade" thing - I wouldnt expect it on an amp costing what the Pro-Audios do. For Audiophile Id be looking at many times that. The reviews are also for hifi - not our useage. What isnt too good for them could be fantastic for us.

The description of the sound seems spot on to me - great bass with control, nice mids that dont get fatiguing etc. Ofk the highs roll off a little - but in our case we dont want them anyway do we? the harmonics from a hihat are high Freq and wouldnt even be replecated through a guitar cab. Also a common report of SS amps is the high freq being too harsh - sounds like the Class-d stuff wont be.

Still - we will only be able to judge once we have the amps to try. While I have done that - A/Bing with my VHT, it was one mprning and the prototype amp. The production modela may not be so good. Well have to wait and see. I have one (well 2 actually as Miks sending me an extra one :) and the VHT doesnt have to be sold either so I can spend time A/B ing at home. I WILL post a newer review then - with some video and/or clips. Lets all reserve judgement until then (me included !!)
What is still a mystery to me is what's going on between Class-D and Fractal. Maybe I've got this whole thing wrong but wasn't Fractal using one of their amps at the NY amp show? What's more strange is (and I read this somewhere on this forum) that if you contact Class-D looking for an amp, they would/could not help you if they knew you were going to use it with an AxeFx. :?:

What's the deal? Or is all that just BS and these are not the droids I'm looking for? :)
paulmapp8306 said:
I have one (well 2 actually as Miks sending me an extra one :) and the VHT doesnt have to be sold either so I can spend time A/B ing at home. I WILL post a newer review then - with some video and/or clips. Lets all reserve judgement until then (me included !!)

How come you have 2 amps already and the rest of us are still waiting on their pre-orders????? You are well connected.
tgunn said:
What is still a mystery to me is what's going on between Class-D and Fractal. Maybe I've got this whole thing wrong but wasn't Fractal using one of their amps at the NY amp show? What's more strange is (and I read this somewhere on this forum) that if you contact Class-D looking for an amp, they would/could not help you if they knew you were going to use it with an AxeFx. :?:

What's the deal? Or is all that just BS and these are not the droids I'm looking for? :)

No one can confirm or deny this. Probably you will receive a PM. More over I read on another forum that a guy visiting the NY amp show actual played over this setup seeing on the Utube MFC-101 video (Axe-Fx->Class-D amp->Atomic Wedges) He liked it.

For me the big question is still: Why would Fractal show and use this amp on the NY AMP show if they had no plans with it. Using another brands AMP on am AMP show. DUUUUHHHHHH
tgunn said:
What is still a mystery to me is what's going on between Class-D and Fractal. Maybe I've got this whole thing wrong but wasn't Fractal using one of their amps at the NY amp show? What's more strange is (and I read this somewhere on this forum) that if you contact Class-D looking for an amp, they would/could not help you if they knew you were going to use it with an AxeFx. :?:

What's the deal? Or is all that just BS and these are not the droids I'm looking for? :)
There's no mystery here. What you’ve heard is a combination of misinformation and inaccurate presumption. Class-D sent us an amp to check out. It was in the rack we brought to The Amp Show and was only used briefly at the request of a curious attendee.

For the record, the idea that there is any kind of restriction imposed by Fractal/Atomic on Class D selling to people with Axe Fx’s is absurd. From the posts in this thread, it seems that Class D is having a hard enough time shipping their amp to anyone.

As you can see, nothing has come of this.
DADA said:
tgunn said:
What is still a mystery to me is what's going on between Class-D and Fractal. Maybe I've got this whole thing wrong but wasn't Fractal using one of their amps at the NY amp show? What's more strange is (and I read this somewhere on this forum) that if you contact Class-D looking for an amp, they would/could not help you if they knew you were going to use it with an AxeFx. :?:

What's the deal? Or is all that just BS and these are not the droids I'm looking for? :)

No one can confirm or deny this. Probably you will receive a PM. More over I read on another forum that a guy visiting the NY amp show actual played over this setup seeing on the Utube MFC-101 video (Axe-Fx->Class-D amp->Atomic Wedges) He liked it.

For me the big question is still: Why would Fractal show and use this amp on the NY AMP show if they had no plans with it. Using another brands AMP on am AMP show. DUUUUHHHHHH
I can irrefutably deny this.

First of all, let’s get one thing straight - the Atomic Powered Wedges were the only amp heard in the video.

Second, we never imagined that this unbranded, generic box which, frankly, most people assumed was a power conditioner at the show would become the subject of such eager fan fiction.

Peewee … I mean DADA, one good "DUH" deserves another:
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