Preset charging creators

I wouldn't sweat it. But you have to admit that "some band" who did something is very different than a well-known, top-40 rock band with a huge following doing something.

I could say "everyone give me $10 for no reason" and maybe I'll get a few bites. But if Radiohead said that, they'd probably get at least $1000. Probably a lot more :)

Using an example to make a point without knowing the details can sometimes go wrong. I've done it a lot!!

Moving on. This thread has gone well so far!
Awesome discussion! It's been a while since this place has had a real pulse, lately. I love this place I'm on it every day regardless of whether there is a topic I like or not.

I create a preset for every church song I play, and they get updated whenever I play the song again, because I learn a little more, every time I use it. I'm not always using the amp they use. I'm in the if it sounds right, it's right enough for me camp. My world is dotted 8th delays and advanced amp controls get me where I want to be.

I personally give my presets for free on the fractal praise and worship forum, and for people who ask me in private. I know for a fact that what I create doesn't work for everyone, the stress is off me, because I hope something works for you, but don't expect it to sound like it sounds with my guitars, because it won't.

I love Chris's model teach a man to fish theory. Personally for me to buy a preset I would want a video per preset that would teach me your thought process behind the preset, how and why did you choose that amp and why are you setting that to that setting. The video becomes more important than the preset for me.

I do miss when these guys would share to the community for the communities sake. But I can't expect this forum to be what it was three years ago either. Time marches on.

I doubt personally, that I would ever buy a preset, it's to parishable. It only lasts a little while and is forgotten, I work way to hard for my money, to be frivolous with my funds. Give me an education a deep one, and I'll gladly pay you for your time. But you better know your stuff, if your getting your information from stuff that anyone can figure out in two minutes, I will call foul. So for Someone who has truly figured this stuff out like it's just common knowledge that we all should have figured out eventually, will be the guy that gets my cash. whomever that person is that gets it in a syllabus form and gets it produced and marketed is going to make a killing.

I bet there are a few publishers that would love a 30 part video series on the axe-fx, right about now. Whether it's TrueFire, Lynda, groove3 there is definitely a market for this stuff.

My 2 cents.

All you guys marketing your stuff, have add it. It doesn't effect me. All I ask is don't kill the community that you joined, by becoming all business and no pleasure. It can stifle a community. I will defend the community over marketing any day.
Back in the day I did a series of presets call LPD Tone Clone Presets (for those newer comers). Most of these were cloning recorded tones for recording/direct use. Some used the new (then) tone match block, most didn't. I used the donations model and it worked well for a bit. There were people who would contact me demanding (yes demanding) that I share the presets with the entire community for free, but they were a minority. I always provided support and updated the presets following firmware updates, which in those days was almost monthly, and those who donated were really great appreciative folks. I still build custom presets/IRs for a good number of people as well as consulting/tutoring on building them and only charge for my time.

I personally see nothing detrimental in people using the free market to buy and sell presets. People who abuse the system (reselling others work) should be called out on the forum for the what they are and then the market will adjust. I don't necessarily believe selling presets destroys this community. I think demanding things for free does far more damage, as it spreads a sense of lack of appreciation for people's time, effort and experience (I miss Chef, he was a great guy with a great ear and tweaking skills).

To those currently marketing their presets I wish the best of luck in the endeavor. Providing a product that people find value in and are willing to pay for is always a challenge. Keeping people happy, doubly so.

Glad to see this discussion and that it is still civil.

^^^ This. Couldn't haven said it any better so thanks for saving me the typing time Lawrence!

Each of the people here who are offering presets for sale has a history of contributing to the community and providing help (and presets) for free. If they want to make a buck or two after donating hundreds or thousands of hours of their time and hard work, I don't have a problem with that.

Yep! I know I have donated to most of them and often when not even using their offerings. Am I a nutcase just throwing his money away? Maybe so. o_O But I happen to know these guys put in ridiculous hours not only with their creations but also helping those in need on various forums so I have offered my modest little support so they can continue to do so.

I believe the bottom line is regardless if it's a donation or a purchase nobody is forcibly taking money out of your wallet. None of these guys should feel any shame for choosing whatever business model they wish to implement. The market will always determine the outcome.
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@levipeto I'd still like to see you actually address my post, as I feel like there are good arguments made there and questions that need answering.

You had 8 questions there, most of them hypothetical. I didn't think you were really interested in my opinion. I thought they were there to prove your point. which I understood.
Please pick one of the questions and I will answer.
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You had 8 questions there, most of them hypothetical. I didn't think you were really interested in my opinion. I thought they were there to prove your point. which I understood.
Please pick one of the questions and I will answer.

I feel like they're very relevant. At the very least I'd like to hear you explain why those products are okay, but this isn't. Where is the line?
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Sounds like dodging the question(s) to me... ? I feel like they're very relevant. At the very least I'd like to hear you explain why those products are okay, but this isn't. Where is the line?

Are you legally allowed to remove the Gibson logo from the guitar and sell it as your built?

So there is the line.
Are you legally allowed to remove the Gibson logo from the guitar and sell it as your built?

So there is the line.

I don't see how selling presets is equivalent. That sounds specific to people recreating sounds of specific artists or albums. So if I record an album of original material with a patch I made from scratch and then sell the preset I made for it, that's okay?
I don't see how selling presets is equivalent. That sounds specific to people recreating sounds of specific artists or albums. So if I record an album of original material with a patch I made from scratch and then sell the preset I made for it, that's okay?

Not that part is the issue.

So I buy your original preset and I tweak a few knobs, then I sell it as mine? Is that ok with you? "Where is the line?"
Not that part is the issue.

So I buy your original preset and I tweak a few knobs, then I sell it as mine? Is that ok with you? "Where is the line?"

So really, your issue has nothing to do with selling presets, but rather copying presets to some extent and selling them, doesn't it?
Yes, that is part of it.

I get that part, I don't get the rest of your initial post. How if you sell a preset and then ever download one for free that it's somehow wrong, for example. Also the whole "if some of you feel special we're doomed" attitude... I mean, they are special, because they have the skills and knowledge to make the sounds that you can't.

Regarding copying other people, again I think it's relevant to ask if companies that make digital emulations of real gear deserve to get paid, or how about companies who make IRs - literally all they are doing is putting their time and their knowledge into creating something that you might not be able to create, or create as well. Isn't that what people pay for when they are looking to buy presets?

I just think it's hard to have such a hard opinion of selling patches and yet own an AxeFX without coming across as somewhat hypocritical.
Oh I see.
It's simply that you expect your time being rewarded, but you don't respect others time and effort.
Can you change a few bits in an IR?

An IR is literally just capturing the sound of someone else's cabinet that they've made and reselling it in a digital format. If that's wrong, then you - as an AxeFX user - are doing something wrong by using them, aren't you? Even if you don't use IR's, isn't it wrong for you to give money to a company that sells them if you have that view?
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