Prayers Requested


Fractal Fanatic
Hey, All,

It's been about a week's time since I've posted much anything of merit to this forum...and with good reason.

Tuesday the 21st I arrived home from my evening meeting, and spent about 45 minutes until 11:30 prepping for bed. I was tired; a good tired from doing an honest day's work plus socializing at our meeting where we learn stuff.

Anyway, got into bed and tried sleeping partially on my left shoulder. Slept through the entire evening, not waking or needing a bathroom break.

Wednesday morning, I awoke to the most horrendous left shoulder pain (6 to 7 out of 10, on a 1-10 scale) imaginable. Could barely lift, move, facilitate, rotate, extend my left arm at all. Iced the son of a gun and took 2 Aleve 12 hours apart.

Spoke with my primary Thursday who diagnosed the shoulder as a frozen or encapsulated shoulder, with X-Rays. The doc said the shoulder will need physical therapy for a while with follow-up on my part each day.

My basic concern is that this will impede my ability to do my regular part-time job for several work-shifts during the next 3 weeks. I'm not sure how to approach this with my boss as he's somewhat short-handed employee hours anyway. My age is 65; I see no need for retiring from my job anytime soon, but just need some words of advice how the next 3 to 6 months might need scheduling to allow for physical therapy twice a week, and each day with home therapy.

Until physical therapy can be scheduled, I'll need to ask the boss to halve my part-time work schedule and distribute the work hours among fellow employees. This will continue until the 3rd week of June.

Meanwhile, my normal activities (driving, grocery shopping, meetings, work, household chores, gardening, guitar practice, most all of my free time) require rest and icing of the shoulder. While the doc said to keep the arm and shoulder mobile as much as possible, no pain-relievers can solve the hurt I feel now. This might take quite a while of PT. Prayers and mojo requested.

Thanks for reading.

- Bob (bleujazz3)
I suffered greatly with a frozen shoulder years ago. Somewhat surprisingly it was a chiropractor that helped me the most. I won't lie; his treatments were extremely painful, but he fixed what the PT couldn't or wouldn't.
I'm so sorry. Hopefully recovery will come much faster than you expect.
Thanks for your concern. The primary said it may take a while w/ redundant office and home PT. Currently looking at June 12th for first eval from the therapist. Meanwhile, trying to keep the left shoulder mobile enough so it doesn't lose any more function than necessary.
I suffered greatly with a frozen shoulder years ago. Somewhat surprisingly it was a chiropractor that helped me the most. I won't lie; his treatments were extremely painful, but he fixed what the PT couldn't or wouldn't.
Surprisingly enough, it was a Covid booster that caused my first frozen shoulder. Cleared up in about 1 week's time. This one's different. Not sure if this is a strain or dislocation. X-rays indicated no breakage nor major abnormalities...
It’s a bear all right. A righteous pain indeed.

Move your shoulders (and even tear the adhesions if you have too.). Good luck.

Not sure what adhesions there might just be strained muscles/tendons locked into position that prevents movement. PT eval June 12th will tell the story...
Get well soon.
Thx, GCP...
For what it is worth, my mother had frozen shoulder and was miserable for over a year. Nothing doctors tried improved her condition. On advice from a friend she took some cinnamon. Her shoulder finally freed up almost immediately. She now takes it every day and has had no more issues years later.
Prayers sent.
My only advice is that you need to be exercising, stretching and moving some weights with that shoulder after the PT gets you moving again.
I'd ask about a cortisone shot. I had one a few years ago and it helped. The cinnamon seems easy enough to try. Couldn't hurt.
Good luck and patience. Shoulder stuff takes time to fully heal. On march 29 I suffer a right shoulder injury while running with my son, my full body weight was absorb by the shoulder, thank God I hit partially wet turf.

I could not move for 10 seconds than I did and started to test my arm for broken or dislocated stuff, there where non but I could not throw back my arm, too much pain. There was a problem with a ligament that takes like 6 moths to fully heal. I could not play guitar sitting down, had to stand with a strap.

Every day is a step further to recovery, dam I could not even clean my ass, had to learn using my left hand!

Im 46.
Bob I sure hate to hear that you are having to go through the shoulder thing. Man I totally feel for you.
I have had to have both of my shoulders operated on there doing much better. I feel for you I hope that the therapist can do you some good and get you back to moving and pain free.
The shoulder can sure be a pain it is no picnic that’s for sure.
I had a lot of physical therapy last year it helped me but I ultimately had to have surgery to repair it and more therapy. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Prayers and good juju going your way.
I'd see a proper doctor - preferably an orthopedic surgeon specializing in upper limb - and get it diagnosed properly, most likely with an MRI - instead of asking an unqualified group on the Internet.

First, it could be a rotator cuff tear. It could be all sorts of other conditions that can affect a shoulder joint - an inherently unstable joint.

Second - whoever told you that a Covid booster caused a frozen shoulder has absolutely no idea what they're talking about. It may have given you a sore arm - the injection goes into the deltoid muscle which can get sore after the shot, but it doesn't go anywhere near the shoulder joint itself.

If you don't get a proper diagnosis and imaging, and it turns out to be something more than just an inflammatory "frozen shoulder", then you'll have way more trouble playing guitar for much longer than if you get it properly seen to now.

And yes, I am a medico - but I'm a Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon, NOT an orthopedic surgeon.
Totally agree with @Doc Rock Bob definitely you need to see an orthopedic specialist. That’s what they did for me a CT is what they had me get done.
You don’t need to mess around if you already have a locked shoulder. They offered me physical therapy and cortisone shot but I asked if they could just fix it and he did. Cortisone is to me a temporary fix if you have something that won’t get better by itself. And physical therapy is always good but get yourself an appointment with a good orthopedic specialist.
Rotor cuff tears ae extremely common. It was the MAIN reason I bought the Martin OM-28e instead of my normal dreadnoughts.
Physical therapy works and has helped me immensely. simple exercise with TheraBand's, etc. My pain is GONE as long as I do the PT everyday.
diclofenac did NOT help my rotor cuff tear. Aleve did but they are really bad for your kidneys and I only have one kidney.
Covid Booster caused it? One of the more stupid things certain uninformed people say these days! You could even become magnetic! Jeeezzz!

My issue was caused, according to the Orthopedic doc for 2 reasons:
Sleeping on my side ( I now put a pillow under my body up to my armpit so my shoulder does NOT take the brunt of the pressure.
2nd reason was a bummer: playing guitar, specifically acoustic with big bodies-he said due to the angle, etc.
IMHO, a steroid shot depends on the amount of pain and if the PATIENT wants immediate relief. I did and it worked and helped me get thru the beginning the PT.
Been 3 years now.
Good Luck man..............Wish you the best!
Prayers sent.
My only advice is that you need to be exercising, stretching and moving some weights with that shoulder after the PT gets you moving again.
I'd ask about a cortisone shot. I had one a few years ago and it helped. The cinnamon seems easy enough to try. Couldn't hurt.
Me Too!
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