Poweramp help/suggestions


New Member
Hi guys. I'm currently running my Axe FX Ultra through a Crown XLS 1002 (bridged), into a 2x12 (8 ohms) with 2 Celestion v30s.

Now the volume it's putting out is very low. I'm having to crank the power amp to 11 and my patches to clipping level just to keep up with the whole band.
Now would this be a poweramp issue? I've heard that specific amp doesn't have that much volume (I was under a budget constraint) or could this be something wrong in the unit itself?

Also, feel free to suggest me a new poweramp I could look into. Thank you!
My first question would be have you blown your speakers up yet?
From specs..you are putting 700w (XLS1002 bridged @ 8-Ohm) into TWO v30s which are 60w RMS each. Or 700w into ~220w !!! o_O
My guess is that it's NOT the amp...

Where do you have the amps "volume" controls set, and where do you have the Ultra's output levels set to.. and OUT1 or OUT2 ?
This is where I seem like a total idiot when it comes to sound tech. It doesn't sound like speakers are blown. Throughout the entire time I've had the speaker cab (a few months, granted they were used but a pro checked them out) I've never had a dip in volume.

The global volume on my patches is set pretty high. Just to get an equal volume across all of them.

I'm also from DFW if you could help tech my setup, hah.
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