Power Conditioner/Ultra advice?


Hey guys, i have the Monster 2500 single space power conditioner, i have 3U Rack, the Ultra takes up 2 spaces so the the two units would be on top of one another, should i put the Ultra on top or bottom? :?:
Cory508 said:
Hey guys, i have the Monster 2500 single space power conditioner, i have 3U Rack, the Ultra takes up 2 spaces so the the two units would be on top of one another, should i put the Ultra on top or bottom? :?:

Ultra goes on the bottom...
In this case, I don't think it matters :)
I'd put the heaviest of the two, the one with the largest footprint on the bottom so (like JustinAiken stated) - "It ain't top heavy".

And.. if you read the OM, you'll find in the specs section that the power consumption of the Axe is < 10w..
It's unlikely you will need much power conditioning with that usage level. ;)
Unless you are playing in crappy power conditions.
Heck my LED flashlight uses more "juice" than that.
Having the conditioner will not hurt, but the Monster unit will use more power on its own - to condition the 10+w needed by the single Axe - than 20 connected Axe's.
IMHO - it's not needed, but it is your rig.
s0c9 said:
In this case, I don't think it matters :)
I'd put the heaviest of the two, the one with the largest footprint on the bottom so (like JustinAiken stated) - "It ain't top heavy".

And.. if you read the OM, you'll find in the specs section that the power consumption of the Axe is < 10w..
It's unlikely you will need much power conditioning with that usage level. ;)
Unless you are playing in crappy power conditions.
Heck my LED flashlight uses more "juice" than that.
Having the conditioner will not hurt, but the Monster unit will use more power on its own - to condition the 10+w needed by the single Axe - than 20 connected Axe's.
IMHO - it's not needed, but it is your rig.

s0c9, thx for the advice. I am in fact playing venues with crappy power and i would be plugging my Mesa Lone Star amp and a few pedals into the power conditioner as well as the Ultra. I'm using the Ultra for effects only when playing live and amp/cab simulations for recording and church.
Would it still be your opinion that the power conditioner is unnecessary? :?:
Cory508 said:
s0c9, thx for the advice. I am in fact playing venues with crappy power and i would be plugging my Mesa Lone Star amp and a few pedals into the power conditioner as well as the Ultra. I'm using the Ultra for effects only when playing live and amp/cab simulations for recording and church.
Would it still be your opinion that the power conditioner is unnecessary? :?:
Given what you've stated here, I recommend that you KEEP the monster. FWIW - my rig is setup differently. I go direct to FOH from Ultra, using amp/cab models and use OUT2 to go into an FRFR stage monitor, so don't really need the level of conditioning that you would. Yes, keep it.
s0c9 said:
Cory508 said:
s0c9, thx for the advice. I am in fact playing venues with crappy power and i would be plugging my Mesa Lone Star amp and a few pedals into the power conditioner as well as the Ultra. I'm using the Ultra for effects only when playing live and amp/cab simulations for recording and church.
Would it still be your opinion that the power conditioner is unnecessary? :?:
Given what you've stated here, I recommend that you KEEP the monster. FWIW - my rig is setup differently. I go direct to FOH from Ultra, using amp/cab models and use OUT2 to go into an FRFR stage monitor, so don't really need the level of conditioning that you would. Yes, keep it.

Wow, thx for the advice, im going to run similar to how you're doing it tomorrow in church. i just setup a "effects return>send" in the layout screen, right?
not for me no.
I have no effects send/return loop in use at all.
All my patches are straight thru (using amp, cab and other blocks)
I have copy OUT1 -> OUT2 set to on.
That is set up on I/O panel... AUDIO... Copy Out1 to Out2 "ON"

OUT1 (XLR's) go to FOH. OUT2 2's (1/4) go into FRFR.
Levels to both can be controlled by the Level knobs on front of Axe.

OIW -I use the Axe for everything, not solely as an effects unit, and I do NOT employ 4CM or anything like that.
VERY simple hookup.
s0c9, im using a mission expression pedal, do you feel its necessary to have high end stereo cables (monster) plugging it into the pedalboard to cut down on any noise or will regular Hosa's be fine?
It's an expression pedal connection, so in this case, as there's no audio signal being carried, Hosa's should be fine.
Personally I don't like 'em (Hosa's) and would suggest using something with a little more "quality" built-in.
Don't know that you need Monster/Mogami level, but you get what you pay for :)
Cory508 said:
s0c9, im using a mission expression pedal, do you feel its necessary to have high end stereo cables (monster) plugging it into the pedalboard to cut down on any noise or will regular Hosa's be fine?

I built my CC cables out of George L's, a little over kill but it was nice to make things custom lengths.

The Axe is really robust when it comes to power and a power conditioner is really not needed but still I use one just to be on the safe side. For me it's more of an expensive plug bar then anything else.
s0c9 said:
...if you read the OM, you'll find in the specs section that the power consumption of the Axe is < 10w..
It's unlikely you will need much power conditioning with that usage level. ;)
s0c9, how does the power consumption relate to the need for power conditioning?

Sixstring said:
...The Axe is really robust when it comes to power and a power conditioner is really not needed but still I use one just to be on the safe side. For me it's more of an expensive plug bar then anything else.
Sixstring, what is the basis for this? I know most information about needing surge suppression comes from makers of surge suppressors, but are you talking about the AC being universal input?
LMO said:
s0c9, how does the power consumption relate to the need for power conditioning?
It's a pretty simple formula.
Watts / Volts = Amps
So, 10/110 = .09
Means Axe use .09 amps. On a standard 15-amp circuit, that's not even worth mentioning. I'm not a certified electrician, but even with a voltage drop, the available current should be plenty. You should not need a "power conditioner" per se.... they are expensive. However, there's no reason NOT to run one, but I'd run some form of surge protection at a minimum.
There is no HARM done buy using a power conditioner. I'm saying you don't NEED one based on specs. If your device need 8amp then yes.. use a conditioner.
OK, I see what you are thinking. I don't believe that power consumption has any bearing on choosing a conditioner/regulator beyond determining the capacity of the device. It's not so much an issue of drawing an average of less than 10W of power as an issue of how the power supply in the AxeFX deals with over/under voltage conditions as well as noise and surges. From the specs we know that it handles from 100V to 240V, so for those of us on nominal 120V power, over voltage does not appear to be an issue. That leaves under-voltage, noise, and large surges as potential concerns.

I have no idea how common such problems are, although my son blew two computer power supplies when he was in college. Perhaps if you play in a dorm you should be careful... ;)
Sixstring said:
Cory508 said:
s0c9, im using a mission expression pedal, do you feel its necessary to have high end stereo cables (monster) plugging it into the pedalboard to cut down on any noise or will regular Hosa's be fine?

I built my CC cables out of George L's, a little over kill but it was nice to make things custom lengths.

s0c9-I didn't know that George L's had "Stereo" Cable kits, which is what i need for my expression pedal to the best of my understanding? Do they make the right angle "stereo" plugs as well?
LMO said:
s0c9 said:
...if you read the OM, you'll find in the specs section that the power consumption of the Axe is < 10w..
It's unlikely you will need much power conditioning with that usage level. ;)
s0c9, how does the power consumption relate to the need for power conditioning?

Sixstring said:
...The Axe is really robust when it comes to power and a power conditioner is really not needed but still I use one just to be on the safe side. For me it's more of an expensive plug bar then anything else.
Sixstring, what is the basis for this? I know most information about needing surge suppression comes from makers of surge suppressors, but are you talking about the AC being universal input?

This is memory recall in regards to a post a few years when people were asking if a power conditioner was needed. I pretty sure Cliff posted that the Axe was tough enough that you could get away with not having to use one. Wether it had anything to do with universal voltage or not I don't know. Cliff is a bright when it comes to design so I'm sure he thought of voltage issues when designing the Axe.

I went looking for the post in question but couldn't find it. I found this post from last year... viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5650&hilit=power+conditioner which a few say the same thing.
Cory508 said:
Sixstring said:
Cory508 said:
s0c9, im using a mission expression pedal, do you feel its necessary to have high end stereo cables (monster) plugging it into the pedalboard to cut down on any noise or will regular Hosa's be fine?

I built my CC cables out of George L's, a little over kill but it was nice to make things custom lengths.

I didn't know that George L's had "Stereo" Cable kits, which is what i need for my expression pedal to the best of my understanding? Do they make the right angle "stereo" plugs as well?

They don't make any stereo kits, I built my own using solder style Right angle TRS connectors, George L's cable and George L's right angle mono connectors.


Found Cliff's post HERE in the archived forum.
FractalAudio wrote: said:
The power supply is auto-ranging and can handle just about any voltage you throw at it. A good conditioner is recommended for protection. A regulator is unnecessary.
LMO said:
Found Cliff's post HERE in the archived forum.
FractalAudio wrote: said:
The power supply is auto-ranging and can handle just about any voltage you throw at it. A good conditioner is recommended for protection. A regulator is unnecessary.
Well that pretty much sums it up doesn't it. I;ll stick my neck out here and state that I thought that's [essentially] what I was saying - in as many words, albeit not necessarily for the same reasons :)
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