Wish Power Amp Modelling assignment to outputs


Will be nice to select power amp simulation for different outputs separately. This will give a flexibility to enable power amp modelling for FOH and disable for an output goes to TubePower amp. This will solve a problem with shared backline for venues.
It can't work that way. Power amp modeling is within the Amp block and makes no sense elsewhere...

It simply doesn't fit within the Fractal paradigm.
It can't work that way. Power amp modeling is within the Amp block and makes no sense elsewhere...

It simply doesn't fit within the Fractal paradigm.
Nope, It can be taken off in the settings and you still have your amp modelling. But today it's for entire unit. If it will possible to do so but only for selected output it will be very helpful in many live applications!
IIRC ..Years ago Cliff acknowledged that though he can do this …it will compromise Proprietary Information and Intellectual Property Rights.
IIRC ..Years ago Cliff acknowledged that though he can do this …it will compromise Proprietary Information and Intellectual Property Rights.
that's the story though I can never find the quote - it does tho, align with most other modelling platforms which don't facilitate users isolating power amp. The question I never see answered, and which I've always been curious about as a techy type is: why, generally, is it so difficult to protect I.P. in the isolated p.a. scenario? - to the extent that a very popular request in amp modelling is out of the question in terms of implementation when we have every other config covered seemingly without IP worry? (ie "preamp only", stand alone drives, tape satch in the cab block ...). No need for forum members to answer - it's rhetorical as I've embarked into to this discussion before without any further insight.
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that's the story though I can never find the quote - it does tho, align with most other modelling platforms which don't facilitate users isolating power amp. The question I never see answered, and which I've always been curious about as a techy type is: why, generally, is it so difficult to protect I.P. in the isolated p.a. scenario? - to the extent that a very popular request in amp modelling is out of the question in terms of implementation when we have every other config covered seemingly without IP worry? (ie "preamp only", stand alone drives, tape satch in the cab block ...). No need for forum members to answer - it's rhetorical as I've embarked into to this discussion before without any further insight.
The issue here isn't about protecting intellectual property. The issue is that once you have the the power amp turned on, you can't take it out later in the signal chain. There's just no physical way to remove nonlinearities from a signal.

As for exactly why separating preamp and power amp is risky, I don't know either. But that wouldn't buy you anything in this case. The Amp blocks run on their own processor, so there's no CPU cost from using a second Amp block.
The issue here isn't about protecting intellectual property. The issue is that once you have the the power amp turned on, you can't take it out later in the signal chain. There's just no physical way to remove nonlinearities from a signal.
Understood - For this use case, I guess one could achieve what's needed currently with 2 amp blocks, one with p.a. turned off, but both would have to have their own duplicate post fx block chains. The chain with p.a. off and no cab goes to the monitoring tube combo return, and the one with p.a. on and cab sim goes to foh. Having a "preamp off" (pre/p.a. separation) capability would not seem to help any. But even this type of solution is questionable if the modelled p.a. behaviour and/or color is going to be very different from the monitoring tube combo's p.a. behaviour and/or color.

As for exactly why separating preamp and power amp is risky, I don't know either. But that wouldn't buy you anything in this case. The Amp blocks run on their own processor, so there's no CPU cost from using a second Amp block.
I think of the "Preamp Off" / "Separate Pre / p.a." wish as a feature mostly useful for external preamp integration, which I do frequently (and I see a lot of others asking about here on the forum). When I loop in an external pre, whether the pre of a tube amp or a pedal pre, with the intent of sending it out via FRFR, I need (usually, unless the pedal pre has a power amp sim in it, or I'm taking a line out from a load box attached to a tube amp) a power amp simulation to go with the pre. Tho the "tube pre" model can do the job to some extent, particularly with some advanced p.a. parms swapped in for desired flavour/behavior, being able to turn pre off in any given amp model to yield power amp only would be great for this use case.
I could be wrong but I guess it's technically possible to have a "P.A on" signal and a "P.A. off" signal in parallel: there must be the data stream just after the (virtual) preamp section stored in AXE's memory (either in RAM or DSP cache), which could be duplicated to somewhere else for post-Amp block processing while feeding the same stream to (virtual) power amp section. (The impact on the preamp section from the power amp section could not be removed from duplicated signals in this approach, though) Duplicating data stream with this approach would not require running another dedicated Amp block and therefore not much processing power.

I believe it's because of IP protection, as mentioned by Cliff. I can imagine that being able to eparate power amp section makes it easier for competitors to do reverse engineering.
One thing I have contemplated in the past is a switch that allows you to, for example, output the preamp on the left channel of the amp block and the power amp on the right. It's not possible to run the power amp separately from the amp block though. It has nothing to do with proprietary technology or IP, it's an architectural limitation.
One thing I have contemplated in the past is a switch that allows you to, for example, output the preamp on the left channel of the amp block and the power amp on the right. It's not possible to run the power amp separately from the amp block though. It has nothing to do with proprietary technology or IP, it's an architectural limitation.
Cliff, if it is doable... you can do it! :)
But I think the majority of guitar player (included me) will be confused and lot of patches will not work correctly.

it is possible to create virtual "Send amp 1" block that tap the signal out of the preamp and "Return amp 1" tap into the preamp? So the user can use send when poweramp is not required (the rest of the chain will affect the sound, inevitable...)
One thing I have contemplated in the past is a switch that allows you to, for example, output the preamp on the left channel of the amp block and the power amp on the right. It's not possible to run the power amp separately from the amp block though. It has nothing to do with proprietary technology or IP, it's an architectural limitation.
Awesome! makes sense - with a single mono (but L/R separated) fx chain following, and p.a. ON left, OFF right. Actually, even in current fw, using 2 amp blocks as described above: one with p.a. ON goes left, the other with p.a. OFF goes right, both going into single post fx chain with mono fx but retaining left / right separation for output to foh (left) and tube amp return (right).

Would not seem to facilitate the stand alone p.a. use case (to use with looped in external pre), but would def help on the wish expressed here.
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Cliff, if it is doable... you can do it! :)
But I think the majority of guitar player (included me) will be confused and lot of patches will not work correctly.

it is possible to create virtual "Send amp 1" block that tap the signal out of the preamp and "Return amp 1" tap into the preamp? So the user can use send when poweramp is not required (the rest of the chain will affect the sound, inevitable...)
we currently have the "send" via the amp block's power amp off button; as I understand, the "return" (power amp only) is the case that's constrained by architecture.
we currently have the "send" via the amp block's power amp off button; as I understand, the "return" (power amp only) is the case that's constrained by architecture.
It's different, because with the send we can still use the poweramp section, it splits the signal.
Noodling with current fw possibilities that address the OP wish: Here's a preset with a single post amp fx chain and with Output1L containing p.a. / cab emulation (> foh) + Output1R containing no p.a. / cab emulation (> tube combo amp return). Some post fx won't accomodate this very well as they don't maintain full L/R separation (Reverb, Rotary), so 2 parallel blocks would be needed for those fx. I used the "Totally Flat" IR on the cab right side to keep things simpler. Fractal's idea above would eliminate the need for 2 amp blocks👍



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Aren't the preamp and power amp interdependent to some degree? For instance, as a crude example, preamp output impedance and power amp input impedance, operating levels, etc are designed for each other, right?
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One thing I have contemplated in the past is a switch that allows you to, for example, output the preamp on the left channel of the amp block and the power amp on the right. It's not possible to run the power amp separately from the amp block though. It has nothing to do with proprietary technology or IP, it's an architectural limitation.
That would be an amazing option. Maybe in the next unit??
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