Pop rock ep, check it out

Just some suggestions I'd make from listening to it on my 5.1 pc speakers.

The bass is mixed in too heavily in parts of the song, so it's dominating the sound quite a bit. It's also boosted too much on some of the more resonant bass frequencies, so some frequencies are really resonating, while others, mostly the higher bass frequencies, are really dropping out. It may just need some EQ work to balance out the tone.

The vocals sound a bit thin too. They could use a bit of a boost at the bottom end and some general EQing to bring out their quality in the mix. Maybe bump the levels on them just a bit too so they stand out a bit more. Nothing major, just a slight boost. Right now they're not getting buried, but they're not really standing out either.

Other than that it sounds really good. Mind you, I was listening on computer speakers with a sub woofer, so I'm not hearing them on the type of speakers I should really be listening to it on, but that's what I heard here.
I'm sure once the bass gets a BIG low cut and volume drop it'll sound much better. I can hear that you guys have mixed this quite accurately. The bass is just unbearably heavy... let me guess: your bass player is your engineer? :D Damn ego mixes!

I don't think anything else needs any mixing ATM. Ofcourse once the bass is mixed again many things might change.

Personally I'd lower the reverb levels to make the mix sound tighter. It's just a taste issue though. This mix is pretty good though.
Thanks for the comments :)
I'm the engineer and I play the guitar:)

About the bass being heavy, are you talking about all the songs or just the first one (untie my arms)?
I didn't listen to all of them but when the first one was done it went into the 2nd one and it sounded ok bass-wise.
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