Poll: Do you plan to wait in the waiting list or pay the premium?

Poll: Do you plan to wait in the waiting list or pay the premium?

  • I'm jumping to the front of the line baby! Money is no object.

    Votes: 23 19.3%
  • I'm going to politely wait my turn and save some $$$.

    Votes: 54 45.4%
  • Depends how long I have to wait.

    Votes: 27 22.7%
  • This whole thing is a turn-off and I've decided not to buy one.

    Votes: 15 12.6%

  • Total voters
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Worried about what? Not being the first guy on the block to have one? Seriously? If it's that big of a deal to be the first Axe-II owner, you either need to put on a diaper and drive your ass to his house, or maybe step back and take a gander at your priorities. Whichever seems less crazy to you. ;)

Having 3 different waiting lists with hundreds of customers, when there were like 15-20 sold in the first week. Do the math ...
Where are you on the waiting list? Just curious.
Well it is a well know fact that (Mesa)Boogiemen travel in large packs. Perhaps its this mysterious crowd that is buying up all the II production.
For someone with an mba you should lookup the word fact. You do not have facts, you have partial numbers and assumptions. Heck, I went from 12 to 26 on the list overnight. And this is just the forum. Please, by all means, tell me the fàctual % the forum respondees to the list thread make up of the current people interested in purchasing. I'm all ears!
The world is not as different as you would think. People still buy still buy stuff because their favorite artist plays on it, people still buy stuff because their friends tell them about, people still still talk, and people still live in a real physical world, and no matter how much internet you shove down their throat, the physical world will still dominate.

As far as the "limited" Axe-II information, that's a bunch of bull, cause I had been keeping track from FB, and a friend of mine had told me he was beta testing through an email, and I had a GC employee mention it to me as well. Also, nearly every bit of pertinent info is on the main Fractal/Atomic site as well. You also don't have to be a forum member to READ this site. Information travels, great information travels faster than the internet.

So, you found out that the axe 2 exists elsewhere! And you found a guitar center employee that knew anything!

Sarcasm aside, you can't say that things haven't changed that much, this is a product that is sold only online, and communication with customers is done almost exclusively through the forum, anyone in here ever have fractal call or email you for something other than the coupons if you were lucky enough to get one? The world IS a different place, a lot of the guys on here are posting from their phones, people are buying things online from their phones. Was any of that possible when you bought your jcm800? Did you order it with your bag phone? Seriously there is some intense narcissism and dismissive behavior coming from you here. And I think your post count was mentioned because you have spent a lot of time on here talking about something you've never owned.
For someone with an mba you should lookup the word fact. You do not have facts, you have partial numbers and assumptions. Heck, I went from 12 to 26 on the list overnight. And this is just the forum. Please, by all means, tell me the fàctual % the forum respondees to the list thread make up of the current people interested in purchasing. I'm all ears!

Perhaps for someone without one you should? You've seen my post I keep updated with known info of min number confirmed and times of day they went on sale. I also know you are following me around the forum simply looking for an argument.
Funny coming from a guy who felt the need to pm me and didn't even respond to my answer. I asking a simple question here. What is that %? The "factual" %? Following you around? Nothard to do....you are in every thread bitching about the list. :)
Funny coming from a guy who felt the need to pm me and didn't even respond to my answer. I asking a simple question here. What is that %? The "factual" %? Following you around? Nothard to do....you are in every thread bitching about the list. :)

I answered your question about the script. You were one of fews of the dozens of PMs I got that I actually responded to. Sorry I didn't provide it to you. If that has you all upset I can point you to a thread that describes how to use it.

As for the question I dont know. I never made any mentioned total numbers of people wanting it. I made mention of the min number of known users who want it. It was the other guy talking about totals.
I answered your question about the script. You were one of fews of the dozens of PMs I got that I actually responded to. Sorry I didn't provide it to you. If that has you all upset I can point you to a thread that describes how to use it.

As for the question I dont know. I never made any mentioned total numbers of people wanting it. I made mention of the min number of known users who want it. It was the other guy talking about totals.

I was talking about your PM to me explaining how the list is all going to work based on how it has in the past. I responded and heard nothing from you again. As for the script thing, I couldn't care less. I asked a few people day one about theirs and even had access to one. I most certainly could have written one myself as it's not diffcult but Cliff and Co asked us not to use them and I am honoring the request, Are you? Either way, not my worry.

As for the comment on the % that was based on all you guys tossing out numbers and the word "fact" with them. I simply stated it's not a fact but assumptions on your part and you argued otherwise. So tell me the factual numbers or simply admit that you and all of us simply don't know and are just guessing and assuming.

Enough is enough...
How much did you spend on your education? I mean you are the guy that posted this math, right?
Line 6 :: Support

You question the value of his education, but fail to comprehend the context in which it was posted. The thread was about "inflationary language", and included a link to a script which automatically augmented all numbers by one.

While I do have a degree in engineering, it wasn't a prerequisite for recognizing the pattern in the numbers.

Guitar-Tiz said:
Actually, my feelings are fine, it seems you guys are the ones getting your panties all in a wad, cause your so called facts, equate to a hill of beans.
While I'm sure you recognize the flaws in the sampling method, and thus question the accuracy of the data, it is still some data. It can be useful to a degree, and is better than pure speculation. The forum community is decently large and diverse, and can provide some indicator of percentages that the lurkers might feel too.

Also, the Marshall comparison is very flawed. While Marshall has a long tradition in the general marketplace, Fractal Audio has almost entirely existed exclusively on the web. You can't walk into (almost) any music store and buy an Axe-Fx. Therefore, the user base is tied more directly to the subset of people who actively use the web. The numbers generated here aren't perfect, but I'd bet there's a higher percentage of Fractal Audio users on this forum than Marshall users on theirs. Any numbers anyone would use for estimating percentages should be changed appropriately.
Let's cool off. There are mainly 2 guys going at it, let's just please take a break from busting each other's chops for a bit.
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