Implemented Pitch Block - Dual Detune Delay with Cross Feedback


Wish - a new pitch block mode with two detuners featuring adjustable delay times, feedback and the ability to have cross feedback between the detuned delays. This way you could set up a pair of detuned delays with say +/- 9c of detune and have them "cancel out" every other repeat.

This is straightforward enough to build but requires 2 pairs of send/return blocks, 2 delays and 2 pitch blocks. Example around 21min mark here

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gotta be honest with you. the first example at 21:57 doesn't really sound that wide and the "cross feedback" part of it doesn't seem to do anything amazing. have a listen on headphones. the first repeat is slap bang in the centre. so much easier to do this with a dual chromatic pitch block and set the left and right times a few ms apart. much wider and richer sounding, imo.
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