Pitch block causes volume drop

That caveat — "provide source is set to global" — makes or breaks the deal. If you've got tracking set to local, you can expect the pitch block to track more poorly if the block is placed after the amp than if it's placed before the amp.

You would be surprised how well it tracks even with a dirty amp after the amp block. When I was messing it yesterday, it surprised me.
That's good to know. Was that with global or local tracking? How dirty is dirty? Did it track as well as it does behind a clean amp?
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That's good to know. Was that with global or local tracking? How dirty is dirty? Did it track as well as it does behind a clean amp?

It was speaking about local poly after the amp with a fair amount of distortion. It did not seem to have any issues in the quick experiment I did. Local poly does introduce more latency (regardless of where it is located). Whether poly or local, clean or dirty, the pitchshift sounded better after the amp. Before there seemed to be some added distortion, after it was much smoother.
I thought it always tracked from the input? FWIW, running the pitch block in a parallel row also causes a volume drop for me. Using the intelligent harmony type. I had to back mix down and increase volume of the pitch block to compensate.
FWIW, running the pitch block in a parallel row also causes a volume drop for me. Using the intelligent harmony type. I had to back mix down and increase volume of the pitch block to compensate.

That will happen if pitch bypass mode is "thru".
Whether poly or local, clean or dirty, the pitchshift sounded better after the amp. Before there seemed to be some added distortion, after it was much smoother.
Thanks for sharing your results, Sean. Some of them were surprising, to me anyway.
That will happen if pitch bypass mode is "thru".

Yep. Basically if it's set to thru, when the block is bypassed you're effectively doubling the dry signal. When you enable the effect, presumably set to 100% wet, suddenly the dry signal is cunt in half, hence the volume drop.

I hadn't really thought about the whole before/after cab block thing before, kinda just quickly writing it off in my head as being insignificant. This thread has actually made me stop and think about it, and it certainly makes sense, especially on larger intervals. *sigh* Now I'll have to go re-arrange patches.
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