Parameter Elimination

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From my end, I don't use them "routinely" to adjust every patch; I do use them more as an experimental or learning tool. After 45 or so years of playing, I'm still learning new things every day. Things that weren't available, or not commonly known, are now available at our fingertips. I'm digging the heck out of just seeing what the interactions are, and just like tuning a hot-rod, there's always just a little more tweaking that will make things a little bigger, better, faster, stronger.
I'm glad you're leaving them, Cliff, as long as they don't create too much of an issue with future FW updates, or cause us to loose something else that maybe your team had in mind, in their place.
Sometimes I'll hit upon a magic sauce sort of technique by fiddling with these, which will stay in my patch scheme until a future update seems to make it unnecessary. I frequently get compliments on my tone, so I must be doing "something" right (well, actually, YOU folks are doing something right :mrgreen).
If nothing else, I like having the parameters to further my insight into what's available, and what it does. I ain't so college edumacated like y'alls, so it helps me to flip switches, click buttons, and turn knobs, to see what blows up. :encouragement:
I honestly have use mostly every parameter except for amp voicing, although they aren't all that important I suppose. I wouldn't object to getting rid of them because I mostly just used those features to try to make an amp sound more unique or match an amp such as an Engl Savage or a Hughes and Kettner Triamp without using tone matching (feel and sound). I can't really say which ones to keep, but I think that maybe future parameter changes that are more specific (the ones I think you mentioned in the hidden menus) would do more justice to my purpose for why I even use those parameters in the first place.
If there were a way to compare presets to default values- especially a way to do this in bulk with many presets- One could take the presets from AxeChange for a given amp & software release and identify just what parameters people are changing. (shameless plug for something like THIS)
Thank you Phostenix! :encouragement:

I'll give it a go!!! :encouragement:

I took another look at my Twin & Deluxe Reverb clean patches tonight. I created a matching "Y" amp without the changes to Damping, Dynamics, Sag, B+ Constant, etc. and switched back & forth between them. In the end, I found that the parameter that made the most significant affect on the tone was the Depth control. I didn't find that the dynamics were significantly better with the changes I had made. The combined changes made the amp sound a little fatter, but not really any more dynamic. I put the advanced parameters back to defaults. *shrug*
From the manual:
"Dynamic Presence, Dynamic Depth and the Character controls (See section 5.1.4) are fantastic tools. They’re
also quite powerful, and generally speaking “a little goes a long way.” For example, if you find the tone too
harsh, reduce CHARACTER slightly. If you want a little more “girth”, increase DYN DEPTH a bit. While these might
cause departures from perfect accuracy, they allow highly musical adjustments that would be very difficult to
accomplish in an actual tube amp. Furthermore they can be used to reduce “flaws” in the actual amp’s design
— like excess “fizz” or “flub” — without adversely affecting the natural feel and tone."

It's clear that Cliff is telling us they are "fantastic tools". Why would they be eliminated? As I understand, there's no way to recreate them with any other parameter in the AxeFX.
I use "pick attack" and for me is effective (but with extreme setting) for getting out what the name say!
Maybe I can use other parametres (compressors and/or presence and/or some Eq settings) ... but if you can leave it where is now... I'll be more happy!
The new firmware has rendered a lot of parameters obsolete IMO. I'm considering eliminating the following:
Pick Attack
Character Freq
Dyn Depth
Amp Voicing

If you have strong objections please state which parameter(s) you would want retained.

I use Character, Character Freq, Dyn Depth, Thunk, to create my final tone, they're key of my own sound character box, I'm really happy with them, I think everybody can make up their own and unique sound with this elements, but no longer useful, because something newer and better has been invented.... WhyNot

I'm waiting for the new firmware update!!!
After reading this thread and hearing how others use them, it has prompted me to start tweaking these params even more. LOL! Holy sh*t these are great tools to have right in the amp block. :D

For those of us who don't know their implementation details to the point where we can recreate them (i.e. this is just a post power amp filter set to x,y,z, etc); they don't feel redundant and it is great to have them handy. Plus you don't waste blocks (I use filters/EQs a lot) for things right in the amp block. I'm really glad Cliff decided to keep them. Maybe he can bury them on a back page for folks who's head starts to swim when they look at all the controls.


He uses every single one of them.
I use Pick Attack quite a lot, and Amp Voicing from time to time.

Pick Attack is quite effective with stratocasters, to twang even more.
Drop em. Less is better. As you said, they are obsolete. Most people want things because they are available; not because they need them! Keep up the outstanding work Cliff!!!!!!!!
The new firmware has rendered a lot of parameters obsolete IMO. I'm considering eliminating the following:
Pick Attack
Character Freq
Dyn Depth
Amp Voicing

If you have strong objections please state which parameter(s) you would want retained.

Never used them, never will. Most important parameter is "fingers".
And often "less" is more.

So a GO for eliminating.

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