Original Prog Metal tune using Cameron Ch 2 model only "Resurrection Mary"

Thanks all! stassd I have a lot of influences and it's hard to say which stuck more they are also varied from rock to jazz and fusion. I have only heard Vinnie from friends, and seen a few youtube vids of his, great player.
well that was rather jolly!

i only have two criticisms (damn, if i ever manage to spell that word right, like, ever) - firstly, i would say don't double track the soloing...it's fine for melodies, but i like to hear a bit more "focus" on solos and double tracking (no matter how well done) makes for a bit of fuzziness, which pushes the guitar back in the mix slightly. secondly, i would say i really enjoyed the solo, but it did feel a little bit like a series of disconnected phrases. i would rather have heard something that flowed a little better and made one overall statement. but apart from that, it was really terrific!

Thanks simeon. I double tracked the solo because I like the sound of tight doubling and I don't agree that any of this lead is pushed back in the mix, every note is clear as a bell and I've had LA studio engineer pals listen to it (the mix isn't perfect by any means but I don't know anyone that would agree with you on the lead's clarity).

As for "disconnected phrases", I play the way I play. The solo is done straight through (with the exception of the overdubbed wah guitar that comes in) so it is what it is. I generally don't do 2 minute long solos so there is a little bit of structure to this one and a "plan" but I wasn't concerned with making "an overall statement" as I would in a normal short solo, it's about intensity and build and conveying the feel of the song's story. But I appreciate your thoughts. :)
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Crazy cool! I can def hear what some people are mentioning Vinnie Moore. I hear some Gambale type things in there too, but none of this is derivative like that. I think you've got your own sound. I like the "herky jerky" stuff and wide intervals. Keep it comin', man!
You may not be selling anything... But I would buy it. Great tone & song. Kept my interest to the end.
Please include presets if you are so inclined.

Sorry for the delay on this, here is the preset.

It has slightly changed since the recording, I have a high-res cab on there now and I probably ran the presence @ around 12 o'clock originally. Imo the Cameron II is a bright amp model and best suited for dark guitars. I used a PRS C24 for this tune. :)

Axe-Change - Download Preset - Cameron II - by EricGlass
Nice job Eric! Reminds me of something from Queensriche. And really good solos too! The only "strange" thing is that the whole song seems a little bit "distant", like played in a very large room. Did you use reverb on final mix?
Anyway, keep on like this!!!
Nice job Eric! Reminds me of something from Queensriche. And really good solos too! The only "strange" thing is that the whole song seems a little bit "distant", like played in a very large room. Did you use reverb on final mix?
Anyway, keep on like this!!!

Thanks a lot! Hmm I haven't heard the "distant" thing from anyone else including engineers that have heard the track (they had comments to be sure but nothing like that). Yes there is some reverb, a Sonitus plugin and yes it was applied on the final mix (which is when you would apply it, there wasn't reverb applied again on the final wav file while mastering if that is what you mean), nothing unusual though. It was a "large room" setting I believe so the reflections should have that quality. Same verb patch on all instruments. Very little on the guitars. Thanks for the listen and comments.
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Thanks a lot! Hmm I haven't heard the "distant" thing from anyone else including engineers that have heard the track (they had comments to be sure but nothing like that). Yes there is some reverb, a Sonitus plugin and yes it was applied on the final mix (which is when you would apply it, there wasn't reverb applied again on the final wav file while mastering if that is what you mean), nothing unusual though. It was a "large room" setting I believe so the reflections should have that quality. Same verb patch on all instruments. Very little on the guitars. Thanks for the listen and comments.

Ok, thanks for the answer. I'm not used to apply reverb on final mix but only track by track and not always (for this kind of music): usually the result sounds me a little boxy, not "in your face"... For sure I'm not a pro in mixing/mastering, so don't mind my comment! :) Anyway, I like your song very much!
Mix is perfect for the song, creates a great atmosphere and to me the lead is sitting bang on in the mix. Something I struggle with doing.
Thanks all!

Ok, thanks for the answer. I'm not used to apply reverb on final mix but only track by track and not always (for this kind of music): usually the result sounds me a little boxy, not "in your face"... For sure I'm not a pro in mixing/mastering, so don't mind my comment! :) Anyway, I like your song very much!

No problem, I'm not a pro mixer either :). That is how it was done, reverb was applied to each individual track and that "final mix" is exported to a wav. file which then gets some mastering (limiting, eq, etc). There is no further reverb treatment which probably would sound funky and I don't know anyone who applies reverb at that point. As far as you not being used to always hearing reverb on this sort of music (if I'm understanding your comment correctly) I don't know what to say, this wouldn't sound very good without some reverb imo, it isn't djent and there isn't that much verb anyways. If you listened to any instrumental guitar metal of the 80's it all had verb. Thanks again :)
Really liked this all around. The solo while not traditional fit the piece really well. And of course is mindblowing.
I really liked this too. I also heard a couple of parts that reminded me of Vinnie Moore, but hey as far as I'm concerned , that's a good thing.
(huge fan of the vinman)
I think your approach to lead playing on this track works great.
This is really good dude. I'm not the biggest fan of the drums, both the rhythms and the sound. Everything else is class.
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