Old guy trying to figure this out.


New Member
Hey guys, I am running an EVH 50 watt and an EVH EL34 50 Watt in stereo with all analog stuff right now. I would love to clean up my home studio and have a simple unit to do everything. I borrowed an FX8 and tried it and have all the effects programming down. My problem is I want to be able to switch both amps at the same time and both are midi capable. I have a midi splitter in my studio just not sure how to program the FX8 to switch the channels. Please respond with simple caveman language. Bahahahaha. Really want this unit to be the answer but I have to be able to get it programmed.
Yeah, I have the entire owners manual printed out. I see where it talks about it but like I said, I’m kind of a caveman and a lot of the language would be understandable if I was more tech savvy. It’s like trying to read in another language simply because I don’t understand all the terminology. I’m used to plugging in pedals and playing but am trying to move into the current gear, it’s just frustrating because I don’t know what “select the program number and send a midi signal and then have the program return this signal and then change this parameter” all mean. Sorry guys, just haven’t kept up with the electronics world except for work. I’ll see if I can find videos somewhere. If I see someone do it I can replicate it and then make sense of all the foreign language
we'd have to know how the EVH amps work, so we have to read those manuals ourselves too.
This article might be a good place to start:


Midi as used by guitarists for controlling effects and settings is really pretty simple.

You mostly need to know about 3 things: midi channels, midi PC (Program Change) messages, midi CC (Control Change) messages.

PCs change presets
CCs change the value of settings

Some amps use one or the other, or both, for control... You're going to have to find that information, too.
If both your amp heads use the same midi commands to change channels (i.e. "1" = clean, "2" = lead etc) then this would work for you.

I used to switch both my HK Tubemeisters using a Midi Solutions Thru box. They are relatively cheap to buy - if your in the UK I can sell you mine if you want as I no longer need it now I have the Axe Fx II.

All you need to do is connect the MIDI out of the FX8 to the Midi Solutions Thru "IN' by a midi cable and then two MIDI cables go from the 2 outputs of the Midi Solutions box - one to amp number 1 and the other 2 amp number 2.

Its a self powered box - I mounted mine with dual lock velcro to the back of amp 1 then another single midi cable to amp 2.

Worked very well.
Yes sir, I have that same midi through box and both heads use the same commands as they are identical and according to the manual they are this way. Just got to figure out how to program it in. You guys are great and if this is the kind of community fractal has I am definitely buying one. Thanks guys!!
Yes sir, I have that same midi through box and both heads use the same commands as they are identical and according to the manual they are this way. Just got to figure out how to program it in. You guys are great and if this is the kind of community fractal has I am definitely buying one. Thanks guys!!
you can help us help you by telling us what those commands are. once we know that, we can tell you where to put those commands.

as i mentioned earlier, right now we'd have to try to figure out the amp midi commands and assume what you're doing. and we could possibly tell you the wrong thing.

but if you give us the information you already have, we can help you much easier.
I used to use and still have a 50watt 5153. They have midi in for channel switching so that is the good news. The bad news they can “learn” different messages and it was always kind of confusing. What I would do is just keep sending pc messages until you see which ones select the channel you want, then set your fx8 to send them when you want. Not very scientific but just one way to get there.
At a high level, you have a decision to make before proceeding:

1) Set both amps to the same MIDI Channel. Use their internal programmability to set up amp "presets" so that each FX8 scene sets each amp as desired. In this case, most programming is done on the amps as the FX8 just uses generic sequential program change messages.

2) Set each amp to its own MIDI channel. Program the FX8 to send the desired messages to each amp on an as needed basis.

As for the "how to", have you tried FX8 Edit? This makes it easy (IMO) to set MIDI channels and PC messages per scene on the FX8.
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