ODS Ford???

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Dear FAS-Sound-Team

With all respect, the current edition of a Dumble nonHRM done by FractalAudio should be re-named into ODS fart.

i didn't know you could command respect by comparing someone's hard work to a fart.

you may be good at what you do, you may even be right, but you are a complete asshole.

i stood up for you in another thread a while ago when you were an asshole, and your asshole-ness got in the way of the point you were trying to make.

but now i take that back. because you are clearly just an asshole and verbally spits in someone's face, but does it "with all respect." jokingly telling cliff to read a book on amp design? wow man.

you enjoy your own amps? then play them and shut the fuck up. if you want to make a contribution, offer your amp to cliff (not just a tonematch) or talk technical, instead of being a bitch and saying "mine's better than yours."

oh all that above was with all respect yo.

*drops mic*
I’ve got nothing but good things to report here. I bought in at FW 9+, when the "D-simulations" were only "based" on a Bludotone. The new FW 17+ ODS Ford is far and away the finest, most dynamic, fullest and most Ford-like version yet. On my end it’s as close to perfection as it gets. Things have indeed changed with FW 17, and from my perspective this amp in particular has improved greatly.

I'm not up to the Ford perfection, neither in all this tech talk about here and there regarding so called best ODS design. The ODS nonHRM tone has more than just being a Ford-Amp. I like the fact playing an amp with the guitar volume rolled down to 75% of value and can choose between clean and overdrive just by pick attack. I like the fact that the tone builds or blooms up very fast, it becomes more of a flute sound than a guitar tone. That's what I like about d-style tones...

If FW17+ Ford is as close to perfection as it get's, what you would rate this -> http://casanovasolutions.ch/pacosipulamioverdrivemini.mp3 ??
I'm not up to the Ford perfection, neither in all this tech talk about here and there regarding so called best ODS design. The ODS nonHRM tone has more than just being a Ford-Amp. I like the fact playing an amp with the guitar volume rolled down to 75% of value and can choose between clean and overdrive just by pick attack. I like the fact that the tone builds or blooms up very fast, it becomes more of a flute sound than a guitar tone. That's what I like about d-style tones...

If FW17+ Ford is as close to perfection as it get's, what you would rate this -> http://casanovasolutions.ch/pacosipulamioverdrivemini.mp3 ??

I thought I had you blocked...
I think the OP has a lot more he should be focusing on other than tone. His licks and phrasing on the guitar leave A LOT to be desired in my opinion. Actually, I think it's garbage. I've watched/listened to hundreds of sound clips and videos of users on this forum, all styles of music, and this is by far the absolute worse attempt at guitar playing I've ever heard on here. Funny part was all of the fake facial expressions, as if the music being played was that moving and heartfelt in the first place, it wasn't. Sounded like a lot of generic licks with a few SRV wannabe notes thrown in. I've heard farts that have more musicality than that guy. Honestly, I'd be very ashamed to have crap like that online for the public to hear. If the dude wasn't tone deaf, he'd be embarrassed and ashamed to have that generic wankery on public display. Reminds me of the horrible playing you hear in those joke videos of Slash etc, where it's someone else doing the audio of the guitar. Absolute garbage. Funny how you rip on a amp of fractal for not living up to your expectations, but you suck so bad at guitar, you are gonna sound pathetic regardless of if you are playing on a line six pod or a real 15k dumble. You just don't have it dude. Take some guitar lessons and forget about the play acting. You are trying way to hard. Your skills are nowhere where you think they are. Sounds so amateur. Like a 7 year old that just learned a pentatonic scale.
I think the OP has a lot more he should be focusing on other than tone. His licks and phrasing on the guitar leave A LOT to be desired in my opinion. Actually, I think it's garbage.

seems your only goal is to provoke here! Go play somewhere else, and let the big guys talking
I don't get the pissed off tone in OP, even if you were right Paco.

I imagine it like this:

Paco: - Hey FAS I really appreciate your effort with the new updates, however I have noticed some changes in the Dumble Ford. Here they are .... I thinks that's why... Cliff would you mind to take a second look?"

Cliff: - Hey Paco, thanks for the observation! Buy better speakers! JK, I will take a look, thanks!
Really enjoying the ODS Ford. Works well with a nice range of IRs. No problems here.

Different guitars make a huge difference, and that's not a bad thing.
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