North Korea



I'm soooo bored. Com'on FW10.... SOON!!!!
just read that north korea will launch nuclear rockets pointing towards the USA no need to worry :D
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The problem with fighting a war with North Korea is that the prize at the end is... North Korea.
In fact, there are official reports stating that Kim Jun-Un is threading to launch nuclear missiles on USA if Firmware 10 is not available from next wednesday. Oh, and he's claiming to have invented the Axe fx...and the atomic kidding!!!
NC should talk to Japan and get some sound advice from them before they go launching one of their spitballs at us.
Forum rules: no politics. I've been yelled at more than once for political posts, and to me (though I despise North Korea), this qualifies.
NK is a joke. Politics is reserved for real countries and matters. Bugs will be stepped on eventually once they make enough noise or rear their ugly head...
Well, anything that will delay FW10 is fair game and this would destroy all the dreams of making the Axe Fx better because according to many Axe Fx 2 owners that belong to this forum it will sound 20 times better than before!
I guess it's horrible to suffer from FAS( Firmware Acquisition Syndrome) and being fearful that a tornado, stock market crash,earthquake and perhaps diarrhea could prevent them from being able to get this " holy grail " firmware the second it'll be available! Lol!
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